Rail Grants and Funding

picture of railroad tracks leading to the sunset

Montana Essential Freight Rail Loan Program

The Montana Essential Freight Rail Loan (MEFRL) Program is a revolving loan fund administered by the Montana Department of Transportation (MDT) to encourage construction, reconstruction, or rehabilitation projects on branch line railroads and related facilities in the state. The primary focus of state involvement in rail planning is to ensure that Montana is served by an efficient freight rail network integrated into a multimodal transportation system. Many of Montana’s largest industries, including agriculture, energy, and wood products, rely heavily on rail transportation. This program is implemented pursuant to Montana Code Annotated (MCA) 60‐11‐113 through 120 (known as the Montana Essential Freight Rail Act).

Solicitation for applications is now closed, however if you are interested in applying, please contact MDT.

For more information, download the MEFRL Program Guidelines or FAQ.

Related Documents:
MEFRL Program Guidelines
Preliminary Application
MEPA Categorical Exclusion Form

Program Contact:
Montana Department of Transportation
Rail, Transit & Planning
Heather Kuklo
2701 Prospect Ave
PO Box 201001
Helena, MT 59620