Design Calculation

These Design Calculation tools are provided "as-is" without warranty of any kind. The Montana Department of Transportation makes no representations or warranties whatsoever with respect to the accuracy or completeness of these tools and assumes no responsibility for the suitability of these tools for a particular purpose; and MDT will not be liable for any damages incurred as a result of errors in these tools.

ADA Checking XLTM
Annual Growth Rate XLTM
Approach Grading XLTM
Approach Grading End Areas XLTM | DGN
Approach Surfacing XLTM | DGN
Average End Length & Area XLTM
Calculations XLTM
Design Speed – Existing Horizontal Curves XLTM
Design Speed – Proposed XLTM
Grading XLTM
Guardrail XLTM
Horizontal Curves XLTM
Intersection Sight Distance XLTM
Linear Interpolation XLTM
Project Milestone Cost Template XLTM
Surfacing XLTM
Vertical Curves XLTM