Study Focus
The Montana Department of Transportation (MDT) conducted the Culbertson Corridor Planning Study at the request of the Town of Culbertson. Due to considerable growth in the oil and gas industry in northeastern Montana, the Culbertson area has experienced an overwhelming increase in truck traffic and congestion through town. The Culbertson Corridor Planning Study determined cost-effective ways to address transportation needs and safety concerns primarily on US Highway 2 (US-2) and Montana Highway 16 (MT-16).
The study area encompassed a 4x4 square mile area around the Town of Culbertson. More specifically, the boundary includes a 4-mile segment of US-2 (between Reference Post (RP) 642.8 and RP 646.8) and a 4-mile segment of MT-16 (between RP 86.6 and RP 88.6 and between RP 0 and RP 3). US-2 and MT-16 are both functionally classified as NHS Non-Interstate Principal Arterials.
Final Corridor Study Report
Final Report
Appendix A: Community Comment Matrix
Appendix B: Consultation, Coordination, and Community Involvement
Appendix C: Environmental Scan
Appendix D: Corridor Study Documentation
The purpose of this corridor planning study was to address safety and congestion issues through Culbertson by analyzing existing data to determine current and future deficiencies and needs within the corridor study area. Potential environmental issues were considered along with mitigation opportunities. This corridor study includes a list of short and long term solutions that will assist state and local officials with necessary information to address traffic, safety and congestion issues within the Culbertson area, if a project moves forward. The Study was completed in October 2012.