IFTA, IRP, DOJ, UCR, IRS, CDL (Medical), RPO, Titles & ELD
New IFTA, IRP and/or UCR Account
New Account Information For IFTA IRP AND UCR
International Fuel Tax Agreement License
The International Fuel Tax Agreement (IFTA) is a fuel-licensing program, which companies may license vehicles powered by diesel fuel for travel in more than one jurisdiction. The procedures are similar to licensing under the International Registration Plan. For additional information, phone 406-444-2998 or visit MDT’s IFTA Page.
IFTA Forms
IFTA Guidelines
IFTA Website
License Renewal: Renewals will be available in October of each year after the third quarter tax return has been filed and paid. Carriers who have not been revoked or canceled, have filed all tax returns, and paid all motor fuel use taxes, penalties, and interest due will be eligible for renewal.
Display of Renewal Credentials: Carriers renewing credentials may operate with the IFTA decals and license two months prior to the effective date shown on the credentials. However, those carriers are responsible for filing a fourth quarter report for the year preceding the effective date of the new credentials, including all operations for that quarter. The carrier must carry a copy of the prior year’s license in the vehicle until December 31.
Grace Period: Carriers renewing their IFTA license and whose application has been received prior to December 31st have a grace period until the last day of February to receive their new IFTA license and display the new IFTA decals. The previous year’s valid credentials must be displayed, and the license must be available.
Any account not renewed by December 31st will be cancelled on January 15th.
International Registration Plan (IRP) Registration

If you have a commercial trucking business based in Montana and you travel to at least one other state or Canadian province, you may be eligible to license under the International Registration Plan (IRP). The following is what you will need to get started:
New Account Information For IFTA IRP AND UCR
Please see our new PRISM Brochure. Our existing information regarding PRISM can be found by clicking on the PRISM picture to the right.
The Full Reciprocity Plan (FRP) made changes to the Plan to make the Plan more efficient, more equitable and more flexible for its member jurisdictions and registrants by granting full reciprocity for all apportioned vehicles in all member IRP jurisdictions and removing from the Plan any provisions related to estimated distance.
The Average Vehicle Distance chart is updated once a year effective for the first of April.
IRP is a vehicle registration program that allows a carrier to license commercial trucks in one state (base or home state) for travel in the 48 continental US states and eleven Canadian provinces. Each truck is issued one registration (cab card) and license plate. The registration lists each jurisdiction in which you will travel. For additional information, Monday thru Friday 7:30 a.m. - 5:00 p.m., phone the Helena office at 406-444-2998.
IRP Forms
IRP Inc. Website
IRP Information for Motor Carriers
IRP Instruction Manual
IRP & the PRISM Program
MCS has a new email address for customers to submit documents to.
Carriers may process their IRP Renewals on-line, once they have an account. If companies are doing their renewals on-line, the 2290’s, Bill of Sale, Signature Sheet, and the notarized Power of Attorney can be uploaded in ePART via Web Processing by your company. If there are any changes to the carriers account information, please also submit the changes on the Schedule A/C.
If not uploading your documents via ePART, MCS must have the original Signature Sheet, and original notarized Power of Attorney; along with the 2290’s and Bill of Sale. These can be mailed or emailed in.
MT is now sharing IRP / Prorate information to all states.
How does this help you?
Enforcement personnel in other states can tell if you are prorated and current on your registration by running your plate number, VIN number, and/or USDOT number.
If an accident occurs, the company information is passed onto the Enforcement personnel.
What does this mean to you?
MCS will be requesting updated Contact Information on the company.
MCS will be requesting the phone number on the vehicle level for the owner of the vehicle, not who is responsible for the safety of the vehicle.
Montana Title and Registration Process
The MT Department of Justice (DOJ) is recommending that carriers interested in IRP, go through the IRP registration process with MDT before completing title work through DOJ. This will help to eliminate duplicated registrations. The DOJ asks that the carrier shows proof of registration (Temporary Authority and/or a Cab Card from IRP) to process title work.
See the following website for IRS information for Trucking Companies:
Trucking Tax Center 60 Day Rule Taxpayer Handout
UCR: Important Notice for all Interstate Carriers
If you operate a truck or bus in interstate or international commerce, there is a federal law that applies to your business. The Unified Carrier Registration (UCR) program requires individuals and companies that operate commercial motor vehicles in interstate or international commerce to register their business with Montana and pay an annual fee based on the size of their fleet.
A "commercial motor vehicle" is defined as a self-propelled or towed vehicle used on the highways in commerce principally to transport passengers or cargo, if the vehicle:
- has a gross vehicle weight over 10,000 pounds;
- is designed to transport more than 10 passengers (including the driver).
Registering for UCR visit UCR Registration. To avoid delays, it is highly recommended that you register on-line and follow the step-by-step instructions. Payments may be made on-line using a debit card, credit card, or Ach/eCheck.
To obtain the fee bracket for motor carriers, please visit UCR Registration Fees.
Related Information
Services offered by other Montana state or county departments:
Commercial Drivers Licenses
The Montana Department of Justice - Motor Vehicle Division is responsible for driver licensing and driver accident records. For more information, visit the CDL website or call 406-444-3244.
For the New Medical Certification Requirements for Montana Commercial Driver License Holders, visit the Medical Certificate website.
Registration Purposes Only
RPO stands for Registration Purposes Only and is for an out of state carrier who has been in the state longer than 72 hours on a Montana permit or is gainfully employed. Carriers can obtain the RPO through the county that they are currently working in. County Treasurer Motor Vehicle Offices
Out of state residents who are temporarily working in Montana or are using their vehicle for hire, compensation or profit, must display Montana plates and pay taxes for using Montana public roadways. Because they are not Montana residents, they cannot title their vehicles in Montana. To qualify for a registration purposes only permit, the out of state resident must provide a current out of state registration. A temporary registration is acceptable, as long as it's current. MCA 61-3-701
Intrastate Licensing and Registration
If you are only traveling in the state of Montana and wish to register your vehicle, complete and submit an Intrastate License Application.
Title & Registration Bureau
Montana Department of Justice
Motor Vehicle Division
Title and Registration Bureau
PO Box 201431
302 N Roberts
Helena, MT 59620-1431
406-444-3661 |