March 2025: Report Review Period
The Montana Department of Transportation (MDT) and Robert Peccia & Associates (RPA) have completed the US 93: Missoula to Florence Corridor study report, linked here for convenience.
All comments and concerns gathered through discussion, on maps, and written on comment cards at the January open house events were considered for the study report. The report includes background information, study findings, and comprehensive recommendations for the Missoula to Florence corridor and serves as a wrap up report for the study.
The study will be available for 30 days, starting March 4 and ending on April 4. All comments are welcome within this window of time. Please email
The review period will conclude after 30 days. After considering public comments on the draft report, MDT will implement final changes. The final report will then be posted to the study’s webpage. The study will serve as a long-term vision for corridor improvements, which will be implemented as funding is secured.
January 31, 2025
Thank you to the attendees of the US 93: Missoula to Florence Corridor Study open house events in late January. If you missed the events, materials are linked here for you to review at your convenience.
The US Highway 93 (US 93) Missoula to Florence corridor is a high priority for the Montana Department of Transportation (MDT). The study team greatly appreciates the thoughtful comments, feedback, and questions received throughout our open houses.
All comments and concerns gathered through discussion, on maps, and written on comment cards will be considered for the study report.
MDT and Robert Peccia & Associates (RPA) will review the feedback received and post the draft corridor study report on the study webpage in the coming weeks. An email notification will be sent when the draft report has been posted for public review.
After considering public comments on the draft report, RPA will implement final changes, and the report will be submitted to MDT and posted to the study’s webpage. The study will serve as a long-term vision for corridor improvements. These improvements will be implemented in the future as funding is secured.
In the meantime, all are encouraged to reach out with feedback and questions by emailing
Prefer to ask a question or submit feedback via phone? Call 406-207-4484.
December 3, 2024
The Montana Department of Transportation (MDT) and Robert Peccia & Associates (RPA) invite the public to attend an open house to learn more about recommended solutions from the US Highway 93 (US 93): Missoula to Florence Corridor Study. This study investigated the best possible improvements to increase safety, support efficient traffic operations, and accommodate area growth while minimizing impacts, constructability challenges, and costs.
The project team is inviting the public to stop by at any time during two in-person open houses to be held on Wednesday, January 22, and Thursday, January 23, from 4 to 7 p.m. at Lolo School, located at 5305 Farm Lane in Lolo, in the Commons.
At the events, recommended solutions will be available, including an optimized corridor configuration, intersection improvements, and potential locations for wildlife accommodations. Study experts will be on hand to answer questions. All are welcome to stop by at any time. No formal presentation will be made. The same information will be provided at both open houses.
Proposed recommendations will directly inform future roadway projects. However, no funding is currently secured. MDT and RPA are working in coordination with partners to identify potential funding sources, including grants, to move both short-term and long-term improvements along.
After considering public input at the open house meetings, MDT will issue the draft study report for public review in winter/spring 2025. The public review period for the draft report will be the final opportunity for public input on this study.
Anyone with questions about the study’s background, or who is unable to attend, please email Becca at
July 3, 2024
Thank you to the attendees of the US 93: Missoula to Florence Corridor Study open house. If you missed the events, please feel welcome to view the display boards linked here. In addition, an informational video describing the study background and improvement concepts is linked here.
The US Highway 93: Missoula to Florence Corridor is a priority for the Montana Department of Transportation (MDT). The study team greatly appreciates the thoughtful comments, feedback, and questions received at the two open house events.
All comments and concerns gathered through discussion, on maps, and written on comment cards will be noted as part of the study findings.
MDT and Robert Peccia & Associates (RPA) will continue compiling your feedback and corridor traffic data with respect to potential corridor solutions. In fall or winter of 2024, the study team will host a fourth and final set of public meetings to share identified location-specific solutions with you. This includes details such as potential costs, impacts, and the feasibility of chosen alternatives.
Updates will be provided as the study progresses and public meetings are scheduled.
In the meantime, all are encouraged to reach out with feedback and questions by emailing
Prefer to ask a question or submit feedback via phone? Call 406-207-4484.
