Training for Law Enforcement
The Montana Department of Transportation has contracted with the Montana Highway Patrol to implement a standardized training regimen for all of Montana’s law enforcement agencies. The Traffic Safety Resource Officer (TSRO) Program is managed by Sergeant Doug Samuelson. Sergeant Samuelson coordinates and delivers the Standard Field Sobriety Testing (SFST), Advanced Roadside Impaired Driving Enforcement (ARIDE), and Drug Recognition Expert (DRE) training programs statewide.
Since its inception in 2009, the program has been developed and modified to address the training needs of Montana’s law enforcement agencies. Montana’s TSRO program has not only standardized the training curriculum for addressing the detection and testing of impaired drivers, but provides refresher training for all law enforcement agencies, and has been responsible for training and maintaining multiple adjunct instructors across the state. Sergeant Samuelson monitors the distribution and number of DRE’s across the state to ensure experts are available in a timely manner and as needed. Montana’s TSRO’s participate as active members of Montana’s Comprehensive Highway Safety Plan workgroups to ensure expert advice is available in identifying and assessing current trends in impaired driving. He also works closely with prosecutors and judges statewide to educate them on the reliability and nuances of this education.

MHP Sergeant Lucas Herl
406-422-8660 |