See also: Current Environmental Documents
Arthur Avenue - Missoula
Battlefield Rest Area/Interchange
Belfry-North EA
EA | Appendix A | B | C | D | E | F | G
Bench Blvd
Bigfork North & South EA
EA | Appendix A | B | C | D | E
Billings 6th Ave to Bench Blvd
Billings Airport Road
Billings Bypass
Appendix A Resource Maps
Appendix B Agency Coordination
Appendix C Farmland Conversion Impact Rating
Appendix D Cultural Resources
Appendix E Traffic Noise
Appendix F Clean Water Act Section 404(b)(1) Evaluation
Appendix G Public Involvement
Appendix H Interchange and Intersection Concepts
Appendix I Alternatives Report
Appendix J Agency and Public Comments and Responses
Hazardous Materials/Substances Initial Site Assessment
Biological Resources Report
Biological Resources Report Addendum
Supplemental Agency Coordination Materials
Combined Traffic Reports
Coordination Plan for Agency & Public Involvement
Billings Bypass – Five Mile Road Segment
Billings Bypass – Yellowstone River Bridge Segment
Revised Record of Decision
FEIS Re-evaluation
Updated FEIS Re-evaluationBillings Bypass – Yellowstone River Bridge to Railroad Overpass Segment
Billings Bypass – Railroad Overpass Segment
Revised Record of Decision
FEIS Re-evaluation
Updated FEIS Re-evaluationBillings Bypass – Johnson Lane Segment
Brooks/South/Russell Intersection
2002 Re-evaluation of Environmental Assessment | FONSI
Boulder - South
FONSI | EA | Additional documents and information
Brockton East
Canyon Ferry Road
Conner N&S
FONSI | Appendices | EA
Culbertson East To North Dakota
Cut Bank RR Overpass
Fairfield to Dupuyer Corridor Study
Record of Decision |
Appendix A |
B |
EIS Re-evaluation - Choteau – South (9343000)
Flathead River - 3km East of Kalispell
Final Categorical Exclusion | Final Section 4(f) Evaluation
Four Corners North and Belgrade South
Gallatin Canyon Slope Flattening/Widening
Grayling Creek - North of US20
I-15 Corridor
Record of Decision | Comments and Responses | EIS | Appendix A | B | C | D
I-90 East Belgrade Interchange
Junction MT85-East
Junction US 2 - North
Kearl Module Transport Project (KMTP)
FONSI - Volume I | II | III | IV | V
Appendix 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 | 11 | 12 | 13 | 14
Appendix 1 | 2 | 3 | 4
Lewistown to Grass Range
Lewistown West Overpass
FONSI | EA | Comments and Responses
Marysville Road Improvement Project
MDT/CSKT Land Exchange
Middle Fork Flathead River – SE Essex
Miles City Street Projects
Miller Creek
Final EIS
Executive Summary
Chapter 1: Purpose and Need
Chapter 2: Alternatives
Chapter 3: Affected Environment
Chapter 4: Environmental Consequences and Mitigation
Chapter 5: Comments and Coordination
Chapter 6: List of Preparers
Chapter 7: List of Recipients
Cover and Table of Contents
Appendix A: Agency Coordination
Appendix B: Public Involvement
Appendix C: List of Technical Reports
Appendix D: Draft Section 404(b)(1) Evaluation
Appendix E: Comments and Responses on Draft EIS
Missoula Primary Sidewalk Network
North Reserve Street/Mead Land Exchange, Missoula and Mineral Counties
North Reserve Street
Paradise East (East Section) Dixon
EA -
Red Lodge North
Redstone East & West
Rockvale to Laurel
Rouse Avenue - Bozeman
Russell Street/South 3rd Street - Missoula
Re-Evaluation February 2015 | Record of Decision | FEIS
Sula – North
Shiloh Road Corridor
Townsend South
Two Medicine Bridge
US2, Columbia Heights to Hungry Horse
1995 FEIS
Document w/o appendices
Document by section
Purpose and Need for Action
Affected Environment
Environmental Consequences
Final Section 4(f) Evaluation
Comments and Coordination
Comments and Coordination con't.
1995 Record of Decision
2002 Re-evaluation
US2, Havre to Fort Belknap EIS
Record of Decision | EIS Volume 1 | EIS Volume 2 | 2009 Re-evaluation | 2012 Re-evaluation
US2 Swamp Creek
EA (1989) | Re-evaluated EA (1994) | Re-evaluation letter (2001) | Re-evaluation Addendum (2006)
US 89, Belt North & South
US89, Browning to Hudson Bay Divide FEIS
Record of Decision | FEIS & Section 4(f) | Appendices
US93, Evaro to Polson EIS
US93, Ninepipe/Ronan Improvement Project
Record of Decision May 2008
SEIS & Section 4(f) February 2008 | Appendices
1744013 Ronan Urban Re-Evaluation April 2016
1744019 Ronan-North Re-Evaluation March 2022
1744019 Ronan-North Re-Evaluation December 2022
US93, Hamilton to Lolo EIS
Record of Decision | EIS | Appendices
US93, Somers to Whitefish West EIS
REIS - Kalispell Bypass | Record of Decision | EIS
REIS – Mountainside to MP 133 (2017002)
REIS - Mountainside to MP 133 (2017002) - 2025
West Yellowstone Airport Terminal
EA | Appendices
Yellowstone River - NE of Livingston
To receive a hard copy of any of these documents please call 406-444-7228.