To sign up for text updates, text MISSFLO to 41411. Message and data rates may apply. Message frequency may vary. Text STOP to cancel. Texting alerts are not managed by MDT and may have different privacy and security policies. For more information, see:
February 20, 2024
The US 93: Missoula to Florence Corridor Study is a priority for the Montana Department of Transportation (MDT) and its partner Robert Peccia & Associates (RPA). The study team appreciates the comments, feedback and questions received. Your participation is highly valuable in determining solutions for the corridor.
MDT and RPA are determining both short-term and long-term safety improvements for the US Highway 93 (US 93) Missoula to Florence corridor. Based on public feedback gathered this past fall and winter, the project team will be using the next few months to evaluate solutions for US 93 and identify intersection and location-specific improvements to enhance safety for travelers. These improvements will also take into consideration the safe passage of our state’s diverse wildlife population.
Meanwhile, the project team is actively seeking funding, including grant opportunities, to support short-term improvement efforts.
Updates will be provided as the study progresses and public meetings are scheduled.
In addition, thank you again to last November’s virtual and in-person open house attendees. If you missed the events, you can view the recording of the virtual open house and display boards linked here. Your participation and feedback are highly valuable in helping the study team determine the best solutions for the Missoula to Florence corridor.
Additional feedback or questions are welcomed throughout the duration of the study. With questions or feedback as the study progresses, please email
Prefer to ask a question or submit feedback via phone? Call 406-207-4484.
To sign up for text updates, text MISSFLO to 41411. Message and data rates may apply. Message frequency may vary. Text STOP to cancel. Texting alerts are not managed by MDT and may have different privacy and security policies. For more information, see:
December 7, 2023
Thank you to the US 93: Missoula to Florence Corridor Study virtual and in-person open house attendees. If you missed the events, please feel welcome to view the recording of the virtual open house and display boards linked here.
The US Highway 93 (US 93) Missoula to Florence corridor is a priority for the Montana Department of Transportation (MDT). The study team appreciates the comments, feedback and questions received at the two open house events. Your participation is highly valuable in determining solutions for the corridor.
All comments and concerns gathered through discussion and comment cards will be noted as part of the study findings. Public feedback is a vital step towards determining potential solutions.
MDT and Robert Peccia & Associates (RPA) will continue gathering your feedback and corridor traffic data with respect to potential corridor solutions. In 2024, the study team will host a third set of public meetings to share identified location-specific solutions with you. Updates will be provided as the study progresses and as public meetings are scheduled.
Additional feedback or questions are welcomed throughout the duration of the study. With questions or feedback as the study progresses, please email
Prefer to ask a question or submit feedback via phone? Call 406-207-4484.
To sign up for text updates, text MISSFLO to 41411. Message and data rates may apply. Message frequency may vary. Text STOP to cancel. Texting alerts are not managed by MDT and may have different privacy and security policies. For more information, see:
November 9, 2023
November Open House
We hope you are enjoying the end of fall. The Montana Department of Transportation (MDT) and Robert Peccia & Associates (RPA) invite you to attend an open house to learn more about the status, findings, and proposed initial solutions of the US 93: Missoula to Florence Corridor Study. This study is investigating the best possible improvements to enhance safety, support growth within the area, and provide an improved travel experience for drivers.
To share US Highway 93 (US 93) corridor study details, the study team invites the media and general public to attend an in-person open house on Wednesday, November 29, from 5 to 7 p.m. in the Common Room at Lolo School, 5305 Farm Lane, Lolo, MT 59847.
A virtual event will also be via Zoom on November 30 at noon. Registration is required for the virtual event. Please follow the below Zoom information to register:
When: Nov 30, 2023 12:00 PM Mountain Time (US and Canada)
Topic: US 93: Missoula to Florence Corridor Study Open House
Register in advance for this webinar (link no longer active)
Or an H.323/SIP room system:
H.323: [] (US West) [] (US East) [] (Canada Toronto) [] (Canada Vancouver)
Meeting ID: 840 5276 2190
Passcode: 351444
Passcode: 351444
After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the webinar.
At the in-person event, study findings and initial solutions will be available, and study experts will be on hand to answer questions. Members of the public and media are welcome to stop by at any time during the open house. No formal presentation will be made. The virtual session will include a presentation followed by a question-and-answer session. The same information will be provided at both open house sessions.
The corridor study will continue into next year with final intersection specific concepts shared tentatively by the summer 2024. Feedback received from the open house events and public comments will directly influence the creation of final improvement concepts.
