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Study Focus

Secondary 236 (S236) is a major collector on the Montana Secondary Highway System and serves as the north-south corridor between Hilger and Big Sandy. View study map

Fergus County and Chouteau County in partnership with MDT conducted a corridor study for the roadway section from the intersection of S236 and 1st Avenue in Winifred (approximate Reference Post 24) to the junction with US 87 in Big Sandy (approximate Reference Post 90). The corridor consists of both gravel and paved surfacing. The width of the roadway varies from 21 to 38 feet. The corridor passes through the Upper Missouri River Breaks National Monument. The study was completed in Summer 2011.

Final Study

Appendix A: Consultation and Coordination
Appendix B: Existing and Future Conditions
Appendix C: Environmental Scan
Appendix D: Improvement Options
Appendix E: Memorandum of Understanding

The purpose of the study was to develop a comprehensive long-range plan for managing the corridor and determine what, if anything, could be done to improve the corridor based on needs, public and agency input, and financial feasibility. The study was a collaborative process with Fergus County, Chouteau County, other agencies, the MDT Great Falls and Billings Districts, and the public identifying transportation issues and potential solutions given funding constraints.

The study provided a basic description of the environmental setting. This consisted of preliminary identification of potential improvements (including funding options and phasing), management strategies, and environmental impacts and mitigation. The consultant followed the Montana Business Process to Link Planning Studies and NEPA/MEPA Reviews, which requires extensive public outreach and coordination with other partnering agencies. Issues included but were not limited to:

  • public sentiment
  • safety
  • transportation needs/issues
  • wildlife
  • threatened or endangered species
  • water quality
  • wild and scenic section of the Missouri River
  • cultural and archaeological resources