October 2023
Work on the Junction 462 East & West phase of the Highway 200 Jordan to Brockway project is finished for the 2023 construction season. The Montana Department of Transportation (MDT) and Wickens Construction Inc. thank you for your support and patience during the reconstruction of the first two phases of this extensive five-phase project that will rebuild 37 miles of MT 200 between Jordan and Brockway.
Crews will return in 2024 to seal and cover (chip seal) and complete other finishing work on phase two. More details will be provided here as this date approaches.
Phase three of the project, Flowing Wells East & West, begins west of the Flowing Wells Rest Area and extends east for almost seven miles. This phase is currently in the design phase, and construction is tentatively scheduled for 2025. This is subject to change due to construction schedules, material availability, funding, and other unforeseen circumstances.
MDT is committed to completing all five phases of the project, which, once finished, will provide a more efficient transportation corridor in eastern Montana for all users.
Please do not hesitate to reach out with any questions or concerns. Email me at
September 2023
Paving has begun on the Junction 462 East & West phase of the Highway 200 Jordan to Brockway project! Prince Inc. crews started paving at the east end of the project, just east of the Little Dry Creek Bridge, and are working west.
Paving operations are anticipated to be completed this year, weather and other unforeseen factors permitting. Seal and cover (chip seal) operations will be completed next spring.
When traveling through the construction zone, remember to follow all signs, flaggers, and pilot cars, and watch for workers and equipment.
Please don't hesitate to reach out with any questions or concerns. You may email Sloane directly at
August 2023
Progress continues on the Junction 462 East & West phase of the Montana Highway 200 (MT 200) Jordan to Brockway reconstruction project. Prince Inc. crews are placing gravel and cement-treat base (CTB) on the final two miles of the project area in preparation for paving. Paving activities are anticipated to occur this year, weather permitting.
When traveling through the construction zone, remember to follow all signs, flaggers, and pilot cars, and watch for workers and equipment. The motorcycle advisory remains in effect, as gravel surfaces may pose added concerns for motorcycles. Motorcyclists are strongly encouraged to take an alternate route.
Circle Southwest
Paving and seal and cover (chip seal) operations are complete on the Circle Southwest project, from Brockway to Circle. Finishing work, including seeding and sign installation, will begin in early September. There will be little to no impact on traffic.
Please don't hesitate to reach out with any questions or concerns. You may email Sloane directly at
July 2023
Wickens Construction has completed earthwork operations on phase two, Junction 462 East and West.
In early August, phase two will continue as Prince Inc. crews will begin placing gravel and cement-treated base (CTB) in preparation for paving.
Circle Southwest
Prince Inc. crews are currently working to widen the shoulders of the highway between Circle and Brockway. Paving operations are anticipated to begin the week of July 24, and seal and cover (chip seal) will be placed directly after paving.
When traveling through the construction zones, follow all traffic control, and watch for workers and equipment. The motorcycle advisory remains in effect, as gravel surfaces may pose added concerns for motorcycles. Motorcyclists are strongly encouraged to take an alternate route.
Please don't hesitate to reach out with any questions or concerns. You may email Sloane directly at
June 2023
Wickens Construction continues work at the west end of phase two, Junction 462 East and West, of the Montana Highway 200 (MT 200) reconstruction project. Crews have completed installing the culvert. Earthwork operations are anticipated to finish in early July, weather permitting. Prince Inc. crews will then begin placing gravel and cement-treated base (CTB) in preparation for paving, which is anticipated to begin in mid-August.
Remember, when traveling through the construction zone, follow all signs, flaggers, and pilot cars, and watch for workers and equipment. The motorcycle advisory remains in effect, as gravel surfaces may pose added concerns for motorcycles. Motorcyclists are strongly encouraged to take an alternate route.
Circle Southwest
The Circle Southwest project is expected to begin Monday, June 19. The project involves widening the shoulder, paving, and chip sealing from Brockway to Circle.