With questions email Becca at
August 2, 2023
The Montana Department of Transportation (MDT) and its partners thank you for your ongoing feedback and participation as the US 93 Missoula to Florence study continues.
The study team anticipates initial findings for the Lolo to Florence Corridor will be available sometime this winter, in late 2023 or early 2024. Missoula to Lolo results will follow in approximately six months. Within this window, the study team will assess and recommend short-term and long-term measures to address needs along US Highway 93 (US 93), including specific intersections.
Separate from the Missoula to Florence study, a speed study was recently conducted between Missoula and Hamilton. Within this portion of the corridor, the speed study recommends maintaining the existing posted speed limits while adding a new 55-mph speed transition zone between the existing 65-mph speed limit and the 45-mph speed limit for northbound vehicles entering Missoula. In addition, the study recommends extending existing speed transition zones to half-a-mile in length and considering installation of traffic calming devices to encourage drivers to travel at posted speeds.
Though the Missoula to Hamilton speed study is complete, final approval has not yet been received. Following review by Missoula and Ravalli Counties and public comment, the Transportation Commission is anticipated to make its decision in a few months. Feedback submitted to the counties during this process will be considered. Our suggestion is to encourage community members to provide feedback to their county officials. We will communicate this to stakeholders interested in this US 93 study.
The Bitterroot Valley corridor is a priority for MDT. The study team recognizes the urgency for improvements.
May 12, 2023
The Montana Department of Transportation (MDT) and Robert Peccia & Associates (RPA) are continuing on the US Highway 93 (US 93) - Missoula to Florence Corridor Study.
For those who may have missed the previous project update, MDT and RPA are including US 93 from Lolo to Missoula as part of this roadway study in response to public feedback received. Results from this additional study area will be included with information and proposed alternatives determined for the initial area from Lolo to Florence.
Environmental analysis began in the Missoula to Lolo area at the end of April. Traffic data collection will begin this summer, with follow-up data collection in the fall to capture operations near the new Lolo School.
The project team still anticipates initial study results (Lolo to Florence) to be available in late 2023 or early 2024. There will be a six-month extension for study results between Lolo and Missoula. MDT and RPA appreciate the feedback received from the public and local stakeholders, and hope to determine short-term and long-term solutions to enhance safety on US 93.
This Bitterroot Valley corridor is a priority for MDT, and this study is focused on identifying needed safety improvements. As existing funding is limited, MDT and RPA are working to seek supplementary funding to address safety concerns across the region, and for this US 93 corridor specifically. Please know that we recognize the urgency for improvements.
If you have additional information or feedback about the Missoula to Florence corridor, the team would love to hear from you.
The team would love to hear from you if you have additional information or feedback about the Missoula to Florence corridor. Please email Becca at
March 3, 2023
The Montana Department of Transportation (MDT) and Robert Peccia & Associates (RPA) continue progressing on the US Highway 93 (US 93) - Lolo to Florence Corridor Study. MDT and RPA are now including US 93 from Lolo to the Missoula city limits as part of this roadway study in response to public feedback. Results from this additional study area will be included with information and proposed alternatives determined for the initial portion from Lolo to Florence.
Moving forward, MDT and RPA will conduct similar data collection and traffic analysis between Lolo and Missoula, extending to the Bitterroot River bridge at the Missoula city limits. The team will be working to facilitate meetings with all landowners, businesses, and stakeholders in the area who are interested in providing feedback. Multiple open house/public meetings will be held in 2023 to continue gathering feedback and presenting ideas and concepts for the Missoula to Florence corridor.
The second round of public and stakeholder meetings will be held in late summer or fall of 2023. The study team aims to provide and discuss the preliminary results at that time. Updates will be provided as this milestone approaches.
MDT and RPA appreciate the feedback received from stakeholders and hope to determine short-term and long-term solutions to increase safety on US 93. The study team still anticipates initial study results (Lolo to Florence) to be available toward the end of 2023. There will be a six-month extension for study results between Lolo and Missoula.
Roadway improvements are a large piece of the equation in enhancing safety and driver focus. Remember to buckle up, be mindful of drivers around you, and limit distractions when driving.
