Will the existing Montana Highway 82 (MT 82) bridge remain open during construction?
The new bridge is being constructed south of the existing bridge, which will remain open during construction with minimal to no traffic impacts. Intermittent single-lane closures will be required. The public will be notified of any lane closures in advance.
How long will bridge construction take?
The project will require two construction seasons to complete. Construction is anticipated to begin in 2025. However, this schedule is subject to change due to funding availability, completion of the final design, economic conditions, and possible unforeseen factors.
Why is the bridge only two lanes? Why not make it four lanes?
MDT traffic studies and population growth models indicate that a two-lane bridge will meet traffic needs for decades to come.
Will the bridge include a dedicated bike lane and/or pedestrian walkway?
There are currently no plans for a dedicated bike lane or pedestrian walkway. However, a shared-use path connecting MT 82 with Montana Highway 83 (MT 83) is in Flathead County’s long-range transportation plan. If the shared-use path is constructed, the substantial 10-foot shoulders on the new bridge will be able to accommodate pedestrian and bike traffic with minor alterations, such as striping and installing a protective pedestrian rail to separate the shared-use path from the travel lanes.
Will pedestrians be allowed to walk on the new bridge?
Yes, pedestrians will be allowed to walk on the new bridge. The wide travel lanes and 10-foot shoulders will provide pedestrians with a more comfortable and safe space. Montana Department of Transportation (MDT) bridges are designed for all modes of transportation.
Will the fishing access site (FAS) remain open during construction?
The new FAS and associated boat ramp will be constructed first and remain open throughout bridge construction.
Will the new fishing access site (FAS) be built first?
Yes. The new FAS will be built first to create space for construction of the new bridge. and provide continued access to the Flathead River.
Will boating traffic be able to travel beneath the bridge during construction?
Boat traffic will be allowed beneath the bridge through the work zone. For safety purposes, temporary short-term closures may be necessary. These closures are anticipated to last up to eight hours per occurrence. The public will be notified in advance of any restrictions or temporary closures.
Will the new bridge have the same vertical clearance above the river as the old bridge?
The proposed MT 82 Bridge will have the same or slightly more vertical clearance than the existing bridge. The vertical clearance is measured from the bottom of the lowest beam to the top of the water surface.
Will the traffic congestion and long wait times at the intersection of Montana Highway 35 (MT 35) with MT 82 be addressed?
Possible improvements to these intersections are not within the scope of the Sportsman’s Bridge project and will be addressed through a separate project. However, MDT is currently evaluating the intersection of MT 35 with MT 82 to determine appropriate options for addressing traffic concerns.
This evaluation includes the nearby intersection of MT 35 with MT 83 to ensure future improvements will allow the intersections to function together.
What is the project budget?
The estimated construction budget for the project is more than $20 million. This estimate will be updated once the final design is complete and is dependent on the bidding market, cost of labor and materials, inflation, and other economic conditions.
When will a contractor be awarded?
The contractor bidding process for the project is anticipated to begin in early 2025. This date is dependent on funding availability, completion of the final design, economic conditions, and possible unforeseen factors.
Where can I get more information?
More information for this project can be requested from Sloane Stinson, the Communication Manager for the Sportsman's Bridge project. You can reach her at