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Overview Video

The project overview video is now available, visit the Overview Video web page.

Project Overview

The Montana Department of Transportation (MDT), LHC Inc., and Knife River are improving roughly 19 miles of Montana Highway 83 (MT 83) near Swan Lake. This project has a north segment and a south segment, and will include new pavement overlay, seal and cover, lane striping, signage, guardrails, bridge work at Lion Creek, and quieter rumble strips. Some intermittent problems areas north of Swan Lake will receive a deeper repair to prolong and preserve the durability of existing pavement and provide a smoother ride for drivers.

North segment

Location: MT 83 from just north of Bond Creek, extending 5.3 miles south to a point just north of Soup Creek Road.

Scope of work: New top layer of pavement, pavement sealant, guardrail upgrades, bridge repair, rumble strips, signing, and pavement markings.

Timing: Work is anticipated to begin mid-July 2023.

Contractor: LHC Inc.

South segment

Location: MT 83 from north of the north end of Lion Creek bridge, extending to project end at the Lake and Missoula County line.

Scope of work: Full depth repair on problem areas, with asphalt overlay. Full stretch will receive pavement sealant. New striping, signing, delineation, centerline rumble strips and guardrail upgrades.

Timing: Work has been completed as of August 9, 2024.

Contractor: Knife River

Project Map

Map of projects near Swan Lake LHC logo   Knife River logo

UPN 9869000