This division provides a broad range of professional services to support the mission and operations of the agency. The division includes MDT’s Office of Civil Rights, Legal Services, and Audit Services.

Office of Civil Rights

MDT is committed to equal opportunity, nondiscrimination, and harassment prevention in all aspects of employment and in programs, services, and activities offered to the public. The Office of Civil Rights provides leadership and direction on MDT’s implementation of Federal and State Civil Rights Programs including: Title VI Program, Title VII Program, Affirmative Action Program, Disadvantaged Business Enterprise (DBE) Program; External Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) Program, On-the-Job Training Program (OJT); National Summer Transportation Institute, Small Business Enterprise (SBE) Program, DBE Supportive Services, OJT Supportive Services and the Contractor’s Equal Employment Opportunity (EEO) Compliance Program.


Bureau Chief

406-444-6324 | TTY: 800-335-7592 | Fax: 406-444-7243

Office of Civil Rights Contacts

Audit Services

MDT’s Audit Services provides a comprehensive program of projects, including audits and investigations. These projects enhance and protect organizational value by providing risk-based and objective assurance, consultation, and insight. They serve as liaison to the Legislative Audit Division for performance, information system, and hotline call investigations.

Audit Services consists of fourteen employees organized into two distinct work groups: External Audit and Internal Audit. These work groups perform approximately 260 projects each year to encourage taxpayer compliance; ensure consultants and contractors comply with contract requirements and federal cost principles; and to assess the effectiveness and efficiency of operational units within MDT and measure the compliance of the process with established departmental, federal, and state laws, regulations, and/or policies and procedures.

Natalie Gibson

Chief Auditor


Audit Services Contacts

Legal Services

The Legal Services Unit conducts litigation and provides general counsel support to the Montana Transportation Commission, MDT’s program areas and the MDT Administrative Team.

Valerie A. Balukas

Chief Counsel


Legal Services Contacts