The Environmental Process is completed with signature of the Re-evaluation of the Environmental Impact Statement (REIS), in July 2006.
- Signature page (84 kb)
- Cover page (224 kb)
- Table of Contents (148 kb)
- Executive Summary (1.1 mb)
- Chapter 1, Introduction (1.9 mb)
- Chapter 2, Summary & Findings of the 1994 FEIS & ROD (184 kb)
- Chapter 3, Kalispell Bypass as Currently Proposed (2 mb)
- Chapter 4, Impact of Proposed Change (9.8 mb)
- Chapter 5, Impacts Comparison Summary & Additional Mitigation (192 kb)
- Entire Re-evaluation Document (14.5 mb)
Traffic Noise Issues
A traffic noise study was completed to determine the Bypass traffic noise impacts and recommend area(s) for mitigation. Land owners have supported construction of the 12-14' walls along eligible neighborhoods.

- 06 Traffic Noise Impact Study (2.8mb)
- A presentation explaining noise and MDT's policy is available.
Traffic Noise Basics - Microsoft Powerpoint (1.5 mb) - Additional information regarding MDT's noise policy can be found on the MDT website at: