Montana Highway 3 Billings Corridor Study logo

Study Overview

Montana Highway 3 Billings Corridor Study image of cars passing on a highway

The Montana Department of Transportation (MDT) is conducting a corridor study on Montana Highway 3 (MT 3), in Billings, from Apache Trail to the roundabout that connects to E. Airport Road and N. 27th Street near Billings Logan International Airport.

The purpose of the Montana 3 Billings Corridor Study is to develop a comprehensive long-range plan for managing the corridor and identify opportunities to improve the corridor based on needs, public and agency input, and financial feasibility.

As part of the study, MDT will also develop an Access Management Plan for the MT 3 corridor. An access management plan is a proactive strategy to ensure safe and efficient use of the roadway while considering the needs of local communities and stakeholders. Access management plays a crucial role in enhancing roadway safety, functionality, compatibility with development, and overall operation.

The study will be a collaborative process with local jurisdictions, resource agencies, MDT, Federal Highway Administration (FHWA), and the public to identify transportation needs and potential solutions.

Montana Highway 3 Billings Corridor Study map

Study Schedule

The study began in January 2025 and has a planned completion date in December 2025. Public involvement (PI) meetings are scheduled for summer and winter of 2025.

This timeline illustration notates the study flow, work items, and anticipated project milestones for the corridor study. The study began in January 2025 and has a planned completion date in December 2025. Public involvement (PI) meetings are scheduled for summer and winter of 2025. The Environmental Scan Report and Existing & Projected Conditions Report will be drafted prior to the first PI meeting. The Needs & Objectives, Improvement Options Report, and Access Management Plan will be drafted prior to the second PI meeting. The study will be summarized in the Final Corridor Study Report.

Montana Highway 3 Billings Corridor Study timeline