As a reminder, the Circle Southwest project is separate from the larger MT 200 reconstruction project. Prince Inc. is the contractor for the Circle Southwest project, in addition to being a subcontractor on the MT 200 project.
Please don't hesitate to reach out with any questions or concerns. You may email Sloane directly at
May 2023
The Montana Department of Transportation (MDT) and Wickens Construction continue to work on phase two of the Montana Highway 200 (MT 200) reconstruction project, Junction 462 East & West.
Currently, Wickens Construction is finishing work on the culvert and excavating near the west end of the project. Weather permitting, this work should be completed by mid-June.
Circle Southwest
The Circle Southwest project will begin mid-June and is anticipated to be completed in 8-10 weeks. This timeline is subject to change due to weather and other unforeseen circumstances.
As a reminder, the Circle Southwest project is separate from the larger MT 200 reconstruction project. This project involves widening the shoulder, paving, and chip sealing from Brockway to Circle. Prince Inc. is the contractor for the Circle Southwest project, in addition to being a subcontractor on the MT 200 project.
Prince Inc. will complete the shoulder widenings on the Circle Southwest project and then return to finish installing the cement-treated base on Junction 462 East & West. Paving is expected to be completed on both projects this summer.
When traveling through the project sites, remember the three Ss of work zone safety: speed, space, and stress. Slow down when approaching work zones and follow posted speed limits. Leave adequate braking room between your vehicle and the one ahead of you. Keep your cool, pay attention, and plan for delays. We want you to arrive at your destination safely!
Please don't hesitate to reach out with any questions or concerns. You may email Sloane directly at
April 2023
The Montana Department of Transportation (MDT) and Wickens Construction have returned to work on phase two of the Montana Highway 200 (MT 200) reconstruction project, Junction 462 East & West.
Currently, crews are excavating and installing pipe at the west end of the project. Watch for signs, workers, and equipment when traveling through the project site. Traffic control is in place, and speeds are reduced.
As a reminder, phase two spans more than 9 miles of the highway, from 17 miles east of Jordan to just east of the Little Dry Creek Bridge. Work to be completed this year includes reconstructing the remaining two miles at the western end of the project area, paving, chip sealing (seal and cover), and finishing work on the entire project site; however, this schedule is subject to change due to weather and other unforeseen circumstances.
Circle Southwest
Another MT 200 construction project underway this year, separate from the larger MT 200 reconstruction project, is Circle Southwest. This project involves widening the shoulder, paving, and chip sealing from Brockway to Circle.
Circle Southwest is tentatively scheduled to begin the first week of May, weather permitting. Going forward, we will also include an update on this project in the regularly scheduled updates.
Please don't hesitate to reach out with any questions or concerns. You may email Sloane directly at
November 2022
The 2022 construction season has officially ended; however, work on the Highway 200 reconstruction project will continue until the end of the year, as weather permits.
Wickens Construction plans to continue culvert work when possible. Sletten Construction is currently dismantling the old Little Dry Creek Bridge and will be on site until it is removed.
All work will be occurring beside the highway, with minimal traffic disruption anticipated. Traffic control is on-site, speed limits are reduced, and shoulder closures will be in place throughout the construction zones.
Over the winter months, drivers will be traveling approximately 7 miles on cement-treated base (CTB) and gravel from mile marker 232.5 east to the start of the new pavement on phase one at mile marker 239.5.
The CTB and gravel surface is the same surface drivers traveled last winter on the unpaved section of phase one, which withstood the harsh conditions well. Over the winter, Wickens Construction will be responsible for maintaining the CTB and gravel surface and MDT will provide snow removal.
Please don't hesitate to reach out with any questions or concerns. You may email Sloane directly at
October 2022
Crews are still at work on the Highway 200 reconstruction project, though the shorter days and decreasing temperatures are slowing progress. Wickens Construction and its subcontractors plan to continue work into November for as long as weather permits. Activity will focus on completing culvert work and installing gravel and cement-treated base (CTB.)
In phase one, the Little Dry Creek - East project, crews will return in the coming days to complete seeding along the highway. Traffic control will be in place in areas where this work is occurring. Seeding is the last finishing touch for this phase.
The hope was to begin paving soon; however, deteriorating conditions and the estimated time for construction activity remaining are not conducive to paving. Over the winter months, drivers will be traveling approximately 7 miles on CTB and gravel from milepost 232.5 east to the start of the new pavement on phase one at milepost 239.5.
The CTB and gravel surface are the same surface drivers traveled last winter on the unpaved section of phase one, which withstood the harsh conditions well. Over the winter, Wickens Construction will be responsible for maintaining the CTB and gravel surface, and MDT will provide snow removal.
Sletten Construction is scheduled to return before the end of the year to remove the old Little Dry Creek bridge. Little to no traffic disruptions will result from this work.
Please don't hesitate to reach out with any questions or concerns. You may email Sloane directly at
September 2022
As we head into fall, progress continues on the Highway 200 Jordan to Brockway reconstruction project! The new Little Dry Creek Bridge is complete, and traffic will be traveling over the new bridge by the end of this month once guardrails are installed.
West of the bridge, culvert work, grading operations, fencing installation, and gravel and cement-treated base (CTB) installation continue. Crews anticipate paving operations to begin in the middle of October and, depending on the weather, plan to pave from the west end of phase 1, the Little Dry Creek – East project, to at least the Maxwell Coulee bridge before the end of the 2022 construction season.
Please don't hesitate to reach out with any questions or concerns. You may email Sloane directly at
August 2022
The Highway 200 Jordan to Brockway reconstruction project will soon achieve another new milestone. Sletten Construction will complete the new Little Dry Creek Bridge in the next few weeks!
Before traffic can utilize the new bridge and dismantle the old one, crews must finish the roadways leading up to the bridge and install guardrails, which should wrap up by the middle of September.
Also, on phase two of the project, Junction 462 East & West, Wickens Construction crews continue culvert work and grading operations. Approximately 4.5 miles of new subgrade are complete, and progress is being made on the next 2.5 miles. As this work is finished, Prince construction crews are installing the gravel and cement-treated base (CTB) surface in preparation for paving.
Finally, finishing touches are underway on phase one, Little Dry Creek – East, including the permanent epoxy paint road markings and striping. In early October, crews will seed the site, completing this phase.
Remember, when traveling through this very active construction zone, follow all signs, flaggers, and pilot cars, and watch for workers and equipment. The Motorcycle Advisory remains in effect, as gravel surfaces may pose added concerns for motorcycles. Motorcyclists are strongly encouraged to take an alternate route.
Please don't hesitate to reach out with any questions or concerns. You may email Sloane directly at
July 2022
The Highway 200 Jordan to Brockway reconstruction project has reached an exciting milestone! Paving and chip sealing are complete on Little Dry Creek – East! Signage will be installed over the next few weeks, and in early October, crews will seed the site, completing this phase.
Substantial progress has also been made on phase two, Junction 462 East & West. Wickens Construction crews have completed just more than 3 miles of new subgrade, meaning the road is ready for gravel and the cement-treated base (CTB) to be installed in preparation for paving. Crews have made significant progress grading the next 3 miles as well. Fence installation and culvert work are also underway throughout the project.
Headway is also being made on the new Little Dry Creek bridge. Depending on the weather, Sletten Construction will pour the new concrete deck in the next few weeks.
Remember, when traveling through this very active construction zone, follow all signs, flaggers, and pilot cars, and watch for workers and equipment. The Motorcycle Advisory remains in effect, as gravel surfaces may pose added concerns for motorcycles. Motorcyclists are strongly encouraged to take an alternate route.
Join us at Circle’s Christmas in July event on Friday, July 22, from 3 p.m. to 6 p.m.! Stop by the Highway 200 Jordan to Brockway project’s booth and pick up some great MDT swag and goodies! I hope to see you there!
