Timber Bridges – Forsyth Area logo

Project Overview

The Timber Bridges-Forsyth Area project will replace 14 aging bridges in southeastern Montana with new bridges or culverts, impacting US Highway 12 (US 12) between Ingomar and Forsyth.

The Montana Department of Transportation (MDT) proactively invests in and improves Montana’s aging infrastructure. This investment maintains Montana’s vital connections and protects the traveling public.

Project Map

Timber Bridges – Forsyth Area map click to enlarge

Why is this project important?

(updated on September 12, 2024)
The Timber Bridges-Forsyth Area project aims to keep Montana’s bridges safe, resilient, economical, and reliable. The MDT Bridge Bureau is responsible for about 4,500 bridges in the state and inspects, evaluates, replaces, rehabilitates, and preserves structures under its jurisdiction.

The aging timber structures are deteriorating and have limited serviceable life remaining. MDT has determined that replacing this bridge bundle through a design-build contract is the most cost-effective approach.

What does this mean to me?

The design phase is the public’s opportunity to provide MDT with information and feedback regarding the local use of these bridges and nearby roadways. There will be further opportunities to provide input as MDT develops plans for each bridge.

Process and Anticipated Schedule

Phase 1 Preliminary Design: November 2021-May 2024

  • MDT and the Phase 1 consultant, TD&H Engineering, will gather preliminary information at each bridge site.
  • Develop reasonable solutions for replacing the existing bridges.
  • Provide MDT with a summary of all information gathered.
  • MDT will solicit design-build requests for proposals in spring 2024.

Phase 2 Final Design and Construction: Spring 2024-Fall 2026

  • Final construction plans will be developed by spring 2025.
  • Construction is scheduled for spring 2025-fall 2026.

Project Cost

Preliminary cost estimates are being developed as part of the Phase 1 Preliminary Design.

Bridge List

MDT Structure ID Feature Intersected Location Route Mile Marker County
05495 DRY WASH 3 Mi W Ingomar US 12 227.310 Rosebud
05496 DRAINAGE Ingomar US 12 229.340 Rosebud
05497 DRAINAGE 35 Mi NW Forsyth US 12 235.872 Rosebud
05498 DRAINAGE 32 Mi NW Forsyth US 12 238.172 Rosebud
05499 DRAINAGE 32 Mi NW Forsyth US 12 238.979 Rosebud
05500 DRAINAGE 31 Mi NW Forsyth US 12 239.812 Rosebud
05502 DRAINAGE 25 Mi NW Forsyth US 12 245.311 Rosebud
05504 HORSE CREEK 20 Mi NW Forsyth US 12 250.562 Rosebud
05505 ANDERSON CREEK 19 Mi NW Forsyth US 12 252.09 Rosebud
05506 DRAINAGE 18 Mi NW Forsyth US 12 253.022 Rosebud
05507 STOCKPASS-DRAINAGE 16 Mi NW Forsyth US 12 254.501 Rosebud
05508 STOCKPASS 14 Mi NW Forsyth US 12 256.999 Rosebud
05511 DRAINAGE 12 Mi NW Forsyth US 12 258.366 Rosebud
05512 STOCKPASS 12 Mi NW Forsyth US 12 258.552 Rosebud

Engineer to English

Phase 1 Preliminary Engineering – Phase 1 services are needed to understand and analyze the project and formulate a design for all sites. The information provided through Phase 1 analysis will be utilized in the design-build process. Phase 1 will provide investigation, analysis, and design services, including surveys; hydraulic analysis; geotechnical exploration; environmental investigation; concept roadway and bridge design; public involvement; cost estimation and risk analysis; traffic management and construction phasing recommendations; right-of-way design and potentially right-of-way acquisition.

Design-Build – A project delivery system that combines a project’s design and construction services into a single contract. Teamwork between the design engineer and contractor helps project teams to develop better solutions, reduce project costs, maintain quality, and expedite project delivery. All work is completed per state and federal design standards, specifications, and contract administration practices. Design-build is helpful for completing unique and challenging projects like this one.

Vision Zero

MDT has undertaken an ambitious goal through Vision Zero to eliminate deaths and serious injuries on Montana’s highways. MDT is working toward Vision Zero to ensure Montana’s thousands of miles of state roads and highways are built and maintained with safety as the first concern. MDT is committed to providing transportation systems and safe and affordable services, protecting the environment, and supporting economic growth in Montana.

Stay Involved

Public involvement is vital to MDT and the success of the project. As the project progresses, the community will be notified about public involvement opportunities via this website, local media, postcards, social media channels, and other means

MDT encourages questions and comments about the project. You can submit them through the MDT Comment Form or directly to our team at ella@benchmarkpublicaffairs.com.

UPN: 9886