Study Focus
In March 2008, MDT and FHWA initiated the Integrated Transportation and Ecological Enhancements for Montana (ITEEM) Process Pilot Study on Highway 83 and the Seeley-Swan region. The intent of the pilot study was to test and evaluate the ITEEM process, which encourages agencies to collaboratively and strategically plan infrastructure projects and related restoration/conservation opportunities with goals of conserving and connecting important habitats, while increasing predictability and transparency of transportation and regulatory agency processes.
A public open house was held at the Seeley Lake Community Center on May 20th, 2008 to introduce the pilot study and gather relevant input and data from the local citizenship. The pilot study interagency workshop was conducted in Seeley Lake October 28-30, 2008.
The ITEEM Highway 83 Pilot Study Final Outcomes Report, documents the outcomes of the workshop, as well as preparatory meetings, coordination, and data/comment solicitation. The Outcomes Report also documents planning considerations for future highway projects on Highway 83 and restoration/conservation opportunities prioritized for the Seeley-Swan region through the ITEEM process. The ITEEM Highway 83 Process Summary Report documents the 2008-2010 Pilot Study process, its successes and challenges, and recommendations for process improvement in the next ITEEM cycle.