On this page: Highways Bureau | Bridge Bureau | Right-of-Way Bureau | Consultant Design Bureau | Traffic and Safety Bureau
The Preconstruction Program involves planning and developing the details of construction projects. This includes determining the location and design features, conducting public hearings and working with local officials, acquiring property for right-of-way and processing contracts up to the time they are awarded to private contractors.
Highways Bureau
The Highways Bureau handles technical activities on highways from the time a project is programmed until the start of actual construction. This includes location and road design, hydraulic studies, and photogrammetric mapping.
Bridge Bureau
The Bridge Bureau designs all major bridges for highways controlled by the department, and approves bridge design performed by consultants
Right-of-Way Bureau
The Right of Way Bureau acquires land for highways. It also provides assistance and payments to individuals and businesses relocated by highways, designs the right-of-way, and arranges for relocating utilities that conflict with highway construction.
Utilities Section Contacts
Outdoor Advertising Control Contacts
Consultant Design Bureau
The Consultant Design Bureau procures and manages all professional consultant services contracts for MDT. A primary role of the Bureau is the management and development of design projects, including coordinating and documenting design work between consultants and MDT. The Transportation Alternatives (TA) Program is also managed here, specifically by the TA Engineer.
Traffic and Safety Bureau
The Traffic and Safety Bureau is responsible for providing management, design, and technical support for traffic and safety engineering functions. It is responsible for managing and coordinating the highway safety improvement and railroad crossing safety improvement programs. It develops and reviews plans and specifications for geometric features, signing, pavement marking, electrical and highway safety improvement projects. It also performs traffic and safety engineering investigations.