The Headwaters Rest Area opened for public use on Friday, April 5. Travel safely!
Project Overview
The Montana Department of Transportation (MDT), in partnership with the Montana Rest Area JV Partners (a C.A. Rickert and Associates Inc./Diamond Construction Joint Venture) team, constructed a new rest area near Three Forks. This new rest area includes many modern design and safety improvements including open sight lines for patrolling, license plate-reading and security cameras, and LED lighting throughout the interior and exterior areas. The new rest area has replaced the dated and undersized rest area located at the 19th Avenue interchange in Bozeman.
The new facility includes a Law Enforcement Office that is available for use by the Broadwater County Sheriff, Montana Highway Patrol, and MDT Motor Carrier Services.
Headwaters Rest Area
The new facility is located north of I 90 on the west side of US 287, just north of existing commercial development.

Headwaters Rest Area Vicinity Map
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Headwaters Rest Area Overview
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UPN 9851000