Project Overview
Through the Timber Bridges – Glasgow Area project, the Montana Department of Transportation (MDT) and its partners, Sletten Construction and Morrison-Maierle, are working to replace up to 16 timber bridges within three years in northeastern Montana. Areas impacted include US Highway 2 (US 2) between Hinsdale and Glasgow, MT Highway 24 (MT 24) between Glasgow and Opheim, MT Highway 248 (MT 248) between Opheim and Scobey, and MT Highway 251 (MT 251) between Poplar and Flaxville.
The State’s aging timber bridges have a limited service-life remaining and replacing them is a top priority. These structures are vital to keeping Montanans connected and our economy moving forward. MDT is proactively investing in replacing this aging infrastructure through an innovative bridge bundling program. The Glasgow-area bridges are being replaced as a bundle through this program.
Utilizing a design-build contract, the consultant design firm, Morrison-Maierle, has been working alongside Sletten Construction from the start of the project, allowing the bundled projects to move more efficiently from design to construction-ready. This partnership has allowed the project team to develop better solutions, reduce project costs, and maintain quality while expediting project delivery.
Current Construction Activity:
The Montana Department of Transportation (MDT) and Sletten Construction replaced eight timber bridges in the Glasgow area during the 2024 construction season. Over the past two years, 15 timber bridges have been replaced through the Timber Bridges-Glasgow Area project.
This winter, work will begin to build a detour next to the West Fork Poplar River Bridge on Montana Highway 248 (MT 248), 2 miles east of Richland. This is the final bridge scheduled for replacement under the project, which is expected to be completed by summer 2025.
All work is dependent on weather and other unforeseen factors.
Minimal traffic disruption is expected. Traffic control will be on-site, speed limits will be reduced, and shoulder closures will be in place throughout the construction zone. Brief, single-lane road closures may be periodically required.
Crews will also return next summer to seal and cover (chip seal) and install the final pavement markings at the 2024 bridge replacement sites.
Stay in the Know
Regularly scheduled email, webpage, and text updates will be available during construction. To sign up for updates, or if you have questions or concerns, email
Bridge Replacement Locations and Schedule
The schedule, order of bridge replacement, and timeline may change due to weather or other unforeseen factors.

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