Project Overview
The Montana Department of Transportation (MDT) will widen and reconstruct Interstate 90 (I 90) in Billings between the North 27th Street and Lockwood interchanges from two lanes to three. The project also includes reconstruction of the bridges over the Yellowstone River and the Talen Energy railroad spur line. Improvements are designed to enhance roadway safety, traffic operations, and future capacity needs. Other project features include two irrigation crossings, lighting, signage, and on/off ramp upgrades.
Project Construction
Construction began in the fall of 2021. In 2022, the westbound bridge over the Yellowstone River, Talen Energy railroad structure, and reconstruction of the roadway from two lanes to three were completed. In 2023, the eastbound bridge over the Yellowstone River, Talen Energy railroad structure, and roadway will be reconstructed from two lanes to three. Winter shutdown periods are included in the three-year schedule. The project is scheduled to be complete in 2024.
I-90 Yellowstone River Bridge
Montana's roads and bridges are mainly funded through a combination of federal (88.5%) and state/local (11.5%) funding sources. MDT receives no funding from Montana's general fund revenue. Federal road and bridge revenues are generated from the users of our highways, through gasoline and diesel fuel taxes and apportioned to states through federal highway legislation.
Project Location Map

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The Department welcomes your comments on the I90 Yellowstone River Project Billings.
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Interactive Map
The interactive map depicts the project extents and provides project website links for the four separate I 90 projects, including I 90: East Laurel-West Billings; I 90 Yellowstone River, Billings; Lockwood Interchange; and Johnson Lane Interchange projects. Click on an item in the list and it will zoom to project extents. The Project Website button will redirect to each project's main website. The pop-up map will appear when you click directly on project extents
UPN 7972000