The automobile is not the only form of transportation available. As an awareness of environmental stewardship grows, fuel prices escalate, and as the population increases, many experts encourage planners to consider alternative forms of transportation. Planning for pedestrians, bicyclists and transit riders is the first step in encouraging alternative travel modes. The following transportation planning strategies can help promote walking, biking, and transit as well as integrate such travel modes into the local community planning realm.
- Visualization
- Workshops
- Resource & Funding Coordination
- Shared Development of Plan & Policies
- Growth Policies
- Concurrency & Adequate Public Facilities (APF) Ordinances
- Access Management
- Roadway Design Manuals & Guidelines
- Multimodal Street Classification Systems
- Pedestrian and Bicycle Facilities and Trails (Multimodal Transportation Infrastructure)
- Tax Increment Financing
- Urban Transportation Districts
- Parking Benefit Districts
- Density Awards & Bonuses
- Multimodal Analysis
Case studies that feature tools for alternative forms of transportation include the following: