MDT invites you to learn more about the roundabout.
Attend the virtual open house event via Zoom Wednesday, March 13, from noon to 1p.m.
Open House Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 819 8697 0151
Passcode: 215762
Attend the in-person open house:
Tuesday, March 19
3:30 to 6 p.m.
Kalispell City Hall (201 First Avenue East, Kalispell, MT 59901)
Please visit the FAQ page to learn more and the Public Involvement page to find a summary of past public outreach events and comments.
Project Overview
The Montana Department of Transportation (MDT) and the City of Kalispell have evaluated options to improve the 2nd Street East/Conrad Drive with Woodland Avenue intersection and have decided to construct a single-lane roundabout. The purpose of this project is to enhance intersection safety features and reduce the number and severity of crashes. A roundabout:
- Fits within the public right-of-way.
- Enhances intersection safety.
- Improves sight distances (ability to easily see on-coming cars) at all approaches of the intersection.
- Reduces the number of conflict points within the intersection.
- Reduces speeds through intersection.
- Improves crossings for pedestrians and bicyclists.
- Provides additional space for larger vehicles, such as a school bus or truck and trailer, to travel through the intersection by using a truck apron.
- Is a cost-effective investment that will last far into the future. The roundabout will efficiently handle traffic volumes for the next 20 years without additional investments.
Additionally, this intersection is part of an emergency route and maintained by the City of Kalispell.

Woodland and 2nd Street

Woodland and 2nd Street Existing Intersection