NEVI PROGRAM - INTERSTATE SYSTEM: Please see Notification #6 for further information.
MDT is formally canceling this solicitation based on guidance from the FHWA outlined in a memo dated February 6, 2025, titled “Suspending Approval of State Electric Vehicle Infrastructure Deployment Plans”.
MDT will be hosting Pre-Bid Networking Conferences in each district. MDT staff, airport consultants, and transit providers will be available to talk about upcoming projects in the district. Prime contractors, subcontractors, and suppliers interested in transportation related work are encouraged to attend and network with one another. Attendance at this conference may entitle you to ten extra contract days on eligible large projects throughout the year in the corresponding district. SIGN IN-SHEETS
District 4: October 17th at 3:00 pm at the Sleep Inn (1006 S Haynes Ave, Miles City)District 1: November 18th at 2:00 pm at the Hampton Inn (1140 2nd St W, Kalispell)District 3: January 24th at 8:00 am at Best Western Premier Helena Great Northern Hotel (835 Great Northern Blvd, Helena)District 2: February 13th at 3:00 pm at the LaQuinta Inn (1 Holiday Park, Butte)- District 5: March 13th at 11:30 am at the Double Tree (27 N 27th Street, Billings)
Watch - Public Bid Opening - Live Stream: ZOOM MEETING INFORMATION
Advertised Projects: If you would like to receive the Invitation for Bids PDF document when projects are advertised, please send an email request to mdtcps@mt.gov. Follow the link for more information: EMAIL DISTRIBUTION
101 - JCT MT-81 - SOUTH (MT-80) - March 13, 2025
No Notices available for this project.
Submitted: Wednesday 12-MAR-2025 09:09 AM
An Amendment has been posted for this project: AMENDMENT
To download the amendment bid files: Bid Express™ Secure Internet Bidding
Submitted: Wednesday 12-MAR-2025 11:00 AM
The Plant Mix Surfacing Mix Design Transfers special provision is hereby added to this contract: MIX DESIGN SPECIAL
Submitted: Tuesday 25-FEB-2025 09:21 AM
Company: Century Companies, Inc.
Contact: Estimating
Would the department consider a Flex Time NTP Date of September 1st, 2025? There is no time for opening/establishing a gravel source, crushing, and producing a mix design to complete the project within the existing constraints.
Submitted: Monday 03-MAR-2025 10:01 AM
The NTP is hereby updated to July 7, 2025. Special Provision #2, Contract Time – Flex Time Procced Date is rescinded and replaced with the linked provision: UPDATED CONTRACT TIME
Submitted: Wednesday 05-MAR-2025 09:58 AM
Company: Alpine Sign Inc.
Contact: John
Please provide Sign Design Calculations for this project.
Submitted: Thursday 06-MAR-2025 02:40 PM
The sign design files for the requested project are posted here: SIGN DESIGN CALCS
Submitted: Wednesday 05-MAR-2025 10:21 AM
Company: Alpine Sign Inc.
Contact: John
On Plan Sheet S4 Station 49.940 RT is paid for as Sheet Aluminum. Shouldn't this be built and paid for as Alum Sheet Increment?
Submitted: Tuesday 11-MAR-2025 02:15 PM
Correct, the G80-49b sign in question is to be bid as 619010062 SIGNS-ALUM SHEET INCR XI. An amendment will be issued, updated bid files will be posted. Please see updated signing plan set: UPDATED SIGNING PLANS
Quantity Changes:
Submitted: Wednesday 05-MAR-2025 12:25 PM
Company: Alpine Sign Inc.
Contact: John
Please review Delineator Type 1 quantities for this project.
Submitted: Tuesday 11-MAR-2025 12:14 PM
Bid Item 619011090, Delineator Type 1 will be revised to a quantity of 433. An amendment will be issued, updated bid files will be posted. Please see updated plans linked in Answer #3.
Submitted: Monday 10-MAR-2025 07:41 AM
Company: Mountain West Holding Co
Contact: Chris Connors
The project has a bid item for 6 each S4x7.7 Frangible Bkwys but only 4 are shown in the plans. Additionally, the plans require 2 each W8x18 Frangible Bkwy units and 1 each 4" Round Tubular Frangible unit but there are no bid items.
