Project Overview
STPP 52-2(48)32
Ice Box Canyon
UPN 8182000
The project, located just north of the Community of Bigfork in Flathead County on Montana Highway 35, begins just south of the intersection with Peaceful Drive at Reference Post 32.1 and extends north through Ice Box Canyon, to just north of Chapman Hill Road at Reference Post 33.3.
The project will reconstruct the road to provide a 12-foot travel lane in each direction, a center left-turn lane in the area between Peaceful Drive and approximately the south end of Ice Box Canyon, a raised median barrier through the canyon, and a left-turn deceleration lane northbound at Chapman Hill Road. Roadway shoulder, horizontal curve, clear zone, and drainage improvements will also be included in the roadway reconstruction. Roadside slopes and ditches will be revised to improve safety and the horizontal alignment and drainage features will be upgraded throughout the project. A shared use path will be included for a portion of the project length.
The project will require right-of-way acquisition and utility relocation.

UPN 8182000