Please don't hesitate to reach out with any questions or concerns. You may email Sloane directly at
June 2022
The official first day of Summer is just four days away and the crews working on the Highway 200 – Jordan to Brockway reconstruction project have already accomplished so much!
On the first phase, Little Dry Creek - East, Wickens Construction crews have completed installing gravel and a cement-treated base (CTB), a mixture of rock, cement, and water that creates a strong, durable, base for the paving material. Paving is now underway! If the weather continues to be fair and no unforeseen circumstances arise, there is a good chance the crew could have the first phase paved and chip sealed by the end of June. Drivers will soon be traveling on a new smooth and wider stretch of Highway 200!
On the project's second phase (Junction 462 East & West), west of the Little Dry Creek Bridge, crews have completed grading on just over two miles of the new road’s subgrade and continue to move west. The subgrade is the compacted ground surface on which crews will install gravel and the cement-treated base (CTB) in preparation for paving. As grading is completed, the CTB crews will follow.
Work on the new Little Dry Creek Bridge has also progressed. Sletten Construction, the bridge contractor, is setting the beams and preparing to install the bridge’s new concrete deck.
With all this activity underway, travelers should expect delays and are encouraged to be extra vigilant when traveling through the project. Follow all signs, flaggers, and pilot cars, and watch for workers and equipment. The Motorcycle Advisory remains in effect, as gravel surfaces may pose added concerns for motorcycles. Motorcyclists are strongly encouraged to take an alternate route.
Please don't hesitate to reach out with any questions or concerns. You may email Sloane directly at
May 2022
Activity is ramping up on the Highway 200 reconstruction project over the next six weeks, with Montana Department of Transportation crews and contractors working in three different construction zones within the project site that spans from Flowing Well Rest Area to west of Little Dry Creek Bridge.
Wickens Construction crews are finishing up approximately a half-mile of culvert work and grading activities on phase one of the project, Little Dry Creek - East. Once this is complete, crews will resume installing a gravel and cement-treated base (CTB) surface, finishing the job that began last year in preparation for paving. CTB is a mixture of gravel, cement, and water that creates a durable, frost-resistant paving material. Paving on the east end of phase one is anticipated to begin the last week of May, and at the west end of the project, grading and surfacing operations are underway.
On phase two of the project, Junction 462 East & West, Wickens Construction crews will continue grading and culvert operations from the east end of this project heading west towards Jordan. As grading is completed, cement-treated base and gravel will be placed in preparation for paving. Also, crews will soon begin setting beams on the new Little Dry Creek Bridge.
Travelers should expect delays and are encouraged to be extra vigilant when traveling through the three construction zones. Follow all signs, flaggers, pilot cars, and watch for workers and equipment. The Motorcycle Advisory remains in effect, as gravel surfaces may pose added concerns for motorcycles. Motorcyclists are strongly encouraged to take an alternate route.
When traveling through the project site, remember the three Ss of work zone safety: speed, space, and stress. Slow down when approaching work zones and follow posted speed limits. Leave adequate braking room between your vehicle and the one ahead of you. Keep your cool, pay attention, and plan for delays. We want you to arrive at your destination safely!
Please don't hesitate to reach out with any questions or concerns. You may email Sloane directly at
April 2022
April 11 - 15, 2022 is National Work Zone Safety Awareness Week! This important annual event serves to remind us to slow down and use extra caution while traveling through work zones. For your safety and the safety of our hardworking construction crews, remember the three Ss of work zone safety: speed, space, and stress.
- Speed: Slow down when approaching work zones and follow posted speed limits.
- Space: Leave adequate braking room between your vehicle and the one ahead of you.
- Stress: Keep your cool, pay attention, and plan for delays.
Now for the update:
Due to the recent lovely spring weather, the Montana Department of Transportation (MDT) and Wickens Construction crews have got off to a fast start and are making great progress on the Highway 200 reconstruction project!
