The final Montana Pedestrian and Bicycle Plan is now available.
Project Overview
MDT developed the state's first Pedestrian and Bicycle Plan. By engaging Montanans across the state, MDT has gained a better understanding of walking and biking as it is used to meet diverse transportation uses and needs. MDT's mission is to provide a transportation system and services that emphasize quality, safety, cost effectiveness, economic vitality and sensitivity to the environment.
This Plan primarily aims to establish a consistent approach for considering pedestrian and bicycle modes. The Plan is not intended to identify specific projects, rather it will establish a common vision and goals to meet the needs of bicyclist and pedestrians, improve safety, and establish a more walk- and bike-friendly Montana.
The Plan can be used by all entities as we work to fulfill this mission for pedestrians, bicyclists, and all who use the transportation system.
The planning process began in March 2018 and development of the Draft Pedestrian and Bicycle Plan was informed by public feedback through open house meetings around the state, an on-line survey, and public review of draft technical memorandums. The Plan was finalized in May 2019.
Fun Facts
Montana is ranked 5th in the nation for per capita spending on biking and walking, spending $7.17 per person!*
Montana is ranked 5th in the nation for percentage of commuters who bike or walk to work. 4.9% of Montanans walk for their commute, while 1.5% commute by bicycle.**
Montana’s public roads consist of 75,008 miles. 17.5% are the state highway system which carries 76% of the annual vehicle miles traveled!***
*Source: FHWA spending is based upon projects coded using any of three project types associated with bicycling and walking projects through the Federal Highway Administration (FHWA)’s Fiscal Management Information System. To calculate per capita spending, a five-year average for fiscal years 2011-2016 and the 2015 5-year ACS state population estimate.
**Source: Alliance for Biking and Walking 2016 Benchmarking report.
***Source: 2016 MDT Factbook.