Project Overview
Construction on the I-90: East Laurel - West Billings project is complete.
The purpose of this Montana Department of Transportation (MDT) project was to improve Interstate 90 (I-90) from the Mossmain Interchange (Exit 437) to the West Billings Interchange (Exit 446), near Cracker Barrel. MDT and its partner Knife River began construction on this project in 2023.
Project improvements included:
- Resurfaced roadway, bridge decks, and on/off ramps.
- Reconstructing and widening of the I-90 bridges over South 56th Street West.
- Safety enhancements such as new rumble strips, guardrail, concrete median barrier, signage, and pavement markings.
- Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) compliance upgrades.
Thank you for your patience as we made necessary improvements to this busy I-90 corridor!
South 56th Street bridge reconstruction before (top left) and after (top right) construction. Resurfacing work on I-90 before (bottom left) and after (bottom right) completion.
Project Map
UPN 9198000