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March 7, 2025

The Montana Department of Transportation (MDT) and Battle Ridge Builders will continue working on the concrete foundation on the north side of the river over the next few weeks. This work includes constructing a retaining wall.

Preparations are also underway for the arrival of the steel truss, which is anticipated to arrive the week of March 17.

All work and the delivery of the steel truss are subject to change due to weather and other unforeseen circumstances.

Crews will be onsite Monday through Friday from 7 a.m. to 5 p.m.

February 21, 2025

The Montana Department of Transportation (MDT) and Battle Ridge Builders will continue with bridge foundation construction. This includes excavating near the current structure to provide a solid base for the new structure. Crews will be continuing to place concrete as they finalize the foundations. Full construction will begin and move quickly once these critical steps are wrapped up. There are no anticipated impacts to traffic.

All work is subject to change due to weather and other unforeseen circumstances.

Crews will be onsite Monday through Friday from 7 a.m. to 5 p.m.

Reach out anytime with questions or concerns. Email sloaneXYZbigskypublicrelationsABCcom or call the project hotline at 406-207-4484, Monday through Friday, 9 a.m. to 5 p.m.

February 7, 2025

The Montana Department of Transportation (MDT) and Battle Ridge Builders will continue constructing the new bridge’s foundation over the next few weeks. All work is subject to change due to weather and other unforeseen circumstances.

Crews will be onsite Monday through Friday from 7 a.m. to 5 p.m.

To view the bridge replacement project, a camera has been set up onsite that captures images at regular intervals.
Access the camera

Going forward, project updates will be shared every two weeks or when significant milestones are achieved. Please don't hesitate to reach out anytime with questions or concerns. Email sloaneXYZbigskypublicrelationsABCcom or call the project hotline at 406-207-4484, Monday through Friday, 9 a.m. to 5 p.m.

January 31, 2025

Next week, the Montana Department of Transportation (MDT) and Battle Ridge Builders will continue constructing the foundation for the new bridge.

On the south side of the river, crews will be forming and pouring concrete for the back wall and wing walls of the spread footing. The spread footing is a type of foundation used in construction to support the bridge's structure by distributing its weight over a wider area.

On the north side of the river, the installation of micropiles—shafts that will support the foundation—will also continue.

All work is subject to change due to weather and other unforeseen circumstances.

Crews will be onsite Monday through Friday from 7 a.m. to 5 p.m.

Fun Bridge Street Bridge Fact: In 1911, Flathead County Commissioners paid $4,400 to construct the Bridge Street Bridge. One hundred and fourteen years later, the cost to replace the bridge is approximately $4,000,000—roughly 1,000 times the original price.

January 24, 2025

Construction of the new bridge’s foundation continues next week. The Montana Department of Transportation (MDT) and Battle Ridge Builders will continue constructing the spread footing on the south side of the bridge. Spread footing is a type of foundation used in construction to support the bridge’s structure, which spreads the bridge's weight over a wider area of ground.

Similarly, the installation of micropiles will also continue. These mechanisms also are critical in the bridge’s foundation.

All work is subject to change due to weather and other unforeseen circumstances.

Crews will be onsite Monday through Friday from 7 a.m. to 5 p.m.

Fun Bridge Street Bridge Fact: The original structure was also constructed over the winter. The A.Y. Bayne & Company of Minneapolis began building the bridge in mid-November 1911 and completed it in May 1912.

January 17, 2025

The Montana Department of Transportation (MDT) and Battle Ridge Builders have made steady progress in preparing the site for the new bridge’s foundation.

Construction will begin next week where crews will form the concrete spread footing and install rebar for added support. The spread footing will consist of a concrete column that supports the bridge and transfers its weight to a large underground concrete foundation, or footing, designed to distribute the bridge’s weight evenly over a wide area.

Additionally, the installation of micropiles will continue. These micropiles consist of shafts made from high-strength steel casings, rebar, and grout, which will support the new bridge’s foundation.

All work is subject to change due to weather and other unforeseen circumstances.

Crews will be onsite Monday through Friday from 7 a.m. to 5 p.m.

January 10, 2025

Next week, the Montana Department of Transportation (MDT) and Battle Ridge Builders will continue installing micropiles. These are shafts of high-strength steel casings, rebar, and grout that will support the foundation of the new bridge.

Excavation work for the new bridge’s foundation on the south side of the river will also occur.