Work continues alongside MT Highway 200, where crews are building a new Little Dry Creek Bridge. Just west of the new bridge, crews are also installing drainage culverts and grading the new road alignment.

There should continue to be little to no disruptions to traffic while this work is underway; however, drivers should be mindful of workers, equipment, and signs when traveling through the area.
Road construction on the highway will begin again by mid-to-late April if the weather permits. Work will resume to the east of the bridge, where crews will continue to prepare the first phase of the project for paving, and to the west of the bridge, road crews will start removing more of the old highway on phase two of the project - Junction 462 East & West.
Traffic control will return once road reconstruction begins, and drivers should anticipate delays when traveling between the Flowing Wells Rest Area to just west of the Little Dry Creek Bridge.
Please don't hesitate to reach out with any questions or concerns. You may email Sloane directly at
February 2022
Construction season is just weeks away! In fact, over the next few weeks, Montana Department of Transportation (MDT) crews and contractors will be working alongside MT Highway 200 at Little Dry Creek Bridge to get an early start on the significant amount of work to be completed this season.
Pilings will be driven into the ground as crews begin construction on a new Little Dry Creek Bridge. A work bridge will be built first for construction crew use only.
There should be little to no disruptions to traffic while this work is underway; however, drivers should be mindful of workers, equipment, and signs when traveling through the area.
A new Little Dry Creek Bridge is included in the scope of work for Junction 462 East & West, phase two of the Highway 200 Jordan to Brockway project. This phase spans just over 9 miles of Highway 200, from about 17 miles east of Jordan to just east of the Little Dry Creek bridge.
During the 2022 construction season, Wickens Construction will be rebuilding this stretch of highway in conjunction with completing phase one, Little Dry Creek - East.
Through the Highway 200 Jordan to Brockway project, MDT will reconstruct nearly 37 miles of highway. It’s a big project comprised of five phases that will take several years to complete. However, MDT crews and contractors are committed to building a safer road with minimal inconvenience to the traveling public.
Please don't hesitate to reach out with any questions or concerns. You may email Sloane directly at
November 2021
Construction season is coming to a close on the Little Dry Creek - East segment of the Highway 200 - Jordan to Brockway project. Major construction activities will wrap up next week. However, minor work, including fencing and seeding, will continue with minimal to no traffic delays.
During the winter months, drivers can expect a stable road surface consisting of a 15.5” thick layer of cement-treated base and crushed aggregate. Temporary road signs will remain in place and the road shoulders will be delineated with reflectors. Speeds will be limited to 45 mph and passing is not allowed throughout the construction zone.
Regular snow removal and surface maintenance will be conducted throughout the winter. Even without a paved surface, this section of road is safer for the traveling public than before construction due to the flattened slopes, 6-foot shoulders, and new vertical and horizontal alignments. As always, safety remains our number one priority.
Remember the three Ss of work zone safety: speed, space, and stress. Slow down when approaching work zones and follow posted speed limits. Leave adequate braking room between your vehicle and the one ahead of you. Keep your cool, pay attention, and plan for delays. We want you to arrive at your destination safely!
Construction crews will return early spring 2022 to resume work on the Little Dry Creek - East segment and start the second phase, Junction 462 East & West. Junction 462 East & West includes reconstructing approximately 9.5 miles of Highway 200, from 17 miles east of Jordan to just east of the Little Dry Creek Bridge.
Montana Department of Transportation’s crews and contractors thank you for your cooperation and support as we continue to move forward with this large-scale project.
October 2021
The fall construction season has arrived! Montana Department of Transportation crews and contractors are making progress on the Little Dry Creek – East project, which spans just more than 7 miles of MT Highway 200 between the Little Dry Creek Bridge and the Flowing Wells rest area.
The western section of the project is of particular focus, with drainage pipe installation, excavation, and embankment operations still underway. Progress in this section has been hampered by crews having to excavate a substantial amount of shelf rock in this area. As a result, MDT contractors plan to leave the last mile of the existing paved road in place for the winter shutdown.
Significant progress has been made in other areas of the project, however. In preparation for paving, crushed gravel aggregate and a cement-treated base, a mixture of soil, cement, and water that creates a durable, frost-resistant base material, are now in place on approximately 70% of the project. Fencing work is also occurring throughout the site and will continue throughout the fall.
During working hours throughout the construction zone, drivers continue to travel on single-lane sections controlled by pilot cars and traffic lights. A reduced speed limit of 35 mph is enforced on the gravel detour roads and increases to 45 mph on the gravel aggregate sections. The Motorcycle Advisory remains in effect, as gravel surfaces may pose added concerns for motorcycles. Motorcyclists are encouraged to take an alternate route.
Remember the three S’s of work zone safety: speed, space, and stress. Slow down when approaching work zones and follow posted speed limits. Leave adequate braking room between your vehicle and the one ahead of you. Keep your cool, pay attention, and plan for delays. We want you to arrive at your destination safely!
Please don't hesitate to reach out with any questions or concerns. You may email Sloane directly at
September 2021
Montana Department of Transportation crews and contractors have made significant progress on the Little Dry Creek – East project, which spans just more than 7 miles of MT Highway 200 between the Little Dry Creek Bridge and the Flowing Wells rest area.
Excavation and embankment operations are underway on the western third of the project. Crews are excavating a substantial amount of shelf rock in this area (as seen in the photo below).
Traffic is moving in a single lane. Drivers are encouraged to be mindful of large construction vehicles that regularly cross during working hours. Stoplights and pilot cars are in place to guide drivers through the project site.
On the eastern section of the project, gravel surfacing operations are now more than halfway complete. Crews are installing gravel and a cement-treated base (CTB), which is a mixture of soil, cement, and water that creates a durable, frost-resistant base material. Drivers are being directed by stoplights and pilot cars through this section of the project as well.
Crews will be installing culverts and continuing excavation and embankment operations in the western section of the project throughout September. Gravel, surfacing operations, and fencing installation will also continue throughout the project.
The speed limit is reduced to 35 mph and drivers can expect to travel on a gravel surface through the construction zone.
A motorcycle advisory is in place for this section of MT Highway 200. Gravel surfaces may pose added concerns for motorcycles. Motorcyclists are encouraged to take an alternate route.
Remember the three S’s of work zone safety: speed, space, and stress. Slow down when approaching work zones and follow posted speed limits. Leave adequate braking room between your vehicle and the one ahead of you. Keep your cool, pay attention, and plan for delays.
Please don't hesitate to reach out with any questions or concerns. You may email Sloane directly at
August, 2021
Progress on the Little Dry Creek-East project continues.
With earthwork and culvert installation operations now complete on the eastern portion of the project, crews have progressed to the next step of installing a gravel and cement-treated base (CTB) surface. CTB is a mixture of soil, cement and water that creates a durable, frost-resistant paving material.
Earthwork and culvert installation operations are now taking place on the western side of the project. Once these are completed, crews will begin installing the gravel and cement treated base on this side as well.
Drivers will continue to travel on a gravel surface through the construction zone, directed by stoplights and pilot cars at an enforced speed limit of 35 mph.
Other ongoing projects at the site include the erection of fencing and work on drainage areas, which involves the installation of riprap, or large loose stones, as well as concrete vegetative mats. The jack and bore operations, or installation of steel pipes under the roadway, are now complete.
Remember the three S’s of work zone safety: speed, space, and stress. Slow down when approaching work zones and follow posted speed limits. Leave adequate braking room between your vehicle and the one ahead of you. Keep your cool, pay attention, and plan for delays.
Please don't hesitate to reach out with any questions or concerns. You may email Sloane directly at
July, 2021
Earthwork and the culvert installation on the eastern section of the project have been completed. Gravel surfacing will begin in the same area of the project this month. Drivers can expect gravel roadways and speed limits of 35 MPH.
