What is a Community Transportation Safety Plan?
The MDT developed a Comprehensive Highway Safety Plan (CHSP) to identify and address the state’s highway safety needs and reduce the number of crashes and their consequences on all public roads. MDT's Community Transportation Safety Plan Program provides Montana communities with technical and financial support for the development of community safety plans using a process similar to what MDT used to develop the CHSP. The Community Transportation Safety Plan must be data driven, and address education, enforcement, emergency medical services, and engineering components of community transportation safety issues.
These efforts reflect a well-planned coordination to improve roadway safety and involve all elements of the traffic safety community; and focus on behavioral (human factors) as well as roadway engineering improvements and effective implementation of new strategies to substantially reduce injuries and fatalities within Montana’s communities.
The goal of this new program is to enable communities to identify, analyze, address and track their specific transportation safety issues and reduce the number and severity of fatal and incapacitation injuries on Montana’s roads and streets. The Community Transportation Safety Plans developed with MDT assistance will include an inventory of existing safety programs/efforts; a critical look at the safety issues in each community; short-, mid-, and long-term strategies and actions to address the problems; a list of responsible persons or agencies for implementing the strategies; identification of potential funding sources; and an implementation and tracking plan for progress.
Who is conducting this study?
The City of Hamilton, with technical and financial support from MDT, are conducting this study. The Helena office of Camp Dresser & McKee (CDM) is assisting these partners in completing the planning effort.
What happens next?
Future steps (tracking the implementation progress; engaging the community; and implementing strategies identified throughout the planning process to improve transportation safety) will be determined by the City of Hamilton in coordination with MDT, and identified by the Safety Oversight Committee through the 4 E's of Community Transportation Safety (Education, Emergency Services, Enforcement, and Engineering).
How can the public/community become involved in the study?
The general public is invited to participate in the process through safety forums and ongoing project information review and input. This study web site has been developed to provide on-line opportunities to comment and provide input on Hamilton’s community transportation safety needs and later on the draft plan recommendations. Dates, times, and locations for all public outreach opportunities will be announced prior to the events through the local media and the project mailing list. CDM and the MDT will collect and consider all public comments received to better understand the public view of potential issues. The team will then determine the next steps that best meets the study purpose and has the support of cooperating organizations, local governments, stakeholders, and the general public.
When is the best time to give comments?
Because there is no formal comment period for this study, comments and input will be considered throughout the development and implementation process. This is a community led effort and will take the whole community working together to make this effort a success.
How can I stay informed and be part of the process?
Those with a specific interest in the study are encouraged to join the study mailing list. They can do so by submitting their name and contact information to Jeff Key at the address or e-mail shown below or completing and returning the study comment sheets from the safety forums or found on this website.
To keep the public informed about the study, project information is being published on this web site, local media venues, and newsletters. The public may also provide input or questions by contacting:
Dennis Stranger
City of Polson
Pam Langve-Davis
MDT Statewide & Urban Planning Planner
Carol Strizich
MDT Project Manager