The foundation, also known as a spread footing, consists of a concrete column that supports the bridge and transfers its weight to the footing. The footing is a large concrete foundation built underground and designed to evenly distribute the bridge’s weight over a wide area. Spread footings are the most commonly used foundations for small bridge projects.

All work is subject to change due to weather and other unforeseen circumstances.

Crews will be onsite Monday through Friday from 7 a.m. to 5 p.m.

January 3, 2025

Happy New Year! We are off to a fast start to 2025! The Montana Department of Transportation (MDT) and Battle Ridge Builders returned to work yesterday and removed the truss from the bridge deck.

Excavation work is also underway, and crews will begin installing micropiles next week. Micropiles are shafts of high-strength steel casings, rebar, and grout drilled deep into the soil for structural foundation support.

All work is subject to change due to weather and other unforeseen circumstances.

Crews will be onsite Monday through Friday from 7 a.m. to 5 p.m.

Bridge Street Bridge removal on Thursday, January 2, 2025 (Dawn May Photography) Bridge Street Bridge removal on Thursday, January 2, 2025 (Dawn May Photography) Bridge Street Bridge removal on Thursday, January 2, 2025 (Dawn May Photography)

Bridge Street Bridge removal on Thursday, January 2, 2025 (Dawn May Photography)

December 20, 2024

Work on the Bridge Street-Bigfork project will pause for the holidays from Monday, December 23, through Wednesday, January 1.

On Thursday, January 2, Montana Department of Transportation (MDT) and Battle Ridge Builders crews will return and continue removing the current structure.

All work is subject to change due to weather and other unforeseen circumstances.

We wish you and your family a happy and safe holiday season!

December 13, 2024

The Montana Department of Transportation (MDT) and Battle Ridge Builders will begin moving their equipment to the project site next week.

Work on the bridge will also begin, including removing pedestrian walkway parts, loose debris, and timbers from the bridge deck. Crews will also prepare the truss for removal.

All work is subject to change due to weather and other unforeseen circumstances.

Crews will be onsite Monday, December 16, through Friday, December 20, from 7 a.m. to 5 p.m.

Work will pause for the holidays from Monday, December 23, through Wednesday, January 1. Crews will return on Thursday, January 2.

We understand residents and visitors will want to visit the project site to see how work is progressing. Please follow all traffic control and posted safety signs. Keep a safe distance from work and equipment.

During construction, the entrances of Bridge Street residences and businesses will not be affected. Sliter’s Park will be used as a staging area for construction and will be closed to the public until the project is complete.

Pedestrians and vehicles must continue to use Grand Drive to access downtown Bigfork. Destinations southwest of the bridge can be accessed using Bridge Street from the Montana Highway 209 (MT 209) or MT 35 turn-offs.

For a preview of the new bridge, a video featuring preliminary renderings of the new structure is now available on the Project Overview page.

December 6, 2024

The Montana Department of Transportation (MDT) and Battle Ridge Builders will be surveying and installing traffic control signs next week. Bridge work will begin as soon as the utility companies complete their work.

Thank you to everyone who attended the Bridge Street-Bigfork Open House Celebration. We hope you found the experience enjoyable and informative.

We would especially like to thank the Bigfork Art & Cultural Center for sharing their collection of Bridge Street Bridge historical photos, Bakes and Cakes by Brie for the adorable and delicious bridge-themed cookies, Fieldheads Coffee for the cozy drinks, and the talented Samantha Schurke for sharing her Bridge Street Bridge pottery.

For those unable to attend, the display materials from the open house can now be viewed on the Bridge Street-Bigfork Public Involvement webpage.

October 2024

The Montana Department of Transportation (MDT) and Flathead County continue to make significant progress on preparations to replace the Bridge Street Bridge in Bigfork.

The Bridge Street-Bigfork project is currently advertised, where contractors can view plans and ask MDT questions about the project. Bid letting, which involves MDT reviewing bids submitted by contractors, is anticipated to begin next week. The project will be awarded to a contractor in early November, contingent upon successful, qualified bids.

Replacement of the bridge is anticipated to begin this winter. Please note that this schedule is subject to change due to contractor availability, environmental clearances, weather, and possible unforeseen factors.

Utility relocation work has already begun. Northwestern Energy is currently working to relocate the gas line. Preparations to relocate the remaining utilities are also underway. All utilities are anticipated to be moved by early winter 2024. This is a critical step because utilities must be moved off the existing bridge before its removal and subsequent installation of the new bridge.

Save the Date!

An open house celebration is planned for November 21, from 4:30 p.m. to 7 p.m. at Bigfork High School. At the event, the community will have the opportunity to learn more about the upcoming bridge replacement and ask questions directly to the project team. More details about the open house will be shared soon.

During construction, updates will be distributed weekly via email, webpage, and text message. To receive text updates, text BIGFORKBRIDGE to 41411.

*Message frequency may vary. Message and data rates may apply. Text STOP to cancel. Texting alerts are not managed by MDT and may have different privacy and security policies. For more information, see

August 2024

The Montana Department of Transportation (MDT) and Flathead County continue to make significant progress on preparations to replace the Bridge Street Bridge in Bigfork.

The team is currently coordinating the relocation of utilities, finalizing design plans, obtaining necessary environmental permits, completing right-of-way negotiations, and acquiring the truss for the new bridge.

The project will be advertised for contractor bids in September and is expected to be awarded in November. Utility relocation work is expected to occur this fall and winter, with construction anticipated to begin in winter 2024/2025. Please note that this schedule is subject to change due to contractor availability, environmental clearances, weather, and possible unforeseen factors.

The project team recently held a virtual listening session with landowners and businesses in the immediate project area to present the information outlined in this email and gather their feedback on construction plans.

An open house is also planned for this fall, where the community can learn more about construction plans and ask questions directly to the project team. More details about the open house will be shared soon.

As construction nears and planning speeds up, project updates will be distributed more frequently. During construction, updates will be distributed weekly via email, webpage, and text message. To receive text updates, text BIGFORKBRIDGE to 41411.

*Message frequency may vary. Message and data rates may apply. Text STOP to cancel. Texting alerts are not managed by MDT and may have different privacy and security policies. For more information, see

May 2024

The Montana Department of Transportation (MDT) and Flathead County have made significant progress since the last update, issued in April.

Progress is being made. It is looking possible that construction could begin in early 2025, with some site work occurring later this year in preparation for bridge replacement. This schedule hinges on many complex issues, including utility relocations, right-of-way coordination, and environmental clearances.

This accelerated timeline is possible due to the cooperation of several agencies and utility companies, along with the hard work and ingenuity of a large team of MDT and County employees.

The team understands the bridge’s importance and the impact of its closure on the Bigfork community. As a result, a tremendous number of resources have been dedicated to this project.

Bridge projects are generally incredibly complex and take many years to complete due to the significant hurdles that must be overcome. These can include design, funding, environmental, and permitting challenges. This has been especially true of the Bridge Street project.

MDT and Flathead County greatly appreciate the community’s support and will continue to update the public on the project’s progress.

April 2024

Documents links updated February 4, 2025

The following is an update on the Bridge Street Bridge, which was closed on January 31, 2024, due to structural concerns.

The Montana Department of Transportation (MDT) and Flathead County closed the Bridge Street Bridge in response to an inspection and other analysis, that determined the structure could no longer reliably carry vehicle or pedestrian traffic.

It was not a hasty decision to close the bridge. MDT understands the bridge's closure is challenging for the village of Bigfork. However, continued use of the bridge for vehicle and/or pedestrian traffic poses too great of a risk for the public’s safety.

MDT makes every effort to be transparent and offer explanations for decisions made by the Department. To be transparent about the bridge’s closure, the most recent inspection reports have been posted on the Documents webpage.

As outlined in the report, the more than 100-year-old Bridge Street Bridge has severe corrosion issues. The bridge’s condition is beyond simple or temporary repairs.

MDT and Flathead County are investigating ways to expedite the construction schedule in response to the closure. An accelerated schedule is subject to many complex issues, including utility relocations, right-of-way coordination, and environmental clearances.

MDT and Flathead County have received many communications from the public suggesting a temporary bridge be installed. Flathead County, in collaboration with MDT, completed an alternative analysis to assess numerous options for implementing a temporary pedestrian crossing. It was determined that the constraints of project site size, lack of right-of-way, the number of utilities, and other factors make constructing a temporary structure infeasible. A summary of this alternative analysis can be found on the Documents webpage.

The course of action is to find ways to complete the project as quickly as possible. MDT and Flathead County are evaluating all options for expediting the bridge replacement, including innovative contracting methods and advance coordination with utility companies, landowners, and environmental resource entities. MDT and Flathead County will continue to update the public on new developments and the project’s progress.