Many experts consider involving the public through various community engagement techniques as a critical element of any visioning and goal setting process. Regional visioning is a way to bring people together on the subject of land use and its impacts upon the transportation system. The traditional planning process involves first, planning a project, then, determining funding, and finally, building or implementation. Visioning improves upon this process by preceding these steps with others that identify a community's shared values, and envision how those values can be embodied in the future growth of the community. Following the establishment of a vision, the community can use planning tools to identify goals, objectives, and an action plan for moving the vision forward. The following tools can be used to help a community establish a vision and set goals for the future.
- Charrettes
- Visioning & Scenario Planning
- Visualization
- Workshops
- Shared Development of Plans & Policies
Case studies that feature visioning and goal setting tools include the following: