September 9, 2022
The Kalispell Bypass – Foys Lake Road Interchange is complete. Thank you to all of the ribbon cutting event attendees last week.
Drivers may notice minor work taking place near Ashley Creek. However, this will be the final email update for the Foys Lake Road Interchange project. Thank you for your feedback, questions, and participation over the last two years.
To stay informed on future Kalispell Bypass roadwork including Airport Road and US 93, please email Becca at
Please see the photo below of the Interchange ribbon cutting ceremony and video of speeches linked here.

August 12, 2022
Construction is substantially complete on the Kalispell Bypass – Foys Lake Road Interchange. Crews have mowed the grass throughout the project area and are completing minor clean-up work.
As a reminder, to commemorate the completion of the Foys Lake Road Interchange, we cordially invite you to attend a thank you and ribbon-cutting event on Wednesday, August 31, from 5-7 p.m. at the MDT maintenance yard, which is south of the Airport Road roundabout, across from Silver Buckle Road []. If possible, we encourage folks to carpool as parking is limited.
Please encourage neighbors, colleagues and friends to attend!
The event will be outside, weather permitting, and all are welcome. The event will include guest speakers, treats, raffles and games! Feel welcome to bring lawn chairs or towels to enjoy the evening with us.
Please email
August 5, 2022
Thank you for your support and partnership throughout the Kalispell Bypass – Foys Lake Road project. Construction is completed. This week, crews are mowing the grass throughout the project area and completing minor clean-up work including repairing sidewalk cracking, hauling material, and updating signage.
To commemorate the completion of the Foys Lake Road Interchange, we cordially invite you to attend a thank you and ribbon-cutting event on Wednesday, August 31, from 5-7 p.m. at the MDT maintenance yard, which is south of the Airport Road roundabout, across from Silver Buckle Road. If possible, we encourage folks to carpool, as parking is limited.
The event will be outside, weather permitting, and all are welcome. The event will include guest speakers, treats, raffles and games! Feel welcome to bring lawn chairs or towels to enjoy the evening with us.
This milestone would not be possible without the support you have provided. Getting to this stage has been a long journey and essential for Kalispell infrastructure.
Questions? Please call 406-207-4484.
July 29, 2022
Thank you for your support and partnership throughout the Kalispell Bypass – Foys Lake Road project. We are pleased to announce that construction has been substantially completed. Very minor clean-up work remains including repairing sidewalk cracking, hauling material and updating signage. Drivers may notice crews present around the intersection but no traffic impacts are anticipated.
To commemorate this milestone, we cordially invite you to attend a thank you and ribbon-cutting event on Wednesday, August 31, from 5-7 p.m. at the MDT maintenance yard, south of the Airport Road roundabout, across from Silver Buckle Road.
The event will be outside, weather permitting, and all are welcome. The event will include guest speakers, treats, raffles and games!
This milestone would not be possible without the support you have provided. Getting to this stage has been a long journey and essential for Kalispell infrastructure.
Receiving the Federal BUILD grant and executing this project is a large accomplishment. Finishing the interchange is a reason to celebrate for our community and honor those who have supported the team in this endeavor. Foys Lake Road Interchange is just one section of the larger Bypass. Work will continue to occur on intersections including Airport Road and US 93 in future years.
We appreciate your time, support, and feedback on the Kalispell Bypass–Foys Lake Road project.
Questions? Please call 406-207-4484.
July 22, 2022
LHC and the Montana Department of Transportation are nearing the end of road construction. This coming week is anticipated to be the last of major work. What an exciting milestone! We cannot thank you enough for your continued patience and support in bringing us to this point.
Crews are currently scheduled to stripe the roadway on Tuesday and Wednesday. Please be alert for changing conditions and follow all posted signage and follow all traffic control in place to keep you and workers safe. Once complete, there may be miscellaneous clean-up work off the roadway but no further traffic impacts are anticipated.
A ribbon cutting ceremony will take place in late August to celebrate the end of construction on the Kalispell Bypass – Foys Lake Road project. Invitations will be sent via email and mail in the coming weeks.
100 Deadliest Days: A Reminder Stay Safe and Vigilant in Your Summer Travels
For many Montanans, Memorial Day weekend kicks off the start of summer travel, culminating with Labor Day weekend. Unfortunately, these summer months can also be some of the deadliest on Montana’s roads due to increased motor vehicle crashes. This period is known nationally as the “100 Deadliest Days of Summer,” and has historically represented an increase in crashes and crash fatalities on our roadways due to greater traffic volumes and clear travel conditions that lower drivers’ guards.
Before you make plans to travel this summer, commit to safe, lawful behavior and remain vigilant in sharing Montana’s roadways with all system users. Never operate a motor vehicle while impaired. If you’re driving a vehicle, buckle up before you go and insist your friends and family do the same. Using your seat belt is your best defense against serious injury or death in the event you’re in a crash. This is a Vision Zero Message from the Montana Department of Transportation. Learn more about the goal of Vision Zero.
Questions? Please call 406-207-4484.
July 15, 2022
LHC and the Montana Department of Transportation thank you for your patience during road closures and delays this past week.
This coming week, no roadwork is taking place and traffic will not be impacted.
Crews will finish painting and clean up later this month on the Bypass and continued updates will be provided.
A ribbon cutting ceremony will take place in late August to celebrate the end of construction on the Kalispell Bypass – Foys Lake Road project. Invitations will be sent via email and mail in the coming weeks.
100 Deadliest Days: A Reminder Stay Safe and Vigilant in Your Summer Travels
For many Montanans, Memorial Day weekend kicks off the start of summer travel, culminating with Labor Day weekend. Unfortunately, these summer months can also be some of the deadliest on Montana’s roads due to increased motor vehicle crashes. This period is known nationally as the “100 Deadliest Days of Summer,” and has historically represented an increase in crashes and crash fatalities on our roadways due to greater traffic volumes and clear travel conditions that lower drivers’ guards.
Before you make plans to travel this summer, commit to safe, lawful behavior and remain vigilant in sharing Montana’s roadways with all system users. Never operate a motor vehicle while impaired. If you’re driving a vehicle, buckle up before you go and insist your friends and family do the same. Using your seat belt is your best defense against serious injury or death in the event you’re in a crash. This is a Vision Zero Message from the Montana Department of Transportation. Learn more about the goal of Vision Zero.
Questions? Please call 406-207-4484 or email Becca at
To sign up for text updates, text FOYSLAKE to 41411. Message and data rates may apply. Message frequency may vary. Text STOP to cancel. Texting alerts are not managed by MDT and may have different privacy and security policies. For more information see:
July 8, 2022
LHC and the Montana Department of Transportation will finish concrete reinforcement work on the Kalispell Bypass – Foys Lake Road Interchange this coming week.
This will include night work on weekdays from 7 p.m. to 7 a.m. While night work takes place, one interchange ramp will be closed at a time. Drivers will need to take alternate routes. Variable message boards will note where each closure will be taking place as they shift throughout the week and workers will be present to direct traffic.
Both ramps off the interchange will be open during the day. In addition, drivers will notice daytime work, including polymer overlays (concrete sealing) on the overpass bridge.
Please anticipate a few minutes of delay when traveling through the intersection this coming week. Be mindful of crews, equipment, and other drivers.
In addition, an event is being planned in late August to celebrate the end of construction. Details will be provided as the date approaches.
100 Deadliest Days: A Reminder Stay Safe and Vigilant in Your Summer Travels
For many Montanans, Memorial Day weekend kicks off the start of summer travel, culminating with Labor Day weekend. Unfortunately, these summer months can also be some of the deadliest on Montana’s roads due to increased motor vehicle crashes. This period is known nationally as the “100 Deadliest Days of Summer,” and has historically represented an increase in crashes and crash fatalities on our roadways due to greater traffic volumes and clear travel conditions that lower drivers’ guards.
Before you make plans to travel this summer, commit to safe, lawful behavior and remain vigilant in sharing Montana’s roadways with all system users. Never operate a motor vehicle while impaired. If you’re driving a vehicle, buckle up before you go and insist your friends and family do the same. Using your seat belt is your best defense against serious injury or death in the event you’re in a crash. This is a Vision Zero Message from the Montana Department of Transportation. Learn more about the goal of Vision Zero.
Questions? Please call 406-207-4484 or email Becca at
To sign up for text updates, text FOYSLAKE to 41411. Message and data rates may apply. Message frequency may vary. Text STOP to cancel. Texting alerts are not managed by MDT and may have different privacy and security policies. For more information see:
July 1, 2022
On behalf of the Montana Department of Transportation, we wish you a safe and fun July 4 holiday. Crews will not be present on Monday, July 4.
Beginning Tuesday, July 5, LHC will be completing concrete reinforcement work on the Foys Lake Road Interchange. This will take place over the next two to three weeks.
Traffic controls remain in place. Please continue to anticipate delays when traveling through the work zone. Thank you for your patience!
Drivers can anticipate final line painting to take place later in July. In addition, an event is being planned in late August to celebrate the end of construction. Details will be provided as the date approaches.
Summer travel is picking up all over the country! Make a Sober Ride Part of Your Fourth of July Plans.
For many Montanans, Memorial Day weekend kicks off the start of summer travel, culminating with Labor Day weekend. Unfortunately, these summer months can also be some of the deadliest on Montana’s roads due to increased motor vehicle crashes.
To help ensure everyone enjoys a safe holiday weekend, law enforcement agencies and the Montana Highway Patrol (MHP) will be increasing patrols to watch for and stop impaired drivers on Montana’s roadways. Before you make plans to celebrate Fourth of July, plan for safe, sober transportation and insist your friends and family do the same. Remember to always buckle up before you go, as using your seat belt is your best defense against serious injury or death in the event you’re in a crash. This is a Vision Zero Message from the Montana Department of Transportation. Learn more about the goal of Vision Zero and impaired driving prevention here.
Questions? Please call 406-207-4484 or email Becca at
To sign up for text updates, text FOYSLAKE to 41411. Message and data rates may apply. Message frequency may vary. Text STOP to cancel. Texting alerts are not managed by MDT and may have different privacy and security policies. For more information see:
June 24, 2022
This week on the Foys Lake Road Interchange, the Montana Department of Transportation and LHC will be completing concrete reinforcement work throughout the interchange. Chip sealing is now complete. Line painting will soon follow.
Traffic controls remain in place. Please anticipate minor delays when traveling through the work zone.
Please continue to slow down, be cautious of workers, equipment and other drivers.
Construction is anticipated to be completed by the end of the summer. Updates will be provided as work wraps up.
Summer travel is picking up all over the country! Make a Sober Ride Part of Your Fourth of July Plans.
For many Montanans, Memorial Day weekend kicks off the start of summer travel, culminating with Labor Day weekend. Unfortunately, these summer months can also be some of the deadliest on Montana’s roads due to increased motor vehicle crashes.
To help ensure everyone enjoys a safe holiday weekend, law enforcement agencies and the Montana Highway Patrol (MHP) will be increasing patrols to watch for and stop impaired drivers on Montana’s roadways. Before you make plans to celebrate Fourth of July, plan for safe, sober transportation and insist your friends and family do the same. Remember to always buckle up before you go, as using your seat belt is your best defense against serious injury or death in the event you’re in a crash. This is a Vision Zero Message from the Montana Department of Transportation. Learn more about the goal of Vision Zero and impaired driving prevention here.
Questions? Please call 406-207-4484 or email Becca at
To sign up for text updates, text FOYSLAKE to 41411. Message and data rates may apply. Message frequency may vary. Text STOP to cancel. Texting alerts are not managed by MDT and may have different privacy and security policies. For more information see:
June 20–June 24, 2022
This coming week on the Foys Lake Road Interchange, Montana Department of Transportation and LHC will begin preparations for chip sealing the project area, and with good weather, should be able to complete this work by the end of next week.
Last week’s rumble strips and roadway sealing efforts have wrapped up. Once the roadway fully dries from all our spring rain, crews will be able to fully seal the road with an epoxy. This will be over a 30 day period to ensure the seal fully sets. In addition, the traveling public will start to see pavement markings along the highway and on Foys Lake Road. We’re nearing the end of construction!
Traffic controls remain in place and travelers should be prepared for minor delays and reduced speeds throughout the work zone.
We appreciate the public’s patience as we are working to complete this project by summer’s end. Weekly project updates will continue to be provided every Friday throughout construction.
If you have questions about this week’s update, please call 406-207-4484 or email Becca at
To sign up for text updates, text FOYSLAKE to 41411. Message and data rates may apply. Message frequency may vary. Text STOP to cancel. Texting alerts are not managed by MDT and may have different privacy and security policies. For more information see:
June 10, 2022
This week on the Foys Lake Road Interchange, the Montana Department of Transportation and LHC will begin pavement grinding and minor rumble strip work. Thank you for your understanding as this takes place.
Pavement grinding work will correct any minor inconsistencies in the roadway.
Traffic controls remain in place, and travelers should be prepared for minor delays and reduced speeds throughout the work zone.
We appreciate the public’s patience as we are working on completing this project by summer’s end. Weekly project updates will continue to be provided every Friday throughout construction.
If you have questions about this week’s update, please call 406-207-4484 or email Becca at
To sign up for text updates, text FOYSLAKE to 41411. Message and data rates may apply. Message frequency may vary. Text STOP to cancel. Texting alerts are not managed by MDT and may have different privacy and security policies. For more information see:
June 6–June 10, 2022
Weather permitting, the Montana Department of Transportation (MDT) and LHC Construction paving crews will be active throughout the Foys Lake Road Interchange this week, grinding down bumps and smoothing the road surface in preparation for the final chip sealing later in June.
Traffic controls will remain in place and travelers should be prepared for minor delays and reduced speeds throughout the work zone.
If you have any questions about this week's update, please call 406-207-4484 or email Becca at
To sign up for text updates, text FOYSLAKE to 41411. Message and data rates may apply. Message frequency may vary. Text STOP to cancel. Texting alerts are not managed by MDT and may have different privacy and security policies. For more information see:
May 27, 2022
The Montana Department of Transportation (MDT) and LHC Construction will pause work on the interchange from Monday, May 30, in honor of Memorial Day and resume on Tuesday, May 31.
Crews will be active throughout the work zone later in the week smoothing the road surface and preparing it for final chip sealing later in June.
Please remember the three Ss of work zone safety: speed, space, and stress. Slow down when approaching work zones and follow posted speed limits. Leave adequate braking room between your vehicle and the one ahead of you. Keep your cool, pay attention, and plan for delays.
Traffic controls will remain in place and travelers should be prepared for minor delays and reduced speeds throughout the work zone.
If you have any questions about this week's update, please call 406-207-4484 or email Becca at
To sign up for text updates, text FOYSLAKE to 41411. Message and data rates may apply. Message frequency may vary. Text STOP to cancel. Texting alerts are not managed by MDT and may have different privacy and security policies. For more information see:
May 20, 2022
The Montana Department of Transportation (MDT) and LHC Construction continue working on the southbound on-ramp at Ashley Creek and the recently paved Foys Lake Road interchange.
Crews will be working daily to smooth surface imperfections on the roadway, ensuring level pavement and improving ride quality.
To help ensure the safety of the construction workers and the traveling public, motorists should remain alert, reduce their speed, and watch for stopped traffic while passing through the work zone. Remember, move over or slow down.
Traffic controls will remain in place, and travelers should be prepared for minor delays and reduced speeds throughout the work zone.
Please note that the work schedules may be adjusted depending on weather and other conditions.
If you have any questions about this week's update, please call 406-207-4484 or email Becca at
To sign up for text updates, text FOYSLAKE to 41411. Message and data rates may apply. Message frequency may vary. Text STOP to cancel. Texting alerts are not managed by MDT and may have different privacy and security policies. For more information see:
May 13, 2022
Completion of the Kalispell Bypass- Foys Lake Road Interchange is getting closer.
Construction will continue this week as crews from LHC will be working on bump grinding the recently paved area. Traffic controls will be in place and motorists traveling through the area should be prepared for minor delays and reduced speeds throughout the work zone.
As always, if you are traveling through the area, please drive slowly, and watch for cars, equipment, and crew members.
Questions? Please call 406-207-4484 or email Becca at
To sign up for text updates, text FOYSLAKE to 41411. Message and data rates may apply. Message frequency may vary. Text STOP to cancel. Texting alerts are not managed by MDT and may have different privacy and security policies. For more information see:
May 6, 2022
This week on the Kalispell Bypass- Foys Lake Road Interchange, LHC is finishing paving or asphalt surfacing, and will be working to prepare the road for chip sealing.
In addition, damaged guard railing and roadway reflectors will be replaced along the northbound driving and passing lanes.
Motorists traveling through the area should be prepared for minor delays and reduced speeds throughout the work zone. Flaggers will be on site to help guide traffic.
Please continue to drive slowly through the area. Watch for cars, equipment, and crew members.
Questions? Please call 406-207-4484 or email Becca at
To sign up for text updates, text FOYSLAKE to 41411. Message and data rates may apply. Message frequency may vary. Text STOP to cancel. Texting alerts are not managed by MDT and may have different privacy and security policies. For more information see:
May 2, 2022
Active construction work will continue this week on the Kalispell Bypass- Foys Lake Road Interchange.
Crews from LHC will be paving and painting the North bound lanes of the interchange.
Pavements are an integral part of this roadway network. The new surface will provide a smooth and durable all-weather traveling surface that benefits a range of vehicles and users like commuters, commercial motor carriers, delivery and service providers, local users, and leisure travelers.
Flaggers will be on site to help guide traffic, and motorists should plan for minor delays and reduced speeds throughout the work zone.
Please continue to drive slow through the work zone. Watch for cars, equipment, and crew members.
Questions? Please call 406-207-4484 or email Becca at
April 25, 2022
Construction will resume on the Kalispell Bypass - Foys Lake Road Interexchange this week after poor weather conditions moved through last week, causing delays.
Weather permitting, LHC crews anticipate starting a process called mill and fill. Mill and fill is a structural pavement treatment that involves the removal of the existing surface layer - and in some cases the entire asphalt pavement thickness - with a milling machine and the replacement of the milled area with new asphalt.
Mill and fill restores and strengthens a road’s surface layer by restoring the pavement to a like new condition.
Crews will be working during the evening and nighttime hours. Flaggers will be on site to help guide traffic and drivers motoring through the area are encouraged to plan for minor delays.
Weekly project updates will continue to be provided every Friday throughout construction.
Questions? Please call 406-207-4484 or email Becca at
April 15, 2022
Due to poor weather, the Montana Department of Transportation (MDT) and LHC team have temporarily paused construction on the Kalispell Bypass – Foys Lake Road Interchange project.
Once the weather clears, crews will continue installing signs in the area and initial shoulder work. Drivers should not anticipate delays at this time.
Soon, travelers can expect to see paving and chip sealing occurring. Updates will be communicated as this roadwork approaches.
Please continue to drive slow through the work zone. Watch for cars, equipment, and crew members.
Questions? Please call 406-207-4484 or email Becca at
April 8, 2022
The Montana Department of Transportation (MDT) and LHC team have resumed construction on the Kalispell Bypass – Foys Lake Road Interchange project.
Now that construction season is ramping up, MDT reminds travelers to please be mindful of posted signage, crews and equipment in the work zone. April 11 – 15 is National Work Zone Awareness week! A timely reminder to slow down and use extra caution in construction zones. For more information, visit this webpage
This week at the Foys Lake Road Interchange, crews will be installing signs in the area. There may be shoulder closures throughout the intersection, but no lane closures are anticipated. Drivers should not anticipate delays at this time.
Questions? Please call 406-207-4484 or email Becca at
February 25, 2022
The Montana Department of Transportation will resume minor construction near Ashley Creek, south of the US Hwy 2 exit, beginning the first week of March 2022, weather and permit permitting. The southbound lane near Ashley Creek will be temporarily closed and traffic will be directed with signage. Roadwork will take place in this area for approximately 30 days.
The bicycle lane near the interchange will be closed during construction. In addition, pedestrian access to the northwest of Ashley Creek as well as northeast will be limited.
Full construction on the Foys Lake Road Interchange will resume in April 2022, depending on favorable weather, for final chip seal application and painting of road lines. Updates will be communicated as this date approaches.
If you have any remaining questions, please do not hesitate to reach out to the project hotline at 406-207-4484, operating Monday through Friday from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m., or email Becca MacLean at
As construction season resumes, MDT reminds everyone to practice the Three S’s of work zone safety: speed, space, and stress. Slow down when approaching work zones and follow posted speed limits. Leave adequate braking room between your vehicle and the one ahead of you. Keep your cool, pay attention, and plan for delays.
November 12, 2021
The Montana Department of Transportation is wrapping up on the Kalispell Bypass - Foys Lake Road Interchange project. Today, crews are installing rumble strips and applying the fog seal, a type of oil that will extend the life of the pavement. Crews may be active on Saturday to finish up all work prior to shutting down for the winter. Be prepared for changing traffic patterns while this work is occurring.
Construction will resume in 2022 for a few final activities, such as applying the chip seal and painting road lines.
MDT reminds everyone this construction season to practice the Three S’s of work zone safety: speed, space, and stress. Slow down when approaching work zones and follow posted speed limits. Leave adequate braking room between your vehicle and the one ahead of you. Keep your cool, pay attention, and plan for delays.
If you have any remaining questions, please do not hesitate to reach out to the project hotline at 406-207-4484, operating Monday through Friday from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m., or email Becca MacLean at
November 5, 2021
The Montana Department of Transportation has made great progress on the Kalispell Bypass - Foys Lake Road Interchange project. Crews expect to wrap up paving by the middle of the week. They will then work on installing rumble strips, painting roadway lines, and wrapping up for the winter.
Traffic control remains the same for the majority of the week of November 8. Southbound travel is on the on- and off-ramps through the roundabout at Foys Lake Road. Northbound traffic is on the on- and off-ramps through the roundabout at Meridian Road. Once all wrap-up work is finished, drivers will be able to fully use the bypass; this could happen by the end of the week if the weather holds up and there are no delays. We will be in touch with more information as we get closer to this exciting milestone.
MDT reminds everyone this construction season to practice the Three S’s of work zone safety: speed, space, and stress. Slow down when approaching work zones and follow posted speed limits. Leave adequate braking room between your vehicle and the one ahead of you. Keep your cool, pay attention, and plan for delays.
Our monthly virtual public meetings have concluded for the season. Thank you to all who joined us and asked questions! If you have any remaining questions, please do not hesitate to reach out to the project hotline at 406-207-4484, operating Monday through Friday from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m., or email Takami at
October 29, 2021
The Montana Department of Transportation continues to make progress on the Kalispell Bypass - Foys Lake Road Interchange project. Crews are paving and pouring concrete for curbs and gutters as the weather permits. The installation of roadway lights, placing of topsoil, and seeding are also ongoing.
Traffic control remains the same. Southbound travel is on the on- and off-ramps through the roundabout at Foys Lake Road. Northbound traffic is on the on- and off-ramps through the roundabout at Meridian Road.
MDT reminds everyone this construction season to practice the Three S’s of work zone safety: speed, space, and stress. Slow down when approaching work zones and follow posted speed limits. Leave adequate braking room between your vehicle and the one ahead of you. Keep your cool, pay attention, and plan for delays.
Questions or concerns about construction? Join us during a virtual meeting!
The Montana Department of Transportation (MDT) and LHC team are holding virtual public meetings to answer questions about the Foys Lake Road Interchange construction. Join the team on the second Thursday of each month at 6 pm. The next meeting is Thursday, November 4 at 6pm. Meetings are held via Zoom. No registration is required. To access the dial-in details for each month visit our project homepage. All are invited to ask the project team questions and provide feedback! Schedule updates will be communicated as needed.
Questions? Please call the project hotline at 406-207-4484 operating Monday through Friday from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m., or email Takami at
October 22, 2021
The Montana Department of Transportation continues construction on the Kalispell Bypass – Foys Lake Road Interchange project. Crews are putting down topsoil in the project area, putting sealant on the new overpass to protect the structure from water and cracks, and installing roadway lights, known as lumineers, throughout the project.
Traffic control remains the same. Southbound travel is on the on- and off-ramps through the roundabout at Foys Lake Road. Northbound traffic is on the on- and off-ramps through the roundabout at Meridian Road.
MDT reminds everyone this construction season to practice the Three S's of work zone safety: speed, space and stress. Slow down when approaching work zones and follow posted speed limits. Leave adequate braking room between your vehicle and the one ahead of you. Keep your cool, pay attention, and plan for delays.
Questions or concerns about construction? Join us during a virtual meeting!
The Montana Department of Transportation (MDT) and LHC team are holding virtual public meetings to answer questions about the Foys Lake Road Interchange construction. Join the team on the second Thursday of each month at 6 pm. The next meeting is Thursday, November 4 at 6pm. Meetings are held via Zoom. No registration is required. To access the dial-in details for each month visit our project homepage. All are invited to ask the project team questions and provide feedback! Schedule updates will be communicated as needed.
Questions? Please call the project hotline at 406-207-4484 operating Monday through Friday from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m., or email Takami at
October 15, 2021
The Montana Department of Transportation continues construction on the Kalispell Bypass – Foys Lake Road Interchange project. LHC crews are paving this week! Crews are paving side streets such as Valley View Drive, Foys Lake Road, and Meridian Road, and on the overpass.
Traffic control remains the same. Southbound travel is on the on- and off-ramps through the roundabout at Foys Lake Road, and northbound traffic is on the on- and off-ramps through the roundabout at Meridian Road.
MDT reminds everyone this construction season to practice the Three S's of work zone safety: speed, space and stress. Slow down when approaching work zones and follow posted speed limits. Leave adequate braking room between your vehicle and the one ahead of you. Keep your cool, pay attention, and plan for delays.
Questions or concerns about construction? Join us during a virtual meeting!
The Montana Department of Transportation (MDT) and LHC team are holding virtual public meetings to answer questions about the Foys Lake Road Interchange construction. Join the team on the second Thursday of each month at 6 pm. The next meeting is Thursday, November 4 at 6pm. Meetings are held via Zoom. No registration is required. To access the dial-in details for each month visit our project homepage. All are invited to ask the project team questions and provide feedback! Schedule updates will be communicated as needed.
Questions? Please call the project hotline at 406-207-4484 operating Monday through Friday from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m., or email Takami at
October 8, 2021
Construction continues on the Kalispell Bypass – Foys Lake Road Interchange project. The Montana Department of Transportation (MDT) and LHC crews have made significant progress pouring concrete on the overpass deck.
Traffic has also shifted. Southbound travel is on the on- and off-ramps through the roundabout at Foys Lake Road, and northbound traffic is on the on- and off-ramps through the roundabout at Meridian Road.
Crews will pave late in the week should warm and dry weather conditions allow.
MDT reminds everyone this construction season to practice the Three S's of work zone safety: speed, space and stress. Slow down when approaching work zones and follow posted speed limits. Leave adequate braking room between your vehicle and the one ahead of you. Keep your cool, pay attention, and plan for delays.
Questions or concerns about construction? Join us during a virtual meeting!
The Montana Department of Transportation (MDT) and LHC team are holding virtual public meetings to answer questions about the Foys Lake Road Interchange construction. Join the team on the second Thursday of each month at 6 pm. The next meeting is Thursday, October 14 at 6pm. Meetings are held via Zoom. No registration is required. To access the dial-in details for each month visit our project homepage. All are invited to ask the project team questions and provide feedback! Schedule updates will be communicated as needed.
Questions? Please call the project hotline at 406-207-4484 operating Monday through Friday from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m., or email Takami at
October 1, 2021
Construction continues on the Kalispell Bypass – Foys Lake Road Interchange project. The Montana Department of Transportation (MDT) and LHC crews are finishing placing gravel by the overpass in preparation for paving, and concrete is being poured on the overpass deck.
Traffic is expected to shift during the middle of the week. At that time, southbound traffic will start traveling on the on- and off-ramps through the roundabout at Foys Lake Road, and northbound traffic will travel on the on- and off-ramps through the roundabout at Meridian Road.
MDT reminds everyone this construction season to practice the Three S's of work zone safety: speed, space and stress. Slow down when approaching work zones and follow posted speed limits. Leave adequate braking room between your vehicle and the one ahead of you. Keep your cool, pay attention, and plan for delays.
Questions or concerns about construction? Join us during a virtual meeting!
The Montana Department of Transportation (MDT) and LHC team are holding virtual public meetings to answer questions about the Foys Lake Road Interchange construction. Join the team on the second Thursday of each month at 6 pm. The next meeting is Thursday, October 14 at 6pm. Meetings are held via Zoom. No registration is required. To access the dial-in details for each month visit our project homepage. All are invited to ask the project team questions and provide feedback! Schedule updates will be communicated as needed.
Questions? Please call the project hotline at 406-207-4484 operating Monday through Friday from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m., or email Takami at
September 24, 2021
The Montana Department of Transportation continues construction on the Kalispell Bypass – Foys Lake Road project this week. LHC crews are focusing on applying an aggregate treatment at Foys Lake Road and Valley View Drive as part of the paving process.
The detour is the same as the past few weeks. Vehicles will be detoured to the northbound on- and off-ramps and the roundabout on the Meridian Road side of the project. Traffic is still on track to be shifted towards the beginning of October. Stay tuned for more information on this next week.
Flaggers will be facilitating traffic through the work zone and speeds are reduced. Please continue to be kind when traveling through the construction site. MDT encourages you to watch for signs, detours, flaggers, equipment, rough roadway and other drivers. Account for 10-15 minutes of additional time when passing through the intersection.
Questions or concerns about construction? Join us during a virtual meeting!
The Montana Department of Transportation (MDT) and LHC team are holding virtual public meetings to answer questions about the Foys Lake Road Interchange construction. Join the team on the second Thursday of each month at 6 pm. The next meeting is Thursday, October 14 at 6pm. Meetings are held via Zoom. No registration is required. To access the dial-in details for each week click this link. All are invited to ask the project team questions and provide feedback! Schedule updates will be communicated as needed.
Questions? Please call 406-207-4484 or email
September 17, 2021
Roadwork continues on the Kalispell Bypass – Foys Lake Road Interchange project. The Montana Department of Transportation (MDT) and LHC anticipate most of construction to be completed in 2021. Crews will return briefly in 2022 to complete chip sealing and painting. Updates to come on any scheduling shifts.
This week, the MDT and LHC are finishing work on the overpass walls. In the coming weeks, drivers will notice work taking place on the overpass roadway that cars will eventually be driving on.
LHC is also finishing up concrete pours on sidewalk and curbs throughout the work zone. Drivers will also see workers and equipment placing topsoil and completing work on the southbound on- and off-ramps.
The detour is located in the same place as the past few weeks. Vehicles will be detoured to the northbound on- and off-ramps and the roundabout on the Meridian Road side of the project. Traffic will be shifted towards the beginning of October as construction progress. Updates will be communicated when this takes place.
Flaggers will be facilitating traffic through the work zone and speeds will be reduced. MDT encourages you to watch for signs, detours, flaggers, equipment, rough roadway, and other drivers. Account for 10-15 minutes of additional time when passing through the intersection.
Questions or concerns about construction? Join us during a virtual meeting!
The Montana Department of Transportation (MDT) and LHC team are holding virtual public meetings to answer questions about the Foys Lake Road Interchange construction. Join the team on the second Thursday of each month at 6 pm. The next meeting is Thursday, October 14 at 6pm. Meetings are held via Zoom. No registration is required. To access the dial-in details for each week click this link. All are invited to ask the project team questions and provide feedback! Schedule updates will be communicated as needed.
Questions? Please call 406-207-4484 or email
September 10, 2021
Exciting progress is being made on the Kalispell Bypass – Foys Lake Road interchange project!
This week, the Montana Department of Transportation and LHC have finished setting bridge beams on the overpass. Work continues on forming the overpass walls. Drivers will notice equipment and workers progressing on the overpass in the coming weeks.
In addition to this, LHC is focused on finishing up sidewalks, curbs, and connecting features throughout the work zone. For example, the Valley View connection and the southbound on-ramp to the Foys Lake side roundabout will soon be made.
Drivers will also notice topsoil placement and ditch work occurring throughout the construction zone.
Concrete placement will occur this week and in the weeks following as weather conditions allow.
Similar to past weeks, flaggers will be facilitating traffic through the work zone and speeds are reduced. The detour is located in the same place as the past few weeks. Vehicles will be detoured to the northbound on- and off-ramps and the roundabout on the Meridian Road side of the project.
Please continue to be kind when traveling through the construction site. MDT encourages you to watch for signs, detours, flaggers, equipment, rough roadway, and other drivers. Account for 10-15 minutes of additional time when passing through the intersection.
Questions or concerns about construction? Join us during a virtual meeting!
The Montana Department of Transportation (MDT) and LHC team are holding virtual public meetings to answer questions about the Foys Lake Road Interchange construction. Join the team on the second Thursday of each month at 6 pm. The next meeting is Thursday, October 14 at 6pm. Meetings are held via Zoom. No registration is required. To access the dial-in details for each week click this link. All are invited to ask the project team questions and provide feedback! Schedule updates will be communicated as needed.
Questions? Please call 406-207-4484 or email
September 3, 2021
Full road construction continues on the Kalispell Bypass – Foys Lake Road project. No work is occurring on Monday, September 6. The Montana Department of Transportation and LHC team are focusing roadwork on the overpass. This bridge will take regional traffic over the two roundabouts below upon completion.
This week, LHC will continue to set bridge beams on the overpass. In addition, crews are filling in material and completing the back walls of the structure. Large trucks will be moving in and out of the work zone to haul materials. Flaggers will be facilitating traffic.
The detour is located in the same place as the past few weeks. Vehicles will be detoured to the northbound on- and off-ramps and the roundabout on the Meridian Road side of the project.
As a reminder, please be kind when traveling through the work zone. We understand that construction can be frustrating and appreciate your patience in advance. MDT's goal is to create a safe and efficient construction site and to get you to your designation on time. Continue to watch for signs, detours, flaggers, equipment, rough roadway and other drivers. Account for 10-15 minutes of additional time when passing through the intersection.
August 27, 2021
The Montana Department of Transportation is grateful for your continued patience. We understand that there is a lot happening on the Kalispell Bypass – Foys Lake Road project. Crews are working to ensure drivers have a safe and efficient experience when traveling through the work zone.
This week, LHC will be setting bridge beams on the overpass. Once construction is majorly complete later this year, the overpass will ultimately be a bridge that allows travelers to pass over the two roundabouts below. Here is a link to an image that may be helpful when visualizing the final design. Drivers will notice trucks hauling beams on Tuesday, August 31 and Thursday, September 2 of next week. Flaggers will be facilitating traffic as trucks move this material in and out.
Drivers will experience the same detour as past weeks. Vehicles will be detoured to the northbound on- and off-ramps and the roundabout on the Meridian Road side of the project.
Please continue to watch for signs, detours, flaggers, equipment, rough roadway and other drivers. Please account for 10-15 minutes of additional time when passing through the intersection.
The Montana Department of Transportation (MDT) and LHC team are holding virtual public meetings to answer questions about the Foys Lake Road Interchange construction. Join the team on the second Thursday of each month at 6 pm. The next meeting is Thursday, September 9 at 6pm. Meetings are held via Zoom. No registration is required. To access the dial-in details for each week click this link. All are invited to ask the project team questions and provide feedback! Schedule updates will be communicated as needed.
Questions? Please call 406-207-4484 or email
August 20, 2021
Roadwork on the overpass continues on the Kalispell Bypass – Foys Lake Road Interchange project. Please continue to watch for signs, detours, flaggers, equipment, rough roadway and other drivers. Construction is currently on schedule to be majorly completed by the end of 2021.
Have you seen the Foys Lake Road construction video on the MDT webpage? If not, feel free to check out this link for a short video with details on the interchange.
Drivers will experience the same detour as past weeks. Vehicles will be detoured to the northbound on- and off-ramps and the roundabout on the Meridian Road side of the project. Please account for 10-15 minutes of additional time when passing through the intersection.
In addition to this, crews are continuing work on the new overpass including pipe installation and progress on surrounding curbs and sidewalks. In the beginning of September, crews will begin initial beam work on the overpass.
LHC crews are making fantastic headway on the interchange. We are excited to enter the end of summer and continue progressing the intersection forward!
The Montana Department of Transportation (MDT) and LHC team are holding virtual public meetings to answer questions about the Foys Lake Road Interchange construction. Join the team on the second Thursday of each month at 6 pm. The next meeting is Thursday, September 9 at 6pm. Meetings are held via Zoom. No registration is required. To access the dial-in details for each week click this link. All are invited to ask the project team questions and provide feedback! Schedule updates will be communicated as needed.
Questions? Please call 406-207-4484 or email
August 13, 2021
The Montana Department of Transportation and LHC appreciate your patience as full construction continues on the Kalispell Bypass – Foys Lake Road Interchange. We realize there is a lot going on in the area and are grateful for your attention to signs, workers, equipment and other drivers as you pass through the detour routes.
This week, crews are pouring concrete on the new overpass walls as well as on surrounding curb and sidewalks. In addition, earthwork is taking place to the north and south of the overpass bridge. Much of the work in the coming weeks will be focused on the overpass that will eventually take travelers over the two teardrop-shaped roundabouts.
Drivers will experience the same detour as last week. Vehicles will be directed to the northbound on- and off-ramps and the roundabout on the Meridian Road side of the project. Vehicles will continue to experience 10-15 minutes of delays when passing through the intersection. Please account for additional time during rush hour.
The Montana Department of Transportation (MDT) and LHC team are holding virtual public meetings to answer questions about the Foys Lake Road Interchange construction. Join the team on the second Thursday of each month at 6 pm. The next meeting is Thursday, September 9 at 6pm. Meetings are held via Zoom. No registration is required. To access the dial-in details for each week click this link. All are invited to ask the project team questions and provide feedback! Schedule updates will be communicated as needed.
Questions? Please call 406-207-4484 or email
August 6, 2021
Roadwork continues on the Kalispell Bypass – Foys Lake Road Interchange.
The Montana Department of Transportation (MDT) and LHC team are holding virtual public meetings to answer questions about the Foys Lake Road Interchange construction. Join the team on the second Thursday of each month at 6 pm. The next meeting is Thursday, August 12 at 6pm. Meetings are held via Zoom. No registration is required. To access the dial-in details for each week visit this project's home page. All are invited to ask the project team questions and provide feedback! Schedule updates will be communicated as needed.
Montana Department of Transportation (MDT) and LHC crews have added walls to the new overpass. In addition, earthwork and grading are taking place on the sides of the overpass bridge.
Drivers will experience the same detour as last week. Vehicles will be directed to the northbound on- and off-ramps and the roundabout on the Meridian Road side of the project. Vehicles will continue to experience 10-15 minutes of delays when passing through the intersection.
Similar to last week, you will continue to see wick drains being installed on the south side of the work zone. Wick drains are “straw-like” prefabricated drainage strips that are drilled vertically into the ground to act as drainage paths for removing excess water from the existing soft/clayey soils.
The bike path will be fully paved by the end of this week! Thank you for your patience here.
Please continue to be mindful of detours, signs, equipment and workers when traveling through the work zone.
If you missed it last week, District Administrator, Bob Vosen recently interviewed with KGEZ. Find out more about the Kalispell Bypass – Foys Lake Road Interchange project. This is a 15-minute clip.
Questions? Please call 406-207-4484 or email
July 30, 2021
Montana Department of Transportation (MDT) and LHC crews are continuing to add walls to the new overpass. In addition, drivers will notice workers and equipment near the base of the overpass preparing the area for construction. Once roadwork is complete, this overpass will allow for trucks and regional traffic to pass over the two roundabouts below, reducing congestion throughout the intersection.
Drivers will experience the same detour as last week. Vehicles will be directed to the northbound on- and off-ramps and the roundabout on the Meridian Road side of the project.
You will continue to see wick drains being installed on the south side of the work zone. Wick drains are “straw-like” prefabricated drainage strips that facilitate drainage of excess water from the existing soils.
Lastly, the bike path will be prepped next week for paving. The path will remain open. However, please anticipate delays.
Please continue to be mindful of detours, signs, equipment, and workers. We encourage you to go slow and pay attention to your surroundings. We understand there are a lot of elements to be aware of when passing through the work zone. Drivers will experience up to 10 minutes of delay.
District Administrator Bob Vosen recently interviewed with KGEZ. Click this link to hear more about the Kalispell Bypass – Foys Lake Road Interchange project. This is a 15-minute clip.
Also, have you checked out this video about the Foys Lake Road Interchange project? This provides a reminder of why this work is being completed. Follow this link to view!
The Montana Department of Transportation (MDT) and LHC Construction teams are holding virtual public meetings to answer questions about the Foys Lake Road Interchange construction. Join the team on the second Thursday of each month at 6pm. The next meeting is Thursday, August 12 at 6pm. Meetings are held via Zoom. No registration is required. To access the dial-in details for each week click this link. All are invited to ask the project team questions and provide feedback! Schedule updates will be communicated as needed.
Questions? Please call 406-207-4484 or email
July 23, 2021
The Montana Department of Transportation and LHC are continuing progress with construction on the Kalispell Bypass – Foys Lake Road Interchange. The majority of roadwork will be completed towards the end of 2021. Crews will then return briefly in spring or summer of 2022 to complete final chip sealing and painting.
This last week of July, drivers will experience the same detour as last week. Vehicles will be directed to the northbound on- and off-ramps and the roundabout on the Meridian Road side of the project.
Travelers will also continue to notice crews installing walls for the work zone. The overpass will go into full construction later this summer.
You may also see wick drains being installed on the south side of the work zone. Wick drains are "straw-like" prefabricated drainage strips that are drilled vertically into the ground to act as drainage paths for removing excess water from the existing soft/clayey soils.
Lastly, asphalt will be placed on the bike path to tie this into the project. The bike path will remain open with a detour. However, please anticipate delays.
Thank you for your patience with this ongoing, large construction project. Please continue to be mindful of detours, signs, equipment and workers. We encourage you to go slow and pay attention to your surroundings. Drivers will experience up to 10 minutes of delay when passing through the intersection due to the detour configuration and reduced speeds.
The Montana Department of Transportation (MDT) and LHC Construction teams are holding virtual public meetings to answer questions about the Foys Lake Road Interchange construction. Join the team on the second Thursday of each month at 6pm. The next meeting is Thursday, August 12 at 6pm. Meetings are held via Zoom. No registration is required. To access the dial-in details for each week click this link. All are invited to ask the project team questions and provide feedback! Schedule updates will be communicated as needed.
Questions? Please call 406-207-4484 or email
July 16, 2021
Thank you for your patience and understanding as the Montana Department of Transportation (MDT) and LHC continue roadwork on the Kalispell Bypass – Foys Lake Road Interchange.
Drivers will now be shifted to a detour on the northbound on- and off-ramps and the roundabout on the Meridian Road side of the project.
Travelers will notice crews installing walls for the overpass. The overpass will go into full construction later this summer.
Pipe and drainage work is almost complete. In addition, the roundabout on the Foys Lake side of the project is almost done being paved! Great progress is being made on all fronts.
Lastly, next week the southbound off-ramp is being paved and the bike path will be tied into the project.
With changing traffic patterns, please be mindful of flaggers, equipment and signs as you drive through the work zone.
On behalf of MDT, we are excited to share with you a video about the Foys Lake Road Interchange. This video provides a reminder of why this work is being completed. Follow this link to view!
The Montana Department of Transportation (MDT) and LHC Construction teams are holding virtual public meetings to answer questions about the Foys Lake Road Interchange construction. Join the team on the second Thursday of each month at 6pm. The next meeting is Thursday, August 12 at 6pm. Meetings are held via Zoom. No registration is required. To access the dial-in details for each week click this link. All are invited to ask the project team questions and provide feedback! Schedule updates will be communicated as needed.
Questions? Please call 406-207-4484 or email
July 9, 2021
LHC continues to make great progress on the Kalispell Bypass – Foys Lake Road interchange project. The majority of construction will be completed by the end of 2021 with crews returning briefly in spring of 2022 for final touches.
Drivers will experience a major traffic shift the week of July 12.
Travelers passing through the work zone will be directed onto the ramps as opposed to through the roundabout configurations. Flaggers and signs will be present. Speeds will continue to be reduced. Though traffic is generally kept moving through the intersection, please anticipate at least a few minutes of delay.
With the traffic shift in mind, please be extra watchful of workers, equipment, signs, and other drivers.
In addition, this week, workers will be paving the roundabout on the Foys Lake Road side of the interchange. Soon, the on- and off- ramps will also be paved. Drivers will also notice walls being installed for the overpass that will go into full construction later this summer.
The Montana Department of Transportation (MDT) and LHC Construction team is holding virtual public meetings to answer questions about the Foys Lake Road Interchange construction. Join the team on the second Thursday of each month at 6pm. The next meeting is Thursday, August 12 at 6pm. Meetings are held via Zoom. No registration is required. To access the dial-in details for each week click this link. All are invited to ask the project team questions and provide feedback! Schedule updates will be communicated as needed.
Questions? Please call 406-207-4484 or email
July 2, 2021
Construction crews will be off the road on Friday, July 2 after 3 p.m. Workers will not be present this weekend through Monday, July 5. No road closures will occur. LHC will be hard at work to ensure the construction zone is smooth, safe and efficient in preparation for holiday travelling.
Beginning Tuesday, July 6, work will continue on the Kalispell Bypass – Foys Lake Road Interchange. Drivers will notice concrete pouring around the new tear-drop shaped roundabouts as well as temporary gravel being placed on the new interchange ramps within the work zone.
In addition, gravel and asphalt paving will be taking place on the northbound ramps.
As a reminder, after the holiday weekend, the traffic control and configuration will change due to these major construction milestones. Drivers will be directed to new routes via signs and flaggers in order for LHC crews to begin work on new sections of the road.
Please be extra mindful of flaggers, workers, equipment, and signs around the work zone. Stay safe if you are traveling for the holiday!
If you missed it last week, District 1 Administrator, Bob Vosen, recently was interviewed on KGEZ about construction projects occurring in the Flathead Valley. He discusses the Kalispell Bypass and other local projects. Here is a link if you are interested in listening []!
Do you have questions about construction on the Kalispell Bypass? The Montana Department of Transportation (MDT) and LHC Construction team is holding virtual public meetings to answer questions about the Foys Lake Road Interchange construction. Join the team on the second Thursday of each month at 6 p.m. (July 8, August 12 etc.). Meetings are held via Zoom. No registration is required. To access the dial-in details for each week click this link. All are invited to ask the project team questions and provide feedback! Schedule updates will be communicated as needed.
Questions? Please call 406-207-4484 or email
June 25, 2021
This week, on the Kalispell Bypass – Foys Lake Road Interchange, drivers will notice LHC crews completing groundwork on the western tear-drop shaped roundabout. This is in preparation for concrete pouring. In addition, earthwork is also occurring on the northbound off-ramp.
Towards the end of next week, workers will be paving the northbound on- and off- ramp as well as the tie in to Meridian Road. MDT is looking forward to smooth asphalt for commuters! Delays will be similar to past weeks. Please account for at least a few minutes of delay due to reduced speeds through the work zone.
After the holiday weekend, the traffic control and configuration will change due to these major construction milestones. Drivers will be directed to new routes via signs and flaggers in order for LHC crews to begin work on new sections of the road. Keep an eye out for traffic control updates here on the project webpage.
MDT reminds drivers to be watchful of flaggers, workers, equipment, and signs around the work zone.
District 1 Administrator, Bob Vosen, recently was interviewed on KGEZ about construction projects occurring in the Flathead Valley. He discusses the Kalispell Bypass and other local projects. Here is a link if you are interested in listening []!
Do you have questions about construction on the Kalispell Bypass? The Montana Department of Transportation (MDT) and LHC Construction team is holding virtual public meetings to answer questions about the Foys Lake Road Interchange construction. Join the team on the second Thursday of each month at 6 p.m. (July 8, August 12 etc.). Meetings are held via Zoom. No registration is required. To access the dial-in details for each week click this link. All are invited to ask the project team questions and provide feedback! Schedule updates will be communicated as needed.
Questions? Please call 406-207-4484 or email
June 18, 2021
This week, as the weather has cleared, the ground and materials have dried allowing the Montana Department of Transportation (MDT) and LHC to make great progress on Kalispell Bypass – Foys Lake Road project.
This week, drivers can expect to see crews continuing to haul gravel on the western roundabout. This is in preparation for concrete being poured here. In addition, workers are beginning initial work to eventually connect the western and eastern tear-drop shaped roundabouts. Lastly, the northbound off-ramp will soon be tied into the configuration as well.
In the coming weeks, the traffic control and configuration will change due to these major construction milestones. Drivers will be directed to new routes via signs and flaggers in order for LHC crews to begin work on new sections of the road. Updates are to come.
MDT reminds drivers to be watchful of flaggers, workers, equipment and signs as you travel through the work zone. If you are interested in more details about how to drive a roundabout or roundabout reminders, please visit this link.
Click this link to visit the MDT Kalispell Project map for a useful visual on all 2021 projects occurring in the area.
Do you have questions about construction on the Kalispell Bypass? The Montana Department of Transportation (MDT) and LHC Construction team is holding virtual public meetings to answer questions about the Foys Lake Road Interchange construction. Join the team on the second Thursday of each month at 6 p.m. (July 8, August 12 etc.). Meetings are held via Zoom. No registration is required. To access the dial-in details for each week click this link. All are invited to ask the project team questions and provide feedback! Schedule updates will be communicated as needed.
Questions? Please call 406-207-4484 or email
June 11, 2021
The Montana Department of Transportation (MDT) and LHC Construction are appreciative of your patience as they work to create a smooth travel experience through the work zone.
This past week, LHC Crews experienced a bit of a delay due to wet weather conditions. Drivers may notice equipment in place to dry the ground.
Once the weather clears, workers will be continuing earthwork on the northbound on- and off-ramps. In addition, crews are moving forward with gravel and grading work on the Foys Lake side of the Bypass. This is in preparation for the western tear-drop shaped roundabout. Lastly, concrete pouring is almost complete on the Meridian Road side of the Bypass. Travelers will see a nearly complete tear-drop shaped roundabout on that eastern side.
As construction moves forward on schedule, updates are to come detailing new traffic alignments. There will likely be a fair amount of impact to traffic in the coming weeks. We will keep you updated on what to expect!
Please continue to be mindful of detours, gravel roadways, flaggers and signs especially as vacation and summer travel picks up in the next few months.
Click this link to visit the MDT Kalispell Project map for a useful visual on all 2021 projects occurring in the area.
Do you have questions about construction on the Kalispell Bypass? The Montana Department of Transportation (MDT) and LHC Construction team is holding virtual public meetings to answer questions about the Foys Lake Road Interchange construction. Join the team on the second Thursday of each month at 6 p.m. (July 8, August 12 etc.). Meetings are held via Zoom. No registration is required. To access the dial-in details for each week click this link. All are invited to ask the project team questions and provide feedback! Schedule updates will be communicated as needed.
Questions? Please call 406-207-4484 or email
June 4, 2021
There are quite a few roadwork projects happening in Kalispell this year! If you haven’t already, Click this link to visit the MDT Kalispell Project Map for a useful visual on all 2021 projects occurring in the area.
The Montana Department of Transportation (MDT) and LHC Construction are continuing work on the two new tear-drop shaped roundabouts. This week, drivers will notice workers pouring concrete into the eastern roundabout near Meridian Road. In addition, utility work is almost completed on the western side of the interchange. LHC crews are also grading the northbound on-ramp and will soon move to the off-ramp.
MDT is grateful for your patience as they work hard to create a seamless and efficient construction zone. Throughout construction, the goal is always to help you get to your destination safely and as quickly as possible. When traveling, please be mindful of detours, gravel roadways, flaggers and signs.
Do you have questions about construction on the Kalispell Bypass? The Montana Department of Transportation (MDT) and LHC Construction team is holding virtual public meetings to answer questions about the Foys Lake Road Interchange construction. Join the team on the second Thursday of each month at 6 p.m. (June 10, July 8, etc.). Meetings are held via Zoom. No registration is required. To access the dial-in details for each week click this link. All are invited to ask the project team questions and provide feedback! Schedule updates will be communicated as needed.
Questions? Please call 406-207-4484 or email
May 28, 2021
Unpredictable spring rain has caused a minor delay in construction on the Kalispell Bypass – Foys Lake Road Interchange project. However, the Montana Department of Transportation (MDT) and LHC Construction are making great progress and continue to make strides forward each day.
When driving through the intersection this week, please remember to be cautious of detours, flaggers, equipment and signs.
Similar to last week, MDT and LHC Construction crews remain on the east side of the Bypass near Meridian Road. Here, the team is pouring concrete to create the first of two tear-drop shaped roundabouts. In addition to this, crews are continuing to haul material and complete pipework on the eastern side of the Bypass. Drivers will also observe earthwork occurring on the northbound and southbound ramps.
Due to rainy conditions, travelers may expect additional equipment in the construction zone to help dry out the area.
Curious about all of the roadwork projects happening in Kalispell? Click this link to visit the MDT Kalispell Project Map for a useful visual on all 2021 projects. On behalf of the Montana Department of Transportation, we wish you a safe and fun Memorial Day weekend. Please be cautious of work zones and prepare for delays when travelling through Kalispell construction projects.
Questions about Kalispell Bypass construction? The Montana Department of Transportation (MDT) and LHC Construction team are holding virtual public meetings to answer questions about the Foys Lake Road Interchange construction. Join the team at 6 pm every other Thursday (May 27, June 10 etc.). Meetings are held via Zoom. No registration is required. To access the dial-in details for each week visit our project page. All are invited to ask the project team questions and provide feedback!
Questions? Please call 406-207-4484 or email
May 21, 2021
The Montana Department of Transportation and LHC Construction are grateful for your patience as road work continues on the Kalispell Bypass – Foys Lake Road Interchange. Crews are working each day to make your commute as smooth and efficient as possible.
This week, MDT and LHC Construction crews remain on the east side of the Bypass near Meridian Road. Here, the team will soon be pouring concrete. In addition to this, crews are hauling material and completing pipe work on the western side of the Bypass. This is all in preparation for the two new tear-drop shaped roundabouts. Lastly, drivers will also notice crews working on the northbound and southbound ramps.
Please be cautious of detours, signs, workers and equipment when driving through the area. Drivers can expect reduced speeds and detours.
As many understand, there are quite a few active projects occurring in Kalispell this year. Click this link to visit the MDT Kalispell Project Map for a useful visual on all 2021 projects.
Questions about Kalispell Bypass construction? The Montana Department of Transportation (MDT) and LHC Construction team are holding virtual public meetings to answer questions about the Foys Lake Road Interchange construction. Join the team at 6 pm every other Thursday (May 27, June 10 etc.). Meetings are held via Zoom. No registration is required. To access the dial-in details for each week visit our project page. All are invited to ask the project team questions and provide feedback!
Questions? Please call 406-207-4484 or email
May 14, 2021
As we enter mid-May, the Montana Department of Transportation (MDT) and LHC Construction are hard at work on the Kalispell Bypass – Foys Lake Road Interchange.
When driving through the work zone, drivers can expect reduced speeds and detours. All roadways will be open at all times throughout the entire construction season.
This week, MDT and LHC Construction crews remain on the east side of the Bypass near Meridian Road. Here, the team is continuing to haul material and complete earthwork for the new eastern roundabout. In addition, drivers will notice crews completing utility and earthwork on the southbound -on and -off ramp in preparation for embankment, or foundation soil, placement.
MDT reminds travelers to please be watchful of posted signage, detours, other drivers and workers in the construction zone.
Questions about Kalispell Bypass construction? The Montana Department of Transportation (MDT) and LHC Construction team are holding virtual public meetings to answer questions about the Foys Lake Road Interchange construction. Join the team at 6 pm every other Thursday (May 27, June 10 etc.). Meetings are held via Zoom. No registration is required. To access the dial-in details for each week visit our project page. All are invited to ask the project team questions and provide feedback!
