Study Focus
The Montana Department of Transportation (MDT), in partnership with the Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) and in coordination with the Great Falls MPO, developed a corridor study of River Drive North in Great Falls, Montana. The study began in September, 2015 and was completed in September, 2016.
The purpose of the study was to develop a comprehensive, long-range plan for managing the corridor and to determine what improvements can be made to improve the corridor based on identified needs, public and agency input, and financial constraints. The study identified feasible improvement options to address safety, operational, and geometrical concerns within the study area.
Final Corridor Study Report
- Final Report
- Appendix 1: Public Comments
- Appendix 2: Consultation, Coordination, and Public Involvement
- Appendix 3: Environmental Scan Report
- Appendix 4: Existing and Projected Conditions Technical Memorandum
- Appendix 5: Improvement Options Technical Memorandum
River Drive North serves as a key route in the Great Falls transportation system that supports both local access and regional travel demand. The study area for the River Drive Corridor Study begins at the intersection with 15th Street N (Reference Post [RP] 3.4) and 38th Street N (RP 5.4). The corridor is classified as a principal arterial roadway on the Non-interstate National Highway System (NHS). The corridor is a designated truck route and provides access to several businesses, industrial areas, residential neighborhoods, and community resources.