On this page: Transit Section | State Highway Traffic Safety Section | System Impact Action Process Section
Transit Section
The Transit Section is responsible for administering federal and state transit programs. Through these programs, Transit Section staff provides technical and financial assistance to local agencies, governments, and companies that provide local and intercity passenger service to Montana's transit-dependant residents.
Urban Transit Programs
Metropolitan Planning (Section 5303)
Provides federal financial assistance through the Federal Transit Administration for the development and improvement of comprehensive public mass transportation systems. The eligible recipient of Section 5303 funding is the State of Montana. Funding must be allocated by the state to urbanized areas with populations over 50,000 (Billings, Great Falls and Missoula) for planning and evaluation of urban transit projects, development of transportation plans, and other technical studies. For information about these funds please contact Mitch Buthod, 406-444-9238.
Urbanized Area Formula Program (Section 5307)
Grants under this program are available to finance planning projects and capital projects including acquisition, construction, improvement, and maintenance of facilities and equipment for use in transit as well as transit-related operating costs. The Governor is the designated recipient of Section 5307 funds and, in turn, designates the funds to a public body. In Montana, the Governor has designated Billings, Great Falls, and Missoula as the recipients of these funds. For more information about these funds please contact:
Billings MET Transit – 406-657-8218
Great Falls Transit – 406-727-0382
Missoula Mountain Line – 406-721-3333
State Highway Traffic Safety Section
The Montana Highway Traffic Safety Section administers federal grant monies for safety programs aimed at reducing deaths, injuries, and property losses resulting from traffic crashes.
Some of these grants cover administration costs such as increased overtime patrols for law enforcement agencies. Others cover the production and delivery of educational programs.
Visit Our Traffic Safety Programs Site
System Impact Action Process Section
The System Impact Action Process (SIAP) Section provides a coordinated review of projects initiated outside of MDT that may significantly and permanently impact the state's transportation system. The review process aims to provide private developers a single point of contact for requesting access to the state's highways, while also protecting the taxpayers' investment in a safe and efficient transportation system. The SIAP review also ensures that MDT's permitting process does not precede necessary environmental processes for these non-MDT initiated actions. SIAP review staff also serve as MDT's point of contact for non-MDT initiated National and Montana Environmental Policy Act (NEPA/MEPA) and Major Facility Siting Act reviews that may impact the state's transportation systems.