The Town of Fairview and the Montana Department of Transportation (MDT) Glendive District conducted a corridor planning study in the Fairview area. At the time the study was initiated, an increase in truck traffic in Fairview had been generated by development of the Bakken Oil field in both Montana and North Dakota. MDT collaborated with the North Dakota Department of Transportation (NDDOT), as well as Fairview, East Fairview, Richland County, and McKenzie County officials, to complete the study. Collaboration included communication and participation throughout the planning process as well as sharing state-specific transportation data for use in the study.
The study area included the town of Fairview and its vicinity, and extended into North Dakota for a distance sufficient to assess potential alternative route locations.
The study process documented existing and projected conditions; considered options to address identified needs including new routes and improvements to existing routes; analyzed potential impacts and mitigation opportunities; gathered public, resource agency and stakeholder input; and provided recommendations improvements within the study area.