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Development of Deterioration Curves for Bridge Elements in Montana (9831-765)
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MDT Library/Technology Transfer
See what our library services can do for you!
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What is an Experimental Feature?
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Wildlife Accommodation Process
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What We Do | Contact Us
Why would MDT do research, you ask? To deliver solutions so that we can provide evidence-based insights to transportation challenges!
The MDT Research Section manages applied research specific to transportation needs. The breadth of transportation research topics is broad ranging and easily touch many functions of MDT.
Research creates solutions. It starts with “what problem are you trying to solve” and ideally ends with tangible solutions that directly solve that problem, such as new products, processes, or tools.
Sharing and disseminating information to promote change created by research is called “technology transfer” and the MDT Research Section leads this important role. Technology transfer is broad ranging and provides various types of information to a large range of people, such as MDT staff and the transportation community. Example “tech” transfer mechanisms:
- Reports published by both MDT and other agencies.
- Library and library services.
- Pilot Projects trying new technologies or new uses for technologies.
- Surveys, newsletters, and presentations.
- Literature searches; and
- MDT’s Research Section web site.
For more information, please visit the links under “Tech Transfer” on the right-hand side of the page.
What We Do:
MDT’s Research Program Section consists of several programs.

MDT’s applied research projects improve the efficiency and effectiveness of highway transportation and engineering in Montana.
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Experimental Features
Experimental Features are included in construction or maintenance projects to evaluate various materials and methods.
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MDT Library
MDT Library makes accessible transportation-related information, particularly that which relates to the needs of MDT staff. Our collection contains nearly 30,000 titles in various formats.
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Funding for the Montana Local Technical Assistance Program (LTAP) is also managed by the MDT Research Section.

Participating in Research
Information for researchers and MDT employees participating in MDT research.
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