I 90 interstate sign and a blowover warning sign

Gusty Crosswind Area

I-90 between EXIT 330 (east of Bozeman) and EXIT 337 (west of Billings)

map of area on I 90 affected by Livingston wind closures

Montana Department of Transportation (MDT) staff monitor wind speeds using road weather information sensors. Sensors monitor wind direction, constant speed, and gust speed. MDT staff will implement various traffic control measures based on wind speeds. Traffic control measures include but are not limited to recommending certain vehicles detour to avoid the gusty wind area and/or closing Interstate 90 in one or both directions.

To view current travel impacts, visit our 511 Travel Info map or download our mobile app, MDT 511

Travel Impacts

Level 1 - Gusty crosswinds present. Monitoring in progress.

Level 2 - Detour recommended for towing units on I-90 EAST at Exit 330 and WEST at Exit 337. I-90 WEST freeway entrance ramp CLOSED on US-89 in Livingston (333 interchange).

Level 3 - I-90 WEST CLOSED at Exit 337. All WB traffic uses detour. I-90 WEST freeway entrance ramp CLOSED on US-89 in Livingston (333 interchange). Detour recommended for towing units on I-90 EAST at Exit 330.

Level 4 - I-90 EAST CLOSED at Exit 330 and I-90 WEST CLOSED at Exit 337. All interstate traffic uses detour. I-90 EAST and WEST freeway entrance ramps CLOSED on US-89 in Livingston (333 interchange).

Detour Route

MDT has installed orange detour signs through Livingston along I-90 BUSINESS LOOP to direct travelers back to Interstate 90. The detour route is approximately 6 miles. Travelers should expect heavy traffic and delays when Interstate traffic is using the detour.