Chris Dorrington



Larry Flynn

Deputy Director


Charity Burns

Public Information Officer


Natalee Stout

Public Involvement Specialist


Jessica Bousliman

Executive Assistant/Transportation Commission Secretary


Public Information

The Public Information Office provides media support for the department. The Public Information Officer (PIO) acts as the Director's spokesperson and coordinates marketing activities; manages media contacts; writes speeches and press releases; and assists staff when media issues arise. In addition, the PIO coordinates publication of The Interchange, MDT's online employee newsletter, every payday.

Charity Burns

Public Information Officer


MDT Logos & Guidelines

Public Involvement

Since transportation projects often impact Montana residents personally and professionally, this office works to increase public awareness of upcoming projects and to provide the public with ample opportunity to become involved in shaping project design and development.

This is primarily accomplished through two mechanisms: public meetings and news releases.

Public meetings

The Public Involvement Program coordinates meetings for upcoming projects throughout the state, working with district staff and MDT consultants to ensure that the department provides ample opportunity for public input and comment.

News releases

Public Involvement staff prepares and distributes news releases announcing proposed projects, including total reconstructions, railroad crossings, bridge replacements, temporary detours, and paving or overlay projects.

Natalee Stout

Public Involvement Specialist
