Browns Gulch Road logo

Project Overview

The Montana Department of Transportation (MDT) and Intermountain Construction Services are reconstructing a portion of Browns Gulch Road north of Rocker in Silver Bow County. The project includes the replacement of two bridges over Bull Run Creek and Browns Gulch Creek. Construction began in March 2024 and is anticipated to be substantially completed in late fall. Crews expect to return in 2025 to apply a seal and cover (chip seal) and final pavement markings.

Project Location Map

Browns Gulch Road project location map

Click on the map for a larger view.

The purpose of the project is to replace the narrow bridges over Bull Run Creek and Browns Gulch Creek with wider reinforced box culverts and realign Browns Gulch Road to provide flatter side slopes and improved site distances. This project will enhance roadway safety features and provide a smoother driving surface.

Project Area Photo

Browns Gulch Road

Browns Gulch Road. Click on the image for a larger view.

Improvements include:

  • Replacing the bridges over Bull Run Creek and Browns Gulch Creek.
  • Realigning Browns Gulch Road.
  • Flattening steep side slopes.
  • Improving site distances.
  • Adding new guardrail, asphalt pavement, fencing, pavement markings, and seal and cover (chip seal).
  • Updating signage.
  • Installing a historical marker for the Browns Gulch School.

Stay Informed During Construction

MDT will notify the public about traffic impacts and work activities through the project website, local media, mailings, social media, and email and text notifications during construction. See information in the sidebar to the right to sign up for notifications.

Current construction information and road conditions can be found on MDT Travel Info.

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UPN 7896000