Pictures taken along the Beartooth All-American Road

Interested in recommending a roadway?

Basic criteria:

-Scenic Byway applications must be submitted by a local government or tribal government.

-The proposed Scenic Historic Byway must possess unusual, exceptional, and/or distinctive scenic, natural, historical, cultural, archeological or recreational features.

-The proposed Scenic Historic Byway must abut publicly-owned lands or tribal government-owned lands within the boundaries of an Indian reservation.

-The proposed Scenic Historic Byway must be suitable for the prescribed type(s) of vehicular use and accommodate expected traffic volumes.

-The proposed Scenic Historic Byway must be an existing route and have legal public access.

-The proposed Scenic Historic Byway must have strong local support and proponents must demonstrate coordination with relevant agencies.

-The proposed Scenic Historic Byway must be accompanied by a conceptual plan, as specified in the application.

Applications are submitted to the Montana Department of Transportation. The Advisory Council reviews applications and makes recommendations to the Commission for nominating roads to the state’s scenic historic byways program.

Important Things to Know:

  1. A corridor management plan (CMP) of the proposed roadway is required for designation.
  2. A Management Group, assigned to managing the byway/backway and ensuring the CMP is updated and implemented, is required for the life of the byway.
  3. There is no state funding for Byways/backways.