Earthwork has begun in the middle section of the project. Here, crews will excavate the roadway and continue to place dirt into the embankment, or dirt and rocks used to raise the roadway. Speeds are also reduced to 35 MPH in this section. Drivers can expect stoplights, flaggers, and pilot cars through the construction zone.
Other work being conducted throughout the project includes the placement of riprap, or large loose stones, and concrete vegetative mat in the drainage areas. Construction of new fencing has begun and jack and bore culvert installation is taking place. You may remember that jack and bore is a method for installing pipes under the road without disturbing the roadway above.
Remember the three S's of work zone safety: speed, space and stress. Slow down when approaching work zones and follow posted speed limits. Leave adequate braking room between your vehicle and the one ahead of you. Keep your cool, pay attention, and plan for delays.
Please don't hesitate to reach out with any questions or concerns. You may email Kristine directly at
June, 2021
Construction is moving along on the Little Dry Creek-East project. Excavation is still underway, and crews are continuing with culvert installation throughout the east half of the project. The existing roadway on the east two miles has been removed. Traffic is moving on a gravel surface on the new roadway through the area.
Only one jack and bore steel casing pipe remains to be installed and crews should have that wrapped up this month. Wildlife friendly fencing installation also continues in various project areas.
A 14-foot width restriction is in place and will remain in place until the roadway is paved. Drivers can expect reduced speeds to 35 mph, stop lights and pilot cars through the construction area.
Remember the three S's of work zone safety: speed, space and stress. Slow down when approaching work zones and follow posted speed limits. Leave adequate braking room between your vehicle and the one ahead of you. Keep your cool, pay attention, and plan for delays.
Please don't hesitate to reach out with any questions or concerns. You may email Kristine directly at
May, 2021
Spring has finally arrived, and construction is well underway on the Little Dry Creek-East project.
Crews are continuing with excavation and culvert installation on the east half of the project. The existing roadway is being removed and traffic is traveling on gravel road and detours in several sections. Drivers can expect reduced speeds to 35 mph, stop lights, and pilot cars. A 14-foot width restriction is also in place. Please plan ahead and allow extra time to travel through the work zone.
Steel casing pipes are being installed under the existing roadway using a process called jack and bore. This process involves creating two pits on either side of the roadway, one for sending and one for receiving. A machine, called a jack and bore machine, digs a horizontal hole under the roadway. The pipe can then be installed in the newly bored hole without disturbing the surface above.
Crews continue to install wildlife-friendly fencing in several areas. Wildlife friendly fencing is especially designed to contain livestock, while reducing the risk of injury to wildlife.
Remember the three S's of work zone safety: speed, space and stress. Slow down when approaching work zones and follow posted speed limits. Leave adequate braking room between your vehicle and the one ahead of you. Keep your cool, pay attention, and plan for delays.
Text updates are available. To sign up, text LITTLEDRYCREEK to 41411.
Monthly project updates will continue to be provided on the first Friday of each month throughout construction. If you have questions, please reach out by calling our project hotline at 406-207-4484 or sending an email to
April, 2021
Construction has begun on the Little Dry Creek – East project. The project area begins at the Little Dry Creek Bridge and continues roughly seven miles to the Flowing Wells rest area.
Wickens Construction is currently working on excavation and embankment operations and installing a new culvert. Wildlife-friendly fencing is also being added in various areas. The majority of this work is happening in the middle of the project and will progress east.
There are currently no impacts to the existing roadway. Drivers can expect reduced speeds to 35 mph as they travel through the project area as a measure of protection for crews working near the roadway shoulder.
Remember the three S's of work zone safety: speed, space, and stress. Slow down when approaching work zones and follow posted speed limits. Leave adequate braking room between your vehicle and the one ahead of you. Keep your cool, pay attention, and plan for delays.
Text updates are available. To sign up, text LITTLEDRYCREEK to 41411.
Monthly project updates will continue to be provided on the first Friday of each month throughout construction. If you have questions, please reach out by calling our project hotline at 406-207-4484 or sending an email to