Questions? Please call 406-207-4484 or email
May 7, 2021
Questions about Kalispell Bypass construction? The Montana Department of Transportation (MDT) and LHC Construction team are holding virtual public meetings to answer questions about the Foys Lake Road Interchange construction. Join the team at 6 pm every other Thursday (May 13, May 27, etc.). Meetings are held via Zoom. No registration is required. To access the dial-in details for each week click this link. All are invited to ask the project team questions and provide feedback!
This week on the Kalispell Bypass – Foys Lake Road Interchange, speeds remain at 35 MPH. Please continue to expect delays and be mindful of changing detours. Detours will route drivers through the existing roundabout and shoofly configuration. MDT reminds travelers to please be mindful of posted signage and workers in the construction zone.
MDT and LHC Construction crews remain on the east side of the Bypass near Meridian Road. Here, the team is hauling material and completing earthwork. This is in preparation for the new eastern tear-drop shaped roundabout. In the coming week or two, drivers may also notice trucks hauling gravel into the work zone.
Crews remain present Mondays through Saturdays.
Please reach out with any questions! Need a refresher on what the final configuration will look like? Click this link for a detailed photo.
Questions? Please call 406-207-4484 or email
April 30, 2021
As a reminder, the Montana Department of Transportation and LHC Construction team are holding virtual public meetings to answer questions about the Foys Lake Road Interchange. Join the team at 6 pm every other Thursday (May 13, May 27, etc.). Meetings are held via Zoom. No registration is required. To access the dial-in details for each week click this link. All are invited to ask the project team questions and provide feedback!
Roadwork continues this week on the Kalispell Bypass – Foys Lake Road Interchange. MDT and LHC Construction crews are completing earthwork and hauling materials on the east side of the Bypass near Meridian Road. This is the groundwork for the new eastern tear-drop shaped roundabout.
Travelers will continue to notice detours through the existing roundabout as well as a shoofly, a roadway constructed to the north of the original Foys Lake Road roundabout that is diverting traffic as the new roundabouts are constructed. These various traffic redirections are occurring due to utility relocations and earthwork.
Speeds remain at 35 MPH. Please expect delays when driving through the work zone. Crews remain present Mondays through Saturdays. Roadways on the Bypass from all directions will be open throughout construction.
The Montana Department of Transportation reminds drivers to be mindful of signs, workers, equipment and directions when navigating new traffic configurations.
Questions? Please call 406-207-4484 or email
The Department of Transportation will make reasonable accommodations for persons with disabilities who wish to participate in this weekly public meeting or need an alternative accessible format of this notice. If you require an accommodation, contact the Department of Transportation no later than Tuesday, April 6 at 10 am MST, to advise us of the nature of the accommodation that you need. Please contact Matt Maze, Office of Civil Rights, P.O. Box 201001, Helena, Montana 59620; telephone (406) 444-5416; Montana Relay 711; facsimile (406) 444-7243; or e-mail to
April 23, 2021
The Kalispell Bypass – Foys Lake Road interchange project progresses this week. The Montana Department of Transportation (MDT) thanks residents and travelers for their patience.
Similar to last week, the MDT and LHC Construction crews continue with earthwork on the northbound on- and off- Bypass ramps.
In addition, the shoofly, a roadway constructed to the north of the existing Foys Lake Road roundabout is complete. This will divert traffic as the new Foys Lake Road roundabouts are constructed. Travelers may also notice detours through the existing roundabout throughout the week. These various traffic redirections are occurring due to utility relocations.
As a reminder, please anticipate delays when driving through the work zone. Speeds are 35 MPH. Crews remain present Mondays through Saturdays. Bike path access will be maintained throughout construction.
The Montana Department of Transportation reminds drivers to be mindful of signs and directions when navigating new traffic configurations.
Next week is National Work Zone Awareness Week. Please be cautious as you approach work zones and take note of workers and equipment. Pay attention, slow down, wear your seatbelt, don’t drive impaired and be extra cautious as you pass through! Thank you.
The MDT team is hosting virtual public meetings to ensure that all of your questions are answered during construction. To ensure all residents can attend, we have changed the time of these virtual meetings! Join us at 6 pm every other Thursday starting April 29. Meetings are held via Zoom. No registration is required. To access the dial-in details for each week click this link. All are invited to ask the project team questions and provide feedback!
Questions? Please call 406-207-4484 or email
The Department of Transportation will make reasonable accommodations for persons with disabilities who wish to participate in this weekly public meeting or need an alternative accessible format of this notice. If you require an accommodation, contact the Department of Transportation no later than Tuesday, April 6 at 10 am MST, to advise us of the nature of the accommodation that you need. Please contact Matt Maze, Office of Civil Rights, P.O. Box 201001, Helena, Montana 59620; telephone (406) 444-5416; Montana Relay 711; facsimile (406) 444-7243; or e-mail to
April 16, 2021
This week, road work continues on the Kalispell Bypass – Foys Lake Road interchange. The Montana Department of Transportation reminds drivers to go slow and watch for workers and equipment throughout the work zone.
Similar to last week, the Montana Department of Transportation and LHC Construction crews continue with earthwork to prepare the base for both the new southbound and northbound Bypass ramps. Drivers will notice equipment and workers south of the current roundabout where they will be placing drainage gravel over the recently installed geotechnical drain features. In addition, this week, crews are completing utility relocations.
Speeds in the work zone are 35 MPH. Crews are present Mondays through Saturdays. Bike path access will be maintained throughout construction.
Lastly, LHC crews have begun initial construction on the shoofly, which will be roadway constructed to the north of the existing Foys Lake Road roundabout to help divert traffic as the new Foys Lake Road roundabouts are constructed in future weeks.
Questions? Join the project team for a virtual meeting. MDT invites you to attend a virtual public meeting every Thursday at noon via Zoom. No registration is required. To access the dial-in details for each week click this link. All members of the public are encouraged to attend to ask questions and learn more about construction plans for the coming week.
Questions? Please call 406-207-4484 or email
The Department of Transportation will make reasonable accommodations for persons with disabilities who wish to participate in this weekly public meeting or need an alternative accessible format of this notice. If you require an accommodation, contact the Department of Transportation no later than Tuesday, April 6 at 10 am MST, to advise us of the nature of the accommodation that you need. Please contact Matt Maze, Office of Civil Rights, P.O. Box 201001, Helena, Montana 59620; telephone (406) 444-5416; Montana Relay 711; facsimile (406) 444-7243; or e-mail to
April 9, 2021
Thank you, Flathead Valley residents for your patience during construction. Work continues on the Kalispell Bypass – Foys Lake Road interchange.
Foys Lake Road Interchange will remain open to drivers from all directions, all hours of the day. However, delays are to be expected.
This week, the Montana Department of Transportation and LHC Construction continue with earthwork to prepare the base for both the new southbound and northbound Bypass ramps. Drivers will also notice equipment and workers south of the current roundabout throughout the week, where they will be installing geotechnical features to help improve the condition of the existing soil. Speeds in the work zone are 35 MPH.
Work will also be occurring on the bike path including construction of a temporary path. Access will be maintained.
As a reminder, crews also plan to work Saturdays to maintain an accelerated construction schedule.
As mentioned in previous week’s updates, LHC crews have begun initial construction on the shoofly, which will be roadway constructed to the north of the existing Foys Lake Road roundabout to help divert traffic as the new Foys Lake Road roundabouts are constructed in future weeks.
Please be watchful of workers and equipment on and beside the roadway and feel welcome to reach out with questions.
Questions? Join the project team for a virtual meeting. MDT invites you to attend a virtual public meeting every Thursday at noon via Zoom. No registration is required. To access the dial-in details for each week see out Public Involvement page. All members of the public are encouraged to attend to ask questions and learn more about construction plans for the coming week.
Questions? Please call 406-207-4484 or email
The Department of Transportation will make reasonable accommodations for persons with disabilities who wish to participate in this weekly public meeting or need an alternative accessible format of this notice. If you require an accommodation, contact the Department of Transportation no later than Tuesday, April 6 at 10 am MST, to advise us of the nature of the accommodation that you need. Please contact Matt Maze, Office of Civil Rights, P.O. Box 201001, Helena, Montana 59620; telephone (406) 444-5416; Montana Relay 711; facsimile (406) 444-7243; or e-mail to
April 2, 2021
Construction continues on the Kalispell Bypass – Foys Lake Road interchange. The Montana Department of Transportation (MDT) is grateful for drivers’ patience as crews dive into full road construction.
This week, MDT and LHC Construction will continue with earthwork to prepare the base for the new southbound Bypass ramp. Drivers will notice equipment and workers south of the current roundabout throughout the week, where they will be installing geotechnical features to help improve the condition of the existing soil. Speeds in the work zone are 35 MPH. Drivers can anticipate delays.
Some work will also occur on the bike path and access will be maintained.
Crews also plan to work Saturdays to maintain an accelerated construction schedule.
As mentioned in previous week’s updates, LHC crews will soon begin initial construction on the shoofly, which will be roadway constructed to the north of the existing Foys Lake Road roundabout to help divert traffic as the new Foys Lake Road roundabouts are constructed in future weeks.
Travelers are reminded to please be watchful of workers and equipment on and beside the roadway.
Have you joined us for a virtual meeting yet? MDT invites you to attend a virtual public meeting every Thursday at noon am via Zoom. No registration is required. To access the dial-in details for each week see out Public Involvement page. All members of the public are encouraged to attend to ask questions and learn more about construction plans for the coming week.
Questions? Please call 406-207-4484 or email
The Department of Transportation will make reasonable accommodations for persons with disabilities who wish to participate in this weekly public meeting or need an alternative accessible format of this notice. If you require an accommodation, contact the Department of Transportation no later than Tuesday, April 6 at 10 am MST, to advise us of the nature of the accommodation that you need. Please contact Matt Maze, Office of Civil Rights, P.O. Box 201001, Helena, Montana 59620; telephone (406) 444-5416; Montana Relay 711; facsimile (406) 444-7243; or e-mail to
March 26, 2021
Construction continues on the Kalispell Bypass – Foys Lake Road interchange. The Montana Department of Transportation (MDT) is grateful for drivers’ patience as crews dive into full road construction.
This week, MDT and LHC Construction will continue with earthwork to prepare the base for the new southbound Bypass ramp. Drivers will notice equipment and workers south of the current roundabout throughout the week, where they will be installing geotechnical features to help improve the condition of the existing soil. Speeds in the work zone are 35 MPH. Drivers can anticipate delays.
Crews also plan to work Saturdays to maintain an accelerated construction schedule.
As mentioned, last week, LHC crews will soon begin initial construction on the shoofly, which will be roadway constructed to the north of the existing Foys Lake Road roundabout to help divert traffic as the new Foys Lake Road roundabouts are constructed in future weeks.
Travelers are reminded to please be watchful of workers and equipment on and beside the roadway.
Have you joined us for a virtual meeting yet? MDT invites you to attend a virtual public meeting every Thursday from 10 am – 10:30 am via Zoom. No registration is required. To access the dial-in details for each week click this link. All members of the public are encouraged to attend to ask questions and learn more about construction plans for the coming week.
Questions? Please call 406-207-4484 or email
The Department of Transportation will make reasonable accommodations for persons with disabilities who wish to participate in this weekly public meeting or need an alternative accessible format of this notice. If you require an accommodation, contact the Department of Transportation no later than Tuesday, March 30 at 10 am MST, to advise us of the nature of the accommodation that you need. Please contact Matt Maze, Office of Civil Rights, P.O. Box 201001, Helena, Montana 59620; telephone (406) 444-5416; Montana Relay 711; facsimile (406) 444-7243; or e-mail to
March 19, 2021
This week, the Montana Department of Transportation (MDT) in partnership with LHC Construction continue work on the Foys Lake Road Interchange. Thank you for your continued patience and understanding.
This coming week, crews will be continuing embankment, or foundation soil, shoulder work on the Bypass on and off ramps. In addition, LHC crews will begin initial construction on the shoofly, which will be roadway constructed to the north of the existing Foys Lake Road roundabout to help divert traffic as the new roundabouts are constructed in future weeks. Drivers will notice flaggers present throughout the work zone and will experience delays of up to 15 minutes during peak traffic.
Speeds have been reduced to 35 miles per hour throughout the work zone. Crews also plan to work Saturdays to maintain an accelerated construction schedule.
MDT is hosting virtual public meetings every Thursday from 10 am – 10:30 am via Zoom. No registration is required. To access the dial-in details for each week click here. We understand that roundabouts often require a learning curve. If you are interested, please follow this link to browse MDT resources on how to drive a roundabout and supporting information on roundabout safety.
Questions? Please call 406-207-4484 or email
The Department of Transportation will make reasonable accommodations for persons with disabilities who wish to participate in this weekly public meeting or need an alternative accessible format of this notice. If you require an accommodation, contact the Department of Transportation no later than Tuesday, March 23 at 10 am MST, to advise us of the nature of the accommodation that you need. Please contact Matt Maze, Office of Civil Rights, P.O. Box 201001, Helena, Montana 59620; telephone (406) 444-5416; Montana Relay 711; facsimile (406) 444-7243; or e-mail to
March 12, 2021
The Montana Department of Transportation (MDT) in partnership with LHC Construction have begun work on the Foys Lake Road Interchange. This coming week, drivers can anticipate continued shoulder work and crews moving topsoil and utilities. Crews will be removing the existing curbs and sidewalks next week. Traffic control with flaggers will be present for this work and drivers may experience delays of up to 15 minutes during peak traffic.
Speeds have been reduced to 35 miles per hour throughout the mile and a half work zone. Please slow and be mindful of workers in the area. Everyone’s safety is our top priority. Alternate routes are suggested where possible.
Crews also plan to work Saturdays to maintain an accelerated construction schedule.
As a reminder, MDT is hosting virtual public meetings every Thursday from 10 am – 10:30 am via Zoom. No registration is required. Access the dial-in details for each week. MDT encourages all members of the public to attend to learn about construction updates for each upcoming week and to ask the project team questions.
If you have any questions, please call 406-207-4484 or email . If you are interested in receiving text updates, text FOYSLAKE to 41411.
March 5, 2021
The Montana Department of Transportation (MDT) in partnership with LHC Construction have begun initial work on the Foys Lake Road Interchange. This coming week, drivers can anticipate shoulder work and crews moving topsoil and utilities. Weather permitting, crews will be removing the existing luminaires next week. Traffic control with flaggers will be present for this work and drivers may experience short delays to assure safe passage when the poles are lowered. Travelers may also notice signage posted on the sides of the roadway. This is in preparation for full construction in the coming weeks.
In addition, LHC crews have begun setting up the staging area for equipment near the Foys Lake Road intersection. The public will be notified each week via email and the webpage as work progresses. Thank you for your patience and understanding as MDT works to provide a safe and efficient travel experience for the community.
As a reminder, MDT is hosting virtual public meetings every Thursday from 10 am – 10:30 am via Zoom. No registration is required. Access the dial-in details for each week. MDT encourages all members of the public to attend to learn about construction updates for each upcoming week and to ask the project team questions.
If you have any questions, please 406-207-4484 or email . If you are interested in receiving text updates, text FOYSLAKE to 41411.
February 26, 2021
The Montana Department of Transportation (MDT) begins construction on the Kalispell Bypass – Foys Lake Road Interchange on March 1, 2021, weather permitting. Crews will be present March through November of 2021. The current roundabout configuration will be removed and replaced with a full interchange.
MDT and their partners, KLJ Engineering and LHC Construction, have engaged in months of analysis, design, and gathering public feedback to provide Flathead County with the best intersection improvement option. The existing roundabout at Foys Lake Road will be removed and replaced with an interchange consisting of an overpass and four access ramps. Two roundabouts will be constructed where the ramps intersect with Foys Lake Road. The two roundabouts will only carry local and residential traffic volumes. The Bypass will carry high-speed regional traffic over Foys Lake, reducing congestion currently in the area.
In the initial phase of construction this spring, drivers should expect delays. However, no delays are anticipated next week. In the coming weeks, crews will begin by relocating utilities and constructing a shared use-path and sidewalk. Ramp construction will be the focus of early work efforts. As construction continues in the coming months, regular updates will be communicated via the web page, email, text and social media so that drivers can know what to expect.
As a reminder, weekly public meetings begin Thursday, March 4 at 10am. No registration is required. Details available at this link.
Those who have questions please contact or by calling the project hotline at 406-207-4484 during business hours.
February 12, 2021
Kalispell Bypass - Foys Lake Road
Public Virtual Open House
Thursday, February 25, 2021
10 a.m. and 5:30 p.m.
Online via Zoom
The Montana Department of Transportation (MDT) invites all to attend an open house discussing plans and traffic control details for Foys Lake Road Interchange on the Kalispell Bypass. On Thursday, February 25 MDT will host two virtual open houses via Zoom; one from 10 a.m. to 11:30 a.m. and the other 5:30 p.m. to 7p.m. MST. During this time, the project team will review plans and answer questions. Registration is required to receive access to the virtual open house.
Register for the Open House on Thurs., Feb. 25 10 a.m. with zoom.
Register for the Open House on Thurs., Feb. 25 at 5:30 p.m. with zoom.
Full roadway construction is expected to begin at this intersection March 1, 2021, weather permitting. The open house will be the best opportunity for the public to learn about the project, refresh their memories on the design, review traffic plans and provide feedback. The project team will be able to answer questions and discuss what to expect throughout the construction process.
The goal for the Kalispell Bypass – Foys Lake Road Interchange project is to provide a safer and less congested intersection for the community.
Public input is an important component of all road projects. Those who would like regular updates or cannot attend the open house can still provide comments or ask questions by contacting or by calling the project hotline at 406-207-4484 during business hours.
January 22, 2021
Kalispell Bypass - Foys Lake Road Interchange: Construction + Open House Notice
The Montana Department of Transportation (MDT) and LHC Construction are beginning roadwork on the Kalispell Bypass – Foys Lake Road Interchange project beginning March 1, weather permitting. Construction will continue through the majority of 2021 with final work completed in the spring of 2022.
The project team invites you to a virtual open house occurring Thursday, February 25 at 10 am and again 5:30 pm MDT. During these times, the project team will discuss the construction schedule and traffic control plans for the upcoming year. Questions and feedback are welcome. Both meetings will provide the same content.
Register for the Open House on Thurs., Feb. 25 10 a.m. with zoom.
Register for the Open House on Thurs., Feb. 25 at 5:30 p.m. with zoom.
Once full construction begins, the current roundabout at Foys Lake Road will be removed and replaced with a full interchange. Notification of construction activities will be given prior to traffic impacts this spring. For details on the traffic plans for each phase of construction, visit slides six through nine from the past Foys Lake Road open house.
Prior to spring construction, residents and travelers will experience limited interruptions or delays due to utility relocation work. MDT will provide regular updates and more detailed information as full construction approaches.
MDT is looking forward to creating a long-term safety solution for efficient travel in the Flathead Valley.
If you have any questions, please call 406-207-4484 or email . Please text FOYSLAKE to 41411 for text message updates.