Submitted: Tuesday 11-MAR-2025 02:19 PM
Six (6) S4x7.7 breakaways are needed. The two W 8 x 18’s on sheet S4 are being changed to S4 x 7.7 to meet the total quantity of 6 breakaway for that support as shown in the plans. The structural steel quantity is also being revised due to the W8 x 18 changing to S4 x 7.7. The 4” round tubular breakaway was omitted and they will be included. An amendment will be issued, updated bid files will be posted. Please see updated signing plans linked in Answer #3.
Updated totals for the bid items are as follows:
New item: 619010744 Frang Sign Post BKWY – 4 in RD: 1 each (Fergus)
Revised item: 619010320 Posts – Steel Structural Sign: 754 lbs (754 lbs in Fergus 0 lbs in Judith basin)
102 - WILSALL - N & S - March 13, 2025
No Notices available for this project.
No Amendments available for this project.
Submitted: Wednesday 12-MAR-2025 11:00 AM
The Plant Mix Surfacing Mix Design Transfers special provision is hereby added to this contract: MIX DESIGN SPECIAL
Submitted: Tuesday 25-FEB-2025 02:55 PM
Company: Jeffery Contracting, LLC
Contact: George Friez
This project is currently set up with a notice to proceed date of May 5, 2025, and 35 days of contract time. This does not allow adequate time to permit a pit, crush aggregate and get an approved mix design. Will MDT consider moving the notice to proceed date to July 8, 2025?
Submitted: Monday 03-MAR-2025 09:00 AM
Special provision #2, Contract Time – Flex Time Proceed date is hereby replaced with the Special Provision Contract Time – Flex Time Proceed Date. The flex time notice to proceed will be issued with an effective date of July 14th, 2025. Flex time NTP cannot be earlier than June 30th, 2025. CONTRACT TIME-FLEX TIME
UPDATED: Tuesday 11-MAR-2025 08:10 AM
Special provision #2, Contract Time – Flex Time Proceed date is hereby replaced with the Special Provision Contract Time – Flex Time Proceed Date. The flex time notice to proceed will be issued with an effective date of July 14th, 2025. UPDATED CONTRACT TIME-FLEX TIME
Submitted: Tuesday 04-MAR-2025 11:13 AM
Contact: Josh McKenzie
SP. 3 references the traffic control rate schedule, but the traffic is bid as TRAFFIC CONTROL - LUMP SUM. This project runs through the town of Wilsall. There are many traffic control scenarios trough a town with businesses and approaches that can affect traffic control needs and is extremely difficult for the Prime contractor to anticipate.
Will MDT consider changing the project to TRAFFIC CONTROL - UNITS?
Submitted: Wednesday 05-MAR-2025 10:20 AM
The bid item for traffic control on this project will be remain Traffic Control – Lump Sum.
Submitted: Wednesday 05-MAR-2025 10:00 AM
Company: Alpine Sign Inc.
Contact: John
Please provide Sign Design Calculations for this project
Submitted: Thursday 06-MAR-2025 03:15 PM
The sign design files for the requested project are posted here: DESIGN FILES
The requested files are only design files. The Department cannot guarantee the accuracy of the electronic data, particularly as it may be called up by your computer, nor does any data in these files supersede the data in the contract documents. In addition, the Department will not make any revisions to the electronic files prior to award. Changes needed via change ordered work, or changes that are made during construction to fit field conditions, will be provided at that time. See the requirements of Subsection 619.03.2.
Submitted: Wednesday 05-MAR-2025 11:40 AM
Company: Alpine Sign Inc.
Contact: John
Station 185+11 NB on Signing Plan Sheet S9 shows a single 5" post with a 5' wide Increment sign. Should this sign be installed on two 4" posts instead?
Submitted: Thursday 06-MAR-2025 02:45 PM
The wind load is acceptable for a single 5” wood post, provide back bracing for wood supports as shown in detail drawing 619-21 or 619-22, provide a minimum of 2 braces one 6” from the top of the sign and one 6” from the bottom of the sign, 48” wide.
Submitted: Friday 07-MAR-2025 08:37 AM
Company: Alpine Sign Inc
Contact: John
Station 185+11 NB on Signing Plan Sheet S9 is advertised as an Increment sign, which requires Windbeam. Based on the Departments answer to my initial question, will both Windbeam and 2"x4" Backbracing be required?
Submitted: Monday 10-MAR-2025 12:21 PM
Windbeam is not required, furnish 2 x 4 back bracing as indicated in Question #4.
103 - EAST GLACIER - E & W - March 13, 2025
Submitted: Tuesday 04-MAR-2025 01:20 PM
The Blackfeet Tribal Employment Rights Office (TERO) can be contacted at 406-338-7887 from 8:00am to 4:30pm, M-F. The Blackfeet TERO website can be accessed at www.btero.com
No Amendments available for this project.
Submitted: Monday 10-MAR-2025 10:20 AM
Official Record of Attendance for the mandatory pre-bid conference: MANDATORY PRE-BID ATTENDANCE
No Questions available for this project.
104 - MONTANA STREET - DILLON - March 13, 2025
No Notices available for this project.
No Amendments available for this project.
Submitted: Wednesday 12-MAR-2025 11:00 AM
The Plant Mix Surfacing Mix Design Transfers special provision is hereby added to this contract: MIX DESIGN SPECIAL
Submitted: Wednesday 05-MAR-2025 10:01 AM
Company: Alpine Sign Inc.
Contact: John
Please provide Sign Design Calculations for this project
Submitted: Thursday 06-MAR-2025 02:45 PM
The sign design files for the requested project are posted here: SIGN DESIGN CALCS
The requested files are only design files. The Department cannot guarantee the accuracy of the electronic data, particularly as it may be called up by your computer, nor does any data in these files supersede the data in the contract documents. In addition, the Department will not make any revisions to the electronic files prior to award. Changes needed via change ordered work, or changes that are made during construction to fit field conditions, will be provided at that time. See the requirements of Subsection 619.03.2.
Submitted: Wednesday 05-MAR-2025 11:34 AM
Company: Alpine Sign Inc.
Contact: John
With the decision to change Ground Mount Street Name signs from 10" to 12" tall, this has the potential to create a couple issues.
First, as MDT has specified a 10" Street Name for many years, manufacturers may be left with unusable materials. Is that simply the manufacturers cost burden?
Second, just on this project there are seven locations that are RSFO with new taller signs replacing the old. Has there been consideration to the existing post that will be 4" short of achieving correct mounting height?
Submitted: Thursday 06-MAR-2025 03:08 PM
For RSFO signs as indicated on the signing plans with 12” D3’s, reduce mounting height as needed so the upper D3 is mounted flush with the top of the support. Bid the project as designed, using the 12” height requirements. Other projects are still using 10” D3’s but these are being phased out with a 11th Edition MUTCD adoption date of January 1, 2026.
Submitted: Wednesday 05-MAR-2025 03:21 PM
Contact: Josh Mckenzie
Can you clarify that MDT will reimburse the Contractor for the Union Pacific endorsement cost of $2,200.
Submitted: Thursday 06-MAR-2025 03:00 PM
The cost associated with the Union Pacific Contractor’s Endorsement administrative fee described in Special Provision #14 – Railroad Coordination and Flagging is the contractor’s responsibility.
105 - GALEN - SOUTHWEST - March 13, 2025
No Notices available for this project.
Submitted: Wednesday 12-MAR-2025 09:12 AM
An Amendment has been posted for this project: AMENDMENT
To download the amendment bid files: Bid Express™ Secure Internet Bidding
No Clarifications available for this project.
Submitted: Wednesday 05-MAR-2025 10:02 AM
Company: Alpine Sin Inc.
Contact: John
Please provide Sign Design Calculations for this project
Submitted: Wednesday 05-MAR-2025 03:50 PM
The sign design files for the requested project are posted here: SIGN DESIGN CALCS The requested files are only design files. The Department cannot guarantee the accuracy of the electronic data, particularly as it may be called up by your computer, nor does any data in these files supersede the data in the contract documents. In addition, the Department will not make any revisions to the electronic files prior to award. Changes needed via change ordered work, or changes that are made during construction to fit field conditions, will be provided at that time. See the requirements of Subsection 619.03.2.
Submitted: Wednesday 05-MAR-2025 12:20 PM
Company: Alpine Sign Inc.
Contact: John
I have several questions concerning Perm Signing: Stations 7+49.99 and Station 634+29.75 LT both require new R2-3A (NIGHT 65) signs, showing 24x18 and 24x24 respectively. There is not a R2-3A according to the MUTCD. Please advise.
Station 482+43.85 is shown as Replace however no Square Feet for payment.
Stations 580+84.13 (Mile 10) and Station 633+34.10 (Mile 11) are both paid at 1.9 sf each. Is there one sign per location?
Stations 641+15.84, 641+98.16, 646+26.30, and Station 647+16.24 show a R6-1L paid at 6 Square Feet. Should this be advertised as (1) R6-1L and (1) R6-1R?
Submitted: Tuesday 11-MAR-2025 03:03 PM
1. R2-3A signs are changing to R3-2P (MUTCD designation) no sign design calcs are needed these signs are 24 x 24.
2. Station 482+43.85 quantities were omitted they are to be added.
3. Station 580+84.13 and 633+34.10 are to be mounted back to back, additional 1.9 sf will be added per station.
4. Stations 641+15.84, 641+98.16, 646+26.30, and Station 647+16.24 are to have mounted back to back one way signs (an R6-1L and a R6-1R per location). The additional R6-1R/L sign was omitted from the spec sheet, but the quantities are correct.
The quantity for 619010090, SIGNS – ALUM REFL SHEET XI has been increased to 833.6 SQFT. An amendment will be issued, updated bid files will be posted.
The following bid item quantities have also been updated. An amendment will be issued, updated bid files will be posted.
619010230 – Remove Sign – 99 each
619010240 – Remove Sign – Guide – 7 each
619010480 – Poles Treated Wood 4 IN – 380 LNFT
619010490 – Poles Treated Wood 5 IN – 664 LNFT
Please see updated signing plan set: UPDATED PLAN SET
Submitted: Thursday 06-MAR-2025 03:27 PM
Company: Jeffery Contracting, LLC
Contact: George Friez
This project is currently set up to perform a Scrub Seal along with crack sealing the entire length of the project. It is my understanding that the purpose of the scrub seal is to fill the existing cracks with oil during the chip seal operation. Is it MDT's intent to perform both a crack seal and scrub seal on this project?
Submitted: Friday 07-MAR-2025 09:22 AM
Apply Mastic crack sealer to all cracks for leveling to improve the ride along the road. Scrub seal to seal the road surface.
106 - SF 189 PROSPECT AVE LIGHTING - March 13, 2025
No Notices available for this project.
No Amendments available for this project.
No Clarifications available for this project.
Submitted: Friday 14-FEB-2025 11:12 AM
Company: SolarMax LED
Contact: Jackson Yu
Is there a certain model/brand of LED luminaires for this project?
Submitted: Tuesday 18-FEB-2025 08:00 AM
Meet the requirements in Special Provision #16 and section 617 Traffic Signals and Lighting of the Standard Specifications.
Submitted: Friday 21-FEB-2025 11:15 AM
Company: SolarMax LED
Contact: Jackson Yu
Will there be an opportunity to submit lighting fixtures for review and pre-approval? Or will proposed fixtures be evaluated and approved after bid opening?
Submitted: Monday 24-FEB-2025 08:00 AM
There will not be an opportunity to submit lighting fixtures for review and pre-approval. Provide fixtures that meet requirements in the contract.
Submitted: Monday 10-MAR-2025 09:55 AM
Company: Montana Lines, Inc.
Contact: Estimating
Would the department consider a Flex Time Proceed Date of August 11th, 2025, to allow for material delivery and continuous progression of work?
Submitted: Monday 10-MAR-2025 01:24 PM
The Notice to Proceed is hereby changed to a Flexible Notice to Proceed date of August 11th , 2025: CONTRACT TIME
101 - ROSE XING TO GLACIER AIRPORT - April 03, 2025
No Notices available for this project.
No Amendments available for this project.
No Clarifications available for this project.
No Questions available for this project.
No Notices available for this project.
No Amendments available for this project.
No Clarifications available for this project.
No Questions available for this project.
103 - BAD ROUTE REST AREA - April 03, 2025
No Notices available for this project.
No Amendments available for this project.
Submitted: Monday 10-MAR-2025 07:13 AM
This project is being re-advertised. Changes may have been made to the prior bid package. If you submitted a question when this project was previously advertised and believe your question is still applicable, please ask the question on the Q&A forum again. By doing so, your question and MDT’s corresponding answer will become part of the contract.
Submitted: Friday 07-MAR-2025 09:08 PM
Company: MG Construction
Contact: Mike Goodale
The bid package plans are raster images can you provide a vector pdf?
No Notices available for this project.
No Amendments available for this project.
No Clarifications available for this project.
No Questions available for this project.
105 - HUSON EAST - PONDING MITIGATION - April 03, 2025
No Notices available for this project.
No Amendments available for this project.
No Clarifications available for this project.
No Questions available for this project.
106 - 10TH STREET NORTH DRAINAGE - GF - April 03, 2025
No Notices available for this project.
No Amendments available for this project.
No Clarifications available for this project.
No Questions available for this project.
Submitted: Wednesday 08-JAN-2025 10:30 AM
The Montana Department of Transportation (MDT) is soliciting design, construction, operations, and maintenance services for the Design-Build-Operate-Maintain project identified below. The advertisement for Requests for Qualifications has been opened and Contractor and consultant teams (Firms) are encouraged to submit a Statement of Qualifications (SOQ) response electronically by 11:00 a.m., local time on February 5, 2025.
Project Name: NEVI Program- Interstate System
Project No.: STWD 983
Control No.: 10436000
The Montana Department of Transportation (MDT) and the Montana Department of Environmental Quality (DEQ) developed Montana’s Electric Vehicle Infrastructure Deployment Plan which describes Montana’s approach to meet the goals of the NEVI Formula Program and identifies Montana’s Alternative Fuel Corridors. The Project consists of performing all services necessary to design, construct, operate, and maintain 7 EV charging stations in communities along Montana AFC’s on I-15, I-90, and I-94. The EV charging station locations within the communities are to be determined by Proposers.
The work generally includes the following:
- Design and construct a minimum of four network-connected direct current (DC) 150 kilowatt (kW) charging ports, at each of the 7 EV charging stations, capable of simultaneously and continuously charging four EVs, located within a one-mile driving distance of an AFC and available for use by the public 24 hours per day, seven days per week, year-round.
- Operate and maintain the EV charging infrastructure for a minimum of five years following EVSE Acceptance pursuant to the Contract in accordance with the O&M period requirements.
- Provide secure payment methods.
- Collect, process, retain, and share near real-time and static data.
- Provide a minimum of 20 percent of the Eligible Project Cost.
All inquiries, questions, and communications should follow the process outlined by MDT in the Request for Qualifications. DEQ will not respond to any replies regarding this project.
The project RFQ and attachments can be found at the following link: RFQ
Submitted: Thursday 09-JAN-2025 09:45 AM
MDT is hosting an SOQ Webinar at 11:00 am Mountain Time on January 15, 2025, to highlight important components of the RFQ. This informational webinar is open to the public with microphone and video disabled. All questions should be asked through the Q&A Forum in accordance with the RFQ and no questions will be answered during the webinar.
Zoom meeting information is provided here: MDT SOQ WEBINAR INFO
Submitted: Friday 10-JAN-2025 01:45 PM
New Federal Wage Rates, General Decision Number MT20250079, are now in effect and hereby replaces General decision number MT20240079 found in the advertised proposal. There are no rate changes. WAGE RATES
Submitted: Thursday 16-JAN-2025 09:20 AM
The NEVI Program - Interstate System project locations can be found at the interactive map here: Round One NEVI Compliant Charger Locations in Montana
MDT’s NEVI SOQ Webinar recording and PowerPoint slides can be found here: NEVI SOQ WEBINAR
Submitted: Friday 07-FEB-2025 11:20 AM
The NEVI program is suspended per direction from FHWA. No further action will be taken on the NEVI project/procurement until direction is provided from FHWA.
Submitted: Friday 14-FEB-2025 01:00 PM
MDT is formally canceling this solicitation based on guidance from the FHWA outlined in a memo dated February 6, 2025, titled “Suspending Approval of State Electric Vehicle Infrastructure Deployment Plans”. The memo informs; “the current NEVI Formula Program Guidance dated June 11, 2024, and all prior versions of this guidance are rescinded; FHWA aims to have updated draft NEVI Formula Guidance published for public comment in the spring; no new obligations may occur under the NEVI Formula Program until the updated final NEVI Formula Guidance is issued and new State plans are submitted and approved”.
MDT will not review or score submitted SOQs, and debriefs with proposers will not be permitted. MDT appreciates your participation with submitting SOQs.
No Amendments available for this project.
No Clarifications available for this project.
Submitted: Thursday 16-JAN-2025 08:13 AM
Company: Love's Travel Stops & Country Stores, Inc
Contact: Brittany Jenkins
Does the applicant/proposer have to be a licensed contractor in the Montana in order to apply for MT NEVI Round 1, if they will be the contracted entity?
Submitted: Tuesday 21-JAN-2025 03:30 PM
The proposer may be any entity as long as they satisfy the RFQ, RFP, and NEVI Contract requirements through a member of the team. The EVSE installation contractor and any other team member that will perform construction or installation will be required to be a licensed contractor.
Submitted: Thursday 16-JAN-2025 08:15 AM
Company: Love's Travel Stops & Country Stores, Inc
Contact: Brittany Jenkins
Can team members listed in the application round be changed in the post award phase, should things change over the next few months?
Submitted: Tuesday 21-JAN-2025 03:34 PM
As described in Section 4.2.3 of the draft RFP, changes to Proposers information in the SOQ, including changes to Form A (Proposer Team Organization) shall not be made without written approval of MDT. If changes are approved, MDT reserves the right to adjust the SOQ score that is carried forward and included as part of the Technical Proposal Score.
Note that proposed staff and Subcontractors will be incorporated into the Contract through Exhibit 1 of the draft Contract and changes to staff and Subcontractors identified in Exhibit 1 are subject to MDT Approval as described in Section 6.1.3 and Section 6.2.5 of the draft Contract.
Submitted: Thursday 16-JAN-2025 08:14 AM
Company: Love's Travel Stops & Country Stores, Inc
Contact: Brittany Jenkins
Per page 6 section 3.2.5, proposers shall provide a surety bond in the amount of 10% of the total project cost in the SOQ phase. Will applicants have to submit another bond during the official RFP round?
Submitted: Wednesday 22-JAN-2025 04:00 PM
No bonds are required with the SOQ. However, pursuant to Section, evidence of bonding capacity is required. Because the Eligible Project Costs will not be determined until submittal of the Price Proposal, the evidence of capacity to provide Contract Bonds must demonstrate that Proposer will be able to obtain seven, $1M Contract Bonds for a total of $7M in bonding capacity. If the Proposer is not a contractor, Proposer may provide evidence of bonding capacity of its contractor.
The draft Contract will be revised to require the Contract Bonds to be provided as a condition precedent to Contract execution and not as a condition precedent to start of construction as currently drafted. The RFQ is amended to delete the body of Section and replace it with “Reserved”. No evidence of the ability to obtain a Proposal guarantee (also referred to as Proposal bond or bid bond) is required. The draft RFP will be revised to require that a Proposal guarantee in the amount of 10% of the Total Proposed Eligible Costs be provided as part of the Price Proposal.
Submitted: Thursday 16-JAN-2025 08:13 AM
Company: Love's Travel Stops & Country Stores, Inc
Contact: Brittany Jenkins
Must applicants register with the Montana Department of Labor prior to the submission of the SOQ or the official RFP?
Submitted: Tuesday 21-JAN-2025 03:40 PM
All entities identified in Form A of the SOQ (Proposer Team Organization) must be registered with the Montana Department of Labor and Industries prior the date shown in Section 2.1 of the RFQ for “Identification of the Successful Proposer”. Section 6.1.3 of the draft Contract will be revised to require that all that all Subcontractor be registered with the Montana Department of Labor and Industries prior to notifying MDT of any change in Subcontractors.
Submitted: Wednesday 22-JAN-2025 08:19 AM
Company: Love's Travel Stops & Country Stores, Inc
Contact: Brittany Jenkins
Can the DOT please confirm that no bid bond is required for submission, only the bondability letter?
Submitted: Thursday 23-JAN-2025 12:20 PM
This question has been rescinded by the enquirer.
Submitted: Thursday 23-JAN-2025 12:20 PM
Company: Love's Travel Stops & Country Stores, Inc
Contact: Devon O'Connor
What file naming convention should applicants use for the required SOQ single PDF file?
Submitted: Monday 27-JAN-2025 03:20 PM
Proposers shall submit the SOQ as two separate files which shall be named as follows:
• 10436_[NEVI_Contractor_Name]_SOQ_Admin_[Date]
• 10436_[NEVI_Contractor_Name]_SOQ_General_[Date]