The team would love to hear from you if you have additional information or feedback about the Missoula to Florence corridor. Please email Becca at
November 4, 2022
Progress continues on the US Highway 93 (US 93), Lolo to Florence Corridor Study being conducted by the Montana Department of Transportation (MDT) and Robert Peccia & Associates (RPA).
The virtual open house recording from October 18 is posted on the study webpage at this link if you missed the event or would like to review materials.
Crews have completed crash and traffic data collection, and the RPA team is now conducting traffic analysis. RPA is also partnering with Herrera Environmental Consultants to further evaluate wildlife and environmental considerations throughout the area.
In feedback received via email, social media, phone and during recent public meetings, many residents have identified that turning left onto US 93 from side streets and turning right off US 93 is a challenge for drivers. In addition, many residents have noted the speed limit as a concern. Center turns lanes, right turn lanes, and frontage roads have been suggested as possible future safety improvements.
The team has received this feedback repeatedly over the last few months and is working to address it. Other details and comments are also being considered as potential solutions are being identified. MDT and RPA are grateful for the participation and feedback received so far.
All comments received via email, phone and social media have been recorded and read by the study leadership team.
If you have additional information or feedback to share, the team would love to hear from you. Please email Becca at
October 21, 2022
Thank you to the virtual and in-person open house attendees earlier this week. If you missed the events, please feel welcome to view the recording of the virtual open house here.
The Lolo to Florence Corridor is a priority for the Montana Department of Transportation (MDT). The project team appreciates the comments, feedback and questions received at Tuesday’s open house events.
All comments and concerns gathered through discussion and comment cards will be noted as part of the study findings. Public feedback is an integral step towards determining potential solutions.
MDT and Robert Peccia & Associates (RPA) will continue gathering and analyzing data of the US 93 corridor. A second public meeting will be scheduled in early 2023, where study findings and potential solutions will be presented to the public. In addition, stakeholder meetings will continue to be requested. Updates will be provided as the study progresses and as public meetings are scheduled.
Additional feedback or questions are welcomed throughout the duration of the study. With questions or feedback as the study progresses, please email
Prefer to ask a question or submit feedback via phone? Call 406-207-4484.
To sign up for text updates, text LOLOFLO to 41411. Message and data rates may apply. Message frequency may vary. Text STOP to cancel. Texting alerts are not managed by MDT and may have different privacy and security policies. For more information, see: []
September 30, 2022
The Montana Department of Transportation (MDT), in partnership with Robert Peccia and Associates (RPA), invite you to attend an open house on Tuesday, October 18, 2022. Two events will be held on this day to ensure all interested parties can attend. The same information will be provided at both open house sessions. The study team will provide an update on the current status of the study and will be available to answer questions.
The in-person event will be held from 4:30 – 6:30 p.m. at Lolo School (11395 Highway 93 South) in the lower gym.
The virtual event will also be on October 18 at noon via Zoom. Registration is required for the virtual event. Please follow this link to register.
MDT and RPA are collaborating to complete a study between Lolo and Florence on US Hwy 93 south of Missoula. This study will investigate the best possible future improvements to support growth within the area, increase safety and provide an improved travel experience for drivers.
The roadway study will be conducted in the late summer and fall of 2022 and into 2023, with results expected towards the end of 2023 or early 2024.
Questions? call 406-207-4484. To sign up for updates as the study progresses, please email
September 9, 2022
The Montana Department of Transportation (MDT) and Robert Peccia & Associates (RPA) thank you for your interest and feedback thus far regarding the US 93, Lolo to Florence Corridor study.
The study has kicked off as of July 2022. Crew members have begun collecting crash and traffic data, conducting analysis, and taking field observations. In addition, an environmental evaluation is being completed. MDT and RPA recognize the challenges drivers, bicyclists, pedestrians, and wildlife face with growing traffic rates throughout the area and are working hard to gather real-time data.
MDT and RPA are grateful for your support and participation throughout the project. An open house will be held virtually and in-person in mid-October to provide an opportunity to chat with the project team and learn more about the study’s progress. More details on this will be provided as the date approaches.
As the study progresses, the team is interested in gathering qualitative feedback on US 93 between Lolo and Florence from surrounding businesses, landowners, residents and stakeholders.
All comments received via email, phone and social media thus far have been recorded and read by the project leadership team.
If you have additional information or feedback to share and would like to meet virtually or in-person with the project team, please email me